Its my birthday and im alone

Its my birthday and im alone.
Please cheer me up \b\ros.

How old are you user?


Turned 19.

Happy birthday user, I hope you have a good day

Thanks user it means a lot to me.

Happy Birthday user!

just cry yourself to sleep kek

just kidding happy birthday user

Thanks user.

Will probably do it,thanks.

Birthdays only get worse. Time to be a big boy and let go of those childish expectations. Happy birthday faggot, hope you don't kill yourself before 21.

21 is the fun one. You can just go out drinking and shit.

Buy roofies/chloroform and have a little fun.

Happy birthday user


I dont have any expectations anymore.
I get up,work 10 hours,drink myself to sleep,its been like that for 2 years.
I dont know,i kinda hoped things will get better after the new year but as expected it got only worse.

Thanks for the tip,will consider it.

Thanks user.

Happy birthday, here's your gift

It's probably a shit birthday, but I sincerely hope the year to come will fulfill you with joy and happiness, and that your next birthday will be nice


Thanks user for the kind words,but as the days go i am losing hope for anyhing.

Let's turn that friends upside down

Where are you from user?

that's okay don't worry, it's the same for most of us here.
It's normal to lose hope when you understand how sad life is, but there's one thing that I do to cheer myself up, and I advise you to do the same : sleep a lot, and dream. It hurts when you wake up but it makes you feel a little better when it's time to go to sleep because there's a chance you'll dream about something enjoyable for a moment, making your day worthwhile

Why does that matter?

I sleep enought,but i doubt dreams will help in any way.
actually i never remeber my dreams.

We're all alone user, do something for yourself you enjoy.

Not many options.
And the things i enjoy require money,and i dont have much of it.

That just makes shit worse, sleep is like a drug. Get to dependent on it for your happiness and you'll never want to wake up

Relatability through mutual surroundings


remembering about your dreams is not the point, remembering that you were happy while dreaming is though. My personal mental health kinda rely on that, so this is the best advise I could give to you Sup Forumsruh

why is it worse ? why would you want to get up in the first place ?

Happy birthday my man

Where are you from

Please define that.

I agree.

Happy birthday brother, it’s happened to all of us, In fact I’m 24 going through a fucked up separation, and no family to speak of, with a birthday coming up, I’ll be where your at, it happens, if anything buy a hooker for tonight, get some takeout after, buy junk food and rent a movie

I will try that,but i doubt i will see any difference.

Da bronx bruh scuuummmmm ganggggg

Happy B-day you paranoid faggot.

I feel you about the family situation..but yea i would find a hooker if i had car.


It’s called backpage my man, call one up, have them come over

Feliz Cumpleaños!

Give me a number.

No man go to the website backpage, it’s a whole section thanks.

Happy Birthday, user! I hope you have a great day.

Thanks user.

Happy birthday user. How old will you be?

Thanks,turned 19.

Happy birthday user!
Here you are not alone :)

Thanks user.

happy birthday user! have some cake!

It's my birthday too. And Oprah's. Happy birthday to us all.