Be me, 30

>be me, 30
>feel like every man my age has E.D. from stress and work
>hate soft old dick, want young hard cock
>crash a party at my old college
>get drunk and approach strapping young stud
>for the sake of transparency I tell him I'm crashing the party and don't even go to this school
>He laughs and says he doesn't either, he came with his brother
>ask him where he goes
>"Generic School Name"
>don't really care, just wanna bone
>back at my place, he fucks me with rock hard, hormone fueled, young cock
>doesn't last long but he's rearing to go again in five minutes.
>afterwards we pass out
>next morning he asks if he can have some money for a cab home
>dude is looking a lot younger by the light of day
>give him money, he goes
>start worrying I may have fucked a highschooler
>google "Generic School Name"
>it's not a high school
>it's a middle school

I think guys our age just dwell on feelings too much and kill their boners. ED is a myth. I'm 31 and pop boners like rappers pop bottles.

so older guys get feelings over a one night stand? I'm thinking it's city life. These dudes too worried about climbing the corporate ladder and drinking artisan cocktails in mason jars.

>ED is a myth

You're retarded. ED is a very real thing, but it's the symptom of a problem and not the cause. The cause can be complicated. Anything from just jacking off too much to weird cardiovascular diseases. While the other poster is right that "city life" has a bit to do with it, it's not about the corporate ladder or artisan cocktails except in the sense that stress from work/shitty social life can effect your mind.




says the guy on /b. Go fap to some
traps and keep living in denial fag.

Holy shit just neck yourself already, insecure faggot in denial

How did he look tho?

The only people this defensive of Sup Forums are newfags.

Closet picture I could find. The body type is spot on. The face is close, but he didn't have this stupid homunculus expression. Middle school me would have been all over him.

It's not rape if you let him fuck you.

"Neck yourself" .......Wtf man? That's they gayest shit I ever hrsrd. Go neck yourself, cringy as fuuuuck

I feel like it would be an open and shut statutory rape case if the genders were reversed.

fucking kids man.

I’m 31 and barely get my bruised dick hard with my my case its just too much porn/fapping for a few hours on end.

No no no. The girl would let it go and forget about it. Years later while driving home from work or whatever, she’d think about it and decide it was nonconsensual. THEN it’d be rape.


I looked it up. He has until he turns 23 to press charges. So 8-10 years and I'm in the clear.


Is OP a guy or girl?

The latter, I think

girl with dick