Ask a rave promoter that gets more pussy in a week then most of you will ever in your life, anything. ;)

Ask a rave promoter that gets more pussy in a week then most of you will ever in your life, anything. ;)

How does it feel to not having a real career and to be an adult stuck in high school

How much cringe do you think i felt as i read your pitiful post?

Wow hater alert. Keep being incels. ;)

>rave promoter
>posts the complete opposite of a rave

alright dude, you do you xx


But do you have any questions?

How do you become a rave promoter?

You're in the US thinking you're part of a scene that matters

No, not really. You?

Sounds like you're salty if I'm being honest. You probably have no friends and don't fit or belong anywhere. Loser.

This is what having friends feel like.

I fucked both these chicks. I love my life.

By pussy you mean goats right?

Nobody takes pictures or videos in the places I go to dance

Take a long think why that might be ;) Good luck with everything Mr Rave Promoter

It's easy, it's all about who you know and about being cool. Get your swag up.

What is your main goal in life ? Having sex ? Isnt that low standards ?

Because no one goes to your events.

Holy shit you're fugly

Even if you manage for some reason to get pussy because of what you do, I could never suffer to live behind that jaundice ridden half mexican half niggerish face

Kys, brah, 2/10 for making me reply

That's the easy part! I go throughout 18 year old white girls.

glad to see people are still hiring potatoes

Hater alert. You're probably a virgin.

I'm trying to help you guys out. Keep being incel virgins

idk man i see a few people

maybe one day you'll venture to Europe and see what i mean huh :-D

who cares?

America had a better rave scene tbh

time to grow up old man

Uhh the people that go to my events lol

I fucked both these bitches

spoken like someone has no idea tbh

not meant with any hostility, Detroit birthed techno and small scenes (mostly gay) still exist in New York, Chicago, and a few others are worth checking

everything that you Americans may call "EDM" just stands for something completely different to what the rest of the world dances and expresses to

Nope, I'm a pretty old guy and I had my good times when I was younger.
I have to admit even if your looks are puke it makes my day bright to see that you're actually happy about your shit tier looks.

Burgerland amerifags are sure full of themselves enough as I always see them confident no matter how clumsy they look.
Stay happy, even if fugly. Who cares

Your gut isnt hiding the fact your tits are bigger than hers

Sounds like someone's triggered. XD

My events are better to any events you go to. I have artist from.different countries play my shows.

I'm just going to assume you're a virgin. You wish you had my life. Haha

you act like pussy is the be all end all as far as life goes, that's pretty sad

you're beyond gone man

guess you can't tell someone something that he never needed to hear in the first place

good luck dude, see you never ;)

Where in Europe ?

You've probably never had pussy in your life.

London, Berlin, Paris

Go on ResidentAdvisor and look into it my dude

To give an example I've booked people like netsky.

is miller lite your drink of choice?

I drank whatever. That's just what they had there.

Later loser

That girls hot. Did you fuck her?

From what I've seen anybody can book anyone with enough money in their pocket

For a DJ to actually know what you stand for and want to play at your party is a little different lol

Yes, that chick wants my dick so bad that she won't leave me alone.

Why the fuck aren't there raves in the US?

Yeah true money I make with my successful shows cuz people actually go to my events.

There are. Go to one of my events sometime

Its always funny too me that no matter how much money someone may have, or how much pussy one fucks, or how perfect someone may be, they always need to come to Sup Forums of all places to get validation.

More like rubbing it in yalls faces. What can you do? That's life and people like me stay winning.

have you ever taken advantage of a 16 y/o who was blasted on molly?

Nobody cares

These drug up chicks are easy. Lol

Says the person that took time out of his day to reply. Ok buddy

Ah, that's why you're here.

Over compensation

I make so much money that I don't need a shitty day job so I can post on here. yeah winning

When's the last time you got laid? I can wait.

>so much money
>so much free time
>spend it shitposting on Sup Forums

So you admit you fucked an intoxicated 16 y/o?

What are your favourite venues and what music do you love listening to?

Have fun with your boring life.

Lush is one of my favorite venues and edm

Fpbp /thread

She wasn't drunk

What's your opinion on the new Minister for loneliness in the UK?
You think that getting old and lone is indeed a problem or are we wasting money on people dumb enough to not to think to build a family when young?


What's that mean?

It was a joke you dense virgin fuck

I lived with a UK rave promoter for a while. He was the nicest guy you could imagine. Not some douche that rubbed it in people's faces.
How does your approach work for you?

Fuck em imo

You must be 18 to post here.

> wasting money on people dumb enough to not to think to build a family when young?

Yeah, that's what causes loneliness

Was it?
Sounded more like a poor excuse for an insult. Is English your second language by chance?

Well I throw big events that lots of people go to and I pull mad bitches so you tell me.

By the looks on peoples faces in the pics he's posted you can clearly see that nearly everyone is uncomfortable with his presence.

Intoxicated does not mean drunk.
You fucked a 16 y/o that was on mdma.
You are pathetic.

Why are you so angry? It doesn't matter what you say

My life>yours

>trying this hard

From the saltiness of your reply I can tell you're jealous

Oh well you fucking nobody

Is 5'5" too short? In love with a girl and I'm pretty sure she's not into me because of my height.

The mid-90's miss you!
Time to go back!

Hahaha it's probably just your lame personality

Not asking 'wether' it works, I'm asking you 'how' it works. Or would you like me to tell you that too?

OP confirmed highschooler? Underageb&?

Well when you're cool like me, everything works. Hahahaha you fucking loser

Probably underdeveloped personality.

I'm an adult?

How many people have died due to drug overdoses at the raves you promote?

Volcom t-shirts are my personality.

Sorry, when was the last time you got laid?

Idk and idc

jesus they still have raves?

Why do people in the rave industry/culture always seem unintelligent. Like rave is only a somewhat better culture than juggalos and that's not much.

Sounds like a virgin hater to me

You're very insecure.

No I'm just awesome

How much meth have you done today?

What city are your events at?

You think people would let an excuse to drink, do drugs and be useless while pretending they belong to something just die off?

I don't want to say where however lets just say Texas