Hello all

Hello all
I have been researching the most efficient way to end my life. After 2 weeks of research, I've decided on jumping off a decent sized building/ bridge. Both are easy access and will wear minimal clothing to prevent parachuting.
Reason I'm coming here is for some advice.
I also had interest in using sleeping pills/ some OTC medicine on top of it. I couldn't find any honest answers about which one worked the best.
Any ideas on which medicine I should use?
Don't have access to doctor.
CVS is my options.

Thank you in advance

Other urls found in this thread:


Willing to post pic with time stamp before ending it




If you truly want to kill yourself then you wouldn't be here asking for advice or researching it beforehand.
Just go to a tall building and jump off and kill yourself

Don't ask these retarded faggots. Go to /adv/ op

Kys in a way that does not cause a lot of work for forensics

rig a machine that is prepared to pull a guns trigger on a timer, hoist it up to where it’s pointing at you, stay up a couple of days so you’re tired as fuck, take a bunch of drugs while you’re about to go to sleep. Gun connected to machine will shoot you once the timer expires. Basically a guarantee you’ll die in your sleep.

Might as well OD on heroine or something. At least make it feel good while you are going out and dont make a mess for everyone

Dude, you have not yet achieved your potential - you still have unfinished business in this world.

Don't abandon all those people that need your help.

Be honest - YOU don't even know how many are out there waiting for your appearance in their lives.


Who or what you’re going to do in life is not predetermined, stupid fuck. he might get fucking show tomorrow. it’s anyones guess. It is much better to be dead than to be alive because when you’re dead nothing will matter.

Checked, but your a moron for thinking a heroin OD isn't a mess.

I meant more in terms of something like blowing your brains out kind of external mess. Heroine is definitely a mess internally, but OP shouldnt give af since he tryna an hero anyways

don't kill yourself. and every person who tries to fall to death ends up regretting it don't do it op

Can't you see why some people decide to become a doctor instead of something easier that'd earn them the same money ?

It's because of the calling and each of us were born with our own

Get some xanax to ease up anxiety

> "... life is not predetermined, ..." ;

..... I agree, and while we are alive, we CAN make a big difference to people who are forlorn and in need of our help.

If we all do our best to help each other, without scruple or diffidence, we are all better off - especially those who thought they had no useful function in life - unless, and until, they found their own purpose in life.

How about YOU help to save someone's life, instead of letting them die needlessly, maybe make someone's life worth living rather than intolerable. How about you find the love of your life and create another new life to cherish as your own, and ensure they enjoy life to the full ?


Don't jump off a building, think of the poor loser who's gonna have to clean you up. Just gas yourself in your garage like a decent, god-fearing user

Dude just shoot up a mall and let a cop kill you. Faggot

You are a fucking piece of shit, someone will have to clean you up, dumbass, kill yourself somewhere where you can naturally decay, like a huge cliff or something in the mountains