Serious question, Sup Forums

Serious question, Sup Forums
Is he the Antichrist?

No, I am!

None of us are Christ so technically we’re all the Antichrist

Non Catholic, non Christfag reporting in.
Lessee, Frankie Say:

1. Don't Hate Fags

2. Sure your pets go to heaven

3. Of COURSE evolution is real, God
does not wave a magic wand.

Seems pretty fly to me.
Guy takes his job as Vicar of Christ
pretty seriously. Cuts away the bullshit.
Go Frankie Go!

Yes, or Kirchnerista, it's the same

His Holiness The Pope
Bishop of Rome.
Vicar of Christ.
Successor Of St. Peter, Prince Of The Apostles
Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church.
Patriarch Of The West.
Primate of Italy.
Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province.
Sovereign of the State of Vatican City.
Servant of the Servants of God.

Not the Antichrist, only a 500 year old church would say something like that

He is.

>is he the antichrist?
No. The deeds of Pope Francis are directly in line with the teachings of Christ. Just because he doesn't bow down to your MANMADE political beliefs doesn't make him the antichrist you fucking faggot.

Go read the new testament, and then kys.

the real antichrist is muhamad, the prohet of the bloody religion also know as islam.

The Antichrist is a myth.

>implying god even exists

This man is constantly at the service of the community, always meeting with world leaders. He never has any time to himself except for his 8hrs of sleep and 30minutes of TV time.

He BEGGED and CRIED on his knees for his fellow bishops to not vote him as Pope, He never wanted the position. He manages an institution that has ambassadors to every country in the world fighting for religious freedoms and mediating wars. Whether you are part of his community or are an atheist, this man deserves some level of respect

cuck pope

>butthurt Amerifag not realising that Jesus was a socialist

The true pope was in Constantiople.


And his number is six hundred three score and six.

The Patriarch of Constatinople has roots originating from St. Andrew the Apostle.
The Bishop of Rome (Pope) has roots originating from St. Peter the Apostle, entrusted by Jesus as the leader of the Church.

Serious answer - yes, he 100% fucking is.

No the last pope was. Thats why they made him quit. Pope John Paul II was the best pope.

lol no, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI was a great pope and made so many changes that Pope John Paul II neglected because of his older years. No one made him quit.
Whatever messages Pope Francis made, is the same Pope Benedict was saying all along, just that the media changed their perception and the masses followed

No. I quite like him and I'm not even religious.

And the Baptist Church has its origins from an illiturate basket weaver who claimed himself as a prophet in the city of Zwickau

>John Paul II was the best pope
He really wanted to call himself Pope George Ringo but the Templars wouldn't let him.

Patriarchal propaganda. Everyone knows Rome is the seat of Satan.

the asshole is communist!!! and friend of thieves of Argentina and Venezuela, yes, it's kinda the devil

Cant be. The Knights Templars were disbanded on March 22, 1312

That sounds like protestant propaganda bullshit to me