S/fur bread ride with floofy titties and tails continues again

S/fur bread ride with floofy titties and tails continues again.
Because muh floof!
Small colorful mares from popular TV shows are fine too.
















Greetings Mer Harpo.



Fuck off, faggot.














Requesting lesbians

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Did you get the new MH?




this thread needs more feet/paws


No, should I?






convince me

its got draggos

I cannot stop fawning over Natasha Aughey, I think I'm obsessed. Jesus Christ she is the most perfect amazon goddess ever. I would kill to marry this beast of a woman.


I've bought 10 copies

Write and tell her. She's probably tired of the usual guys hitting on her.

Do you have a console, because if not you're waiting till fall :c

I'd be way too anxious to even attempt it, I'm just a skinnyfat turbomanlet. I would never even exist to her.

I don't

well, see you in fall then.

But that is the exact reason you would exist to her.



I'm sure there are already hundreds if not thousands of skinnyfat turbomanlets begging to be dominated by her as well. I don't even have an instagram anyway.

how awful


Hey, how are you all?

True, but only the people who buy a lottery ticket can win, and someone usually does.

I have a huge crush on a huge woman. You?

True. I may think about it when I'm in better shape.


direct me to gfur

Maybe next time you get high enough.

Look for satan

Hah, I doubt that. I get even more anxious when I'm high.

I got a terrible problem..
I feel like I am losing it slowly.
I started to feel as an outsideer among my best friends, I started to dislike my job, I feel unacomplished.. as if I am missing something small, as in there is this big something, happiness, success and so on.. but I am constantly doing things that do not matter. I work. a lot. more than normally, and it gets worse.
Never been bad to anyone.. actually I have always helped those I saw as having shitty life, lacking inspiration. I give advices, support, compliments, even help physically. Selflessly. I just sacrifice my time, money and life for others (and I know I am not being used, since people really respect me and never ask anything. I just give and I see their lives and psyche getting better and that gives me small happy moment myself).
Am I suffering from some Jesus syndrome (not religious btw)?
Maybe I am an asshole and just don't see it?

I am stuck with the question Bojack Horseman once asked "Am I a good person?"

I feel like I am suffering without anything wrong going on.

Then some other euphoric bliss you might achieve, just keep it in mind.
Imagine if she actually responded to you.


I enjoy tiny women a lot


I'm trying not to so I don't become even more obsessed. I tend to live in my fantasies of people a bit too much.

I like my women big.

>Look for satan
I'm looking for enlightenment




post more gay


S/fur no ??

big women are nice, but short ones are amazing.


why not g/fur

fuck you i think we should mix them both


Eh, I'm already short as fuck. I like being the girly, submissive one, and looking up to woman to kiss them. Not that I ever have.

Then go on a G/fur xD


Holy shit is there moar?

I totally agree with you !

kek gays don't relate well with other folk

all conversations ALWAYS eventually end up with talks about sex and hitler. And gays don't know how to do the first one and hate the second one.


yes. i saw them, saved and posted yesterday.
wil post for your enjoyment.

Kinda-ish my kink. I love my gf with collar and covered in slight "wilderness"


Thanks dude, your dubs are as great as you are.
Also agreed. I think its more the fangs for me though. Dont know why
