Brobot thread continued

>Brobot thread continued
Remote control robot over the internet


Also we know his name, address, social media etc.

Name's Rick Giuly, he lives in 19 Exeter St in San Francisco

Let's do some shit Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:



He looks like a faggot

does this look like a faggot to you

We're going home I think


Big Time Alphabots are about 6kg. If he's playing with an Alphabot2 its going to be lighter than that

He looks like he has a soylent subscription


Some anons were trying to get the cops called under threat of a "terrorist bomb-wielding miniature robot"

tell us how you're taking exclusive control over the bot


its very simple user, put a sharpie up your ass and post feet


on sec, ill do it /s

typical Sup Forums nigger


this guy lives in fucking trash

green house is ricks house

tell us your exclusive control exploit or we will lock brobot in the garden, permanently

who is rick and wtf is going on?

rick is that you?

yeah, his house is pretty messed up

rick is the owner of the bot and website


tfw youre vsauce and this is your project for a new video and a website of autistic 13 yr olds get ahold of it


but its not even exclusive control, but I can generally direct the bot in a direction that I want

mfw that baby is now 22.

holy shit

what website?

what are we trying to do?

7/10 would ejaculate in

the camera got twisted, fix it rick, fix it quick rick

well, you have two choices, tell me how or i put brobot in the tub- permanently


the one provided in the OP, we're trying to free the robot

do you even read OPs post?

Still adorable


well, those are your choices, you have 10 minutes


somebody hacked the chat again

suck my big fat dick rick I'll never tell you, rick would never be caught dead browsing Sup Forums

i still think our best option of rescuing brobot is through air superiority. We need to swoop in with a heavy lift drone or rc apache heli and airlift our robobuddy to safety.
but we will need time to gather the resources and formulate an extraction plan


in the meantime some SF fag should drive there and put a little paper with a Sup Forums sign under his garage door

we need social engineering. someone go to the house and blow the guy. when he sleeps, open the garage.

Im on it, got condoms and lube, I'll fuck his tight boipussy while hes napping


fuck me i really hope someone has been screencap'n threads
pure gold

include me in the screencap if someone has

chat is going completely nigger

you specifically, will be left out of the screencap

someanon needs to go there and tape a knife to brobot so he can fight back against rick's advances

yeah, i want to stab daddy in the leg

someone needs to call the police to ricks house and say he has a bomb, or order like 20 pizzas, we'll hear the doorbell and pizza guy

god stfu retard

since we're trapped in the garage, we need to start knocking shit over

no u

no, that would blow the plan of freeing brobot
Rick can't be suspicious

he's literally fucking raping the bicycle

ffs fucking bike

True patriotism

brobot horny.

alright who's the nigger trying to use brobot to steal a bike?

guessing hes trying to see the phone number in the background...

i think the bike messed brobot up
camera is all over the place

maybe if brobot fucks the bike he can cum an oil spill and use it to slide at the door mach speed and escape

this doesnt sound like an absolutely retarded plan at all

brobot is inside the bike and dying

brobot turns around, sees this

it might just work, lets not get ahead of ourselves here

guys, we need plans

look around for things that can be used in a rube goldberg machine so when rick comes to molest us again we can knock some shit over on him and trap him in the garage while we slowly bash his face in with our mighty brobot torque

stop being a nigger, let's start there


we need someone on that garage door
we have the location
anyone even remotely in that area Sup Forums needs YOU to open a door and save brobot

Kekked and checked user, bravo sir

we already know where he lives, read the fucking thread faggot

>look around for things that can be used in a rube goldberg machine so when rick comes to molest us again we can knock some shit over on him and trap him in the garage while we slowly bash his face in with our mighty brobot torque

robutt no worky no more

he acknowledged that. read the post, faggot

yall need to clear your browser cache if you want to get the new update

>we have the location

>we already know where he lives, read the fucking thread faggot

you cannot actually be this fucking retarded

sorry im retarded

19 Exeter St San Francisco
Someone open his garage door so we can free brobot

no need to apologize. it's your mother's fault for drinking while pregnant.

throw the discord link

do we have any true Sup Forumsros in the vicinity who can save bot

His code is fucking spaghetti

>"What's that thing?"
>"It's a robot controlled by Sup Forums users"

rick is lurking in the thread

i will scream at her tonight, shes not getting any sleep

dubs true

Nice work

clicked back in to the tab and saw someone walk by. I thought he was sleeping hence the fun? So the guy knows what's going on? Am I missing something?

you'd think rick, the ultra soyboy, would go on a super nazi alt-right supercentre Sup Forums?

Reply to this post or Rick will be run over in his sleep by Brobot tonight


nobody reply to the post

you missed fuck tons, he woke up and took us outside n shit, we tried driving into the road to get ran over but he kept picking us back up