Ask an FTM transguy anything

Ask an FTM transguy anything.

-Been living as a guy for eight years
-I have a job and a significant other, pass as male at my job, no one really knows
-Been on testosterone for three years but have stopped because my voice has reached its lowest point
-I'm not getting bottom surgery because medical science isn't there yet.

Pic is not me.

Other urls found in this thread:

pic of u, and ur male pussy with timestamp, or GTFO!!!

do you go to male public bathroom?

or public showers?

also, please, post you male pussy

"no one really knows"

do you like getting penetratet? it the bottom op thing something that bothers you or are you cool with your current ... manlyness?

where can i find this video?

Yeah naw then this entire thread is just gonna be telling me how gross I am.

Body dysphoria, dude. Kinda makes me hate my body by default.

Yes. I've actually been looked at funny for even standing in front of a girl's bathroom, let alone going in one.

I have also used the male public shower at the gym. And the locker room.

It used to bother me, but I got over it and decided that my vagoo is a part of my body and there's nothing wrong with using it. I feel that any other guy in my position would stick stuff in his vagoo if he suddenly had one.

K I will actually consider taking a picture with timestamp, so gimme a bit.

getting pic

you probably have a nice pussy, and we really want to know how is a vag that has been into testosterone for years

how do you approach women?

It's not really that different, I'm just hairier and have a larger clit. But keep in mind the testosterone made me gain weight so I'm chubs.

>going to male bathroom

how does that even work without a dick? or do u just lock urself in a stall to take a pee?

Awkwardly and sweatily.

Like any other guy.

Guys can sit down to pee. I've never been looked at funny for it.

I'm a guy with a working penis and i do that

more you talk about, more i wanna see it, please, show us man

Transferring now, wait your damn self.

oh, ok then, sorry

do you fucked with guys after getting a male body?

There, you sickos.

It's about what a guy's vagina is gonna look like.

I do shave now and again for the heck of it but it's been like a month.

Yeah, I actually still prefer men. or men still prefer me. Or something.

I'm actually bisexual but I'm not into other trans peeps. I've only had sexual relations with one, and it's an MTF girl who is way cuter than any girl I've ever met. Both me and my partner fuck her.

thanks, actually, if shaved its not bad at all

I've got a tiny beef curtain thing going on but I don't hate my vadge. It's a bonus hole and I have strapons.

Can you help us answer the question of traps are gay or not?


Why stand when you can sit. Especially when at home.

How about you just fuck whatever you want to fuck and not worry about if it's gay.

I mean, there's always that lurking thought in the back of my mind like "holy shit what if they hear me peeing in the water instead of jetstreaming against the back of the bowl" but the most anyone's ever spoken to me in or around the bathroom is this guy who wanted to tell me how much he liked my lunchbox. Tell you though I was freaking the fuck out when he called me out at first.

do you have other pics? a closer one, the hair is kind blocking the view

There's a vag in there, I promise. Gimme twenty bucks and maybe I'll do a spread shot for you.

if you pic can suck my dick then i pobably gonna pay

Yeah nah. I'm not giving you spank bank material for free.

how do you tell to the girl that you dont have a dick?

its fair, and if i say it is for science reasons?

It's nerve-racking, but I've only really had to deal with that in the moment once.

It was with a chick I met at a club and she was making out with me on a couch there. Halfway through I decide she should probably know, so I tell her hey, I have something to show you, and I showed her my binder under my shirt and explained that I'm... you know. Not "all there". She said she didn't care and I fingerblasted her in the corner.

But it's totally wrong to... you know. "trap" someone or lie to them until you've already got them in the bedroom.

Then I will tell you it looks exactly like a vagina from the seventies and to go look at some vintage porn. I don't believe you want my junk for science.

nice to talk with you op, have a nice dickless life

Eh, I'm over it. Thanks.

but.. are traps gay tho?

Only if the balls touch.

If you're asking, it's already too late.


Why did you give up your female privilege?

Because I wasn't thinking about privilege when I looked at myself and realized my brain and body didn't match and I was going to be miserable my entire life unless I sought treatment.

Also I don't believe in privilege. If people stopped complaining and fought for what they wanted maybe we'd all be equal.

What's the best thing about being a guy?
What was the best thing about being seen as a woman?


What is the deal with airline food?

Are you going to have a penis?

The best thing about being a guy is I don't have to worry about how I act or present myself in front of people, and I can just be myself without being "weird" or a "dyke". I can be friends with people of both genders without anyone questioning if I'm gonna date them.

The only thing I miss about being a female is that I could wear whatever I wanted and have whatever accessories or bags or play the kind of games I want without worrying if people will question my masculinity. Yeah, I have a Sailor Moon patch on my denim jacket. So what?

Been there done that.

You know what, I used to question this but one time, the only time I've ever eaten something on a plane, I got a box of nestle crunch bits and I got sick from that. From fucking candy on an airline.

So my answer is aids? probably?

Hold on. This needs a longer answer.

Do you have supporting parents to your life choice?

What's the deal with FTM transguys - who then continue to sleep with guys? All over tumblr...
One in particular who's switched to just anal with guys.
i.e. has become "a gay man".
Do you relate to that?


The short answer is no.

The long answer is that phalloplasty, medical science's current best answer to penile plastic surgery, costs around $60,000 and it will take my sex life away and never give it back.

Please look up FTM Phalloplasty, spend five minutes looking into the process, and then tell me whether you would do it.

It took me a lot less effort and money to simply accept that I was now a man with a vagina and decide that yes, if any other man woke up with a vadge, they would probably use it too.

Bait thread, fake news

I'm bi, and attracted to Fs, Ms, MtFs and FtMs, NBs etc. (Never actually slept with a TG person, and as I'm married and monogamous I'm unlikely to), but do you ever get creeped out when people are attracted to you? Like do you initially think "is it me, or are you just a weird fetishist?" Or are you just happy to be someone's type?

I did at first, except my mom who is a gigantic cunt and always will be. My dad's a pastor now for some reason and although he and my stepmom love and support me, he always says things like "it's between you and God" and "what you're doing is against God's will but I say to love the sinner and hate the sin" so I don't know what his deal is.

I'm a bisexual man and I don't really know. Gender identity isn't synonymous with sexual orientation, but there definitely are a lot of supposed "transguys" on tumblr who are just advanced fujoshits.

You are pansexual.
Those people who go after trans peeps are called chasers and they are immensely creepy. They tend to see trans peeps as a mash of parts they want and not really as a full person, ie "I like your penis, it's very girly" or something like that. In that case, I'm not their "type". I'm some idolized doll that won't ever truly fit what they expect and frankly I don't want to.

I know the procedures of that operation. I searched longo ago when i got curious about what if a transplanted penis would get an erection and ejaculate, and no, that doesn't look comfortable

Yeah naw I'm not doing it.

Maybe one day when it's... more perfected, but by then I'll have accepted myself entirely.

>It took me a lot less effort and money to simply accept that I was now a man with a vagina and decide that yes, if any other man woke up with a vadge, they would probably use it too.
Honestly, I haven't met a trans person happy with a sex-change surgery unless they have that mental problem where they feel a need to destroy/remove their own penis, or other limbs.

Not trying to offend anybody, or say that's how it actually is for everybody. Only that's probably part of why people are compelled to get the surgery and I'm glad you don't have to deal with that, assuming you don't.

>You are pansexual.
Eh, I and a large part of the bi community are happy to stick with the label "bi". A lot of us hear pan people saying that bi people aren't attracted to trans or NB people and reply "that's your opinion, not ours".

Sorry, not getting at you there.

It's ok I think, wish I'd known someone with those attributes

I probably won't, and yeah, seeing as it's irreversible, I want to see if we ever get anywhere sensible with the surgery options first.

No no, that's fair. I identify as bi because despite being trans, I just do not feel that way about other trans peeps.

I've actually been called transphobic.

Are they any times even if only briefly where you have regretted transitioning

What are a few of your favorite sexual activities? What kind of fucking do you prefer?

Sounds like you worried about how the public looked at you too much and associated that with your lady figure so you became a lady man. Either way you're too influenced by the outside world around you and therefore you are weak.
You should go ahead and off yourself before you get into your upper 50s and realize the mistakes you've made and how you can't go back.

-I'm not getting bottom surgery because medical science isn't there yet.

who's going to tell her?

I've thought a few times about what my life would be like if I'd continued being a female, and the thought makes me freak out so much I have to go like... read or something.

I'm sure there have been people out there who regret transition at points, but I have never once had any feelings of regret in the slightest. I wish I could say I have, because that seems like the more normal response, but I don't. I just am who I am.

I like fucking people from behind, being fucked on my back, and 69ing. I recently found out I can come from grinding into my SO's mouth and that's a real trip. But I don't mind anal or pegging either.

Please see Also I've worked way harder to be a man than you have, so I think I've earned the right to be called "him".

>no one really knows
sure, sweetie

do you squirt?

do you like men or women or both?

Also do you not have any desire to have children? Is it even possible for you to have children anymore?

"I wanna be a dude!!!"
>Still does porn and gets fucked like a bitch

No, but I get pretty wet. It seems to have gotten like... more after the testosterone treatments.

Both but as mentioned previously, I can't find myself attracted to other trans people. Probably because I've had nothing but bad experiences. Except for my one friend. She's a doll.

It is possible, but I don't want to. For one thing, both myself and my SO suffer from various mental issues and we don't want to pass them on to a child. Both my parents are adopted so I have no reason to want to continue my bloodline. If I do want a kid, there's more than enough children in our foster care and adoption systems.

So does that mean all male bottoms in gay porn are women and all female tops with strapons are men?

How can one person tell if another is an FTM? I want to meet one

you'll never be a man though. its fucking tough being a man, trust me, you women haven't got a clue.

what, so you took a few testosterone pills and now you think you're one of the gang?

if we were at war we'd pass you round like a joint.

Do you consider being trans as one of those mental issues?

the guy in the pic is cute

I know one. he's a chill guy, i met him when he was still a girl

You know what. Even I don't really know.

Sometimes I'll accidentally come across one but I can't really point them out because god forbid, what if I'm wrong? And honestly, the ones where I can tell right away, I don't really want to associate myself with because they're the ones who are like "My name's Nevaeh and I have pink hair but do not judge I am totally a boy this is my gay boyfriend Listelle"

I never said that injecting myself with a battalion of depo-testosterone made me a man. I had to retrain myself on how to walk, how to talk, how to sit and even stand at rest, what to wear, how to treat people, and I'm never done.
I'm not a man because of how I act or what I wear, though, and I'm not a man because of some induced second puberty. I'm a man because I'm a man. That's all.

Yes, being transgendered is a mental issue. I'm not going to lie about that. My brain is wired differently than it should be or my body isn't what my mind says it was supposed to be or my genetics are all fucked up, but in the end, it's in my brain or my body or whatever, science hasn't figured it out.

It's a mental issue. The current treatment is transition. Anyone who says otherwise is deluded. No one wants to be transgendered.

who cares what user subjectively considers?
scientific studies have long shown that transsexualism is fraught with morbid psychological dynamics

>I'm a man because I'm a man. That's all.


>I had to retrain myself how to walk, talk and sit

There we go, just larping

So if a man gets his wang blown off in this war where they're "passing me around like a joint", is he no longer a man?

I mean, you don't have to convince me. Like I said, I've been like this for at LEAST eight years and there were issues even when I was in junior high and earlier so... Kind of can't change who I am.

Yes, even if an anonymous asshole on the internet tells me I'm wrong.

Really would like to see before/after.
Did all that T not make you horny as hell?
100% hetro male in practice, married, but if you shaved and lost a little weight, then I think it would be fun to have a friend with benefits like you. Like hunting, fishing or hiking/camping?
Where (vaguely) do you work?

I know 3 FtMs. One is really cool and a friend (happens to share the same name as me), training to be an actor. One is a small angry annoying preachy little fuck who will explode at the slightest opportunity, and the last is a teenager who acts like a horny teenager with no sense of decorum.

I wish more people knew trans people like the first and not the other two. Maybe they'd be less transphobic.

>Yes, being transgendered is a mental issue
Not any more according to the WHO following research published in The Lancet Psychology. The official line is that gender dysphoria is not a mental illness, but that most of the stress from it comes externally, by society's treatment.

You can change who you are, not what you are.

if you dont accept that reality then you'll never be happy. that's why most of you lot kill yourself before you're 35.

how old are you btw. bet you under 25.

>if you dont accept that reality then you'll never be happy

No dude, it's not them that's the problem, it's literally you.

Good luck on becoming one of the 45%

who did you vote for?

It really did make me horny as hell. For a while I couldn't keep it in my pants.

I've actually stopepd taking the T shots because I already passed as a man very well, it was just my voice that gave me away, and they told me my voice has already hit its lowest pitch. Which is a damn shame.
I'd totes be FWB with you, I already have two. My partner and I are poly. And yeah, I need to lose weight.
Love hiking and camping, am trying to learn how to bowhunt but it's tough in suburban NJ.
I work in a warehouse and in a kids' toy store on weekends.

There are dozens of challenging studies, and that may be true, but the fact is that gender dysphoria comes from a disconnect between mental image and physical body image, and not from "society invented gender roles burhur"

I'm 27. Thanks for trying to change my mind. It didn't work.

I already survived four attempts. You'll be happy to know, however, that none of them had anything to do with my gender. I'm just massively depressed for various reasons.

why don't you kys?

Gary Johnson.

Now it's time to put up my umbrella for all the "you're the reason trump got elected" posts.

im the problem for telling them the truth?

a man will never give birth, a woman will never get an erection. its that reality i was talking about.

Because my existence spites you and it's the only way I can get off anymore.

Actually I do get erections. Very tiny ones but still.

How does it feel now that you are not worshiped for simply being alive?
How does it make you feel to just be another guy in the crowd that no one gives a shit about because no one is desperately trying to fuck you?

Oh look

a reverse trap

that's your clit.