What is the cheapest way to get drunk without a horrible hangover the next day...

What is the cheapest way to get drunk without a horrible hangover the next day? Is there a happy medium between top shelf and hobo booze? Which is optimum?

Franzia box wine brah.

youre not far off with your pic

a glass of water with every drink. Two glasses of water with an aspirin before sleep.

Botabox is fucking delicious but liquor is the cheapest way. A handle is $25 of rum, has 35 measured drinks in it. Wine is 5 drinks per bottle.


So a box of Franzia is about $15 (at my local CVS of all places). That has about 5 bottles of wine each of which is about 5 drinks. So 25 drinks for $15 = $0.60 per drink.

Handle of rum at $25 has 35 drinks so that's $0.71 a drink. So I think the box wine edges out the rum slightly.

Any other good options?

the botabox has minimal sulfites and tastes way the fuck better, 4 bottles of wine for $16

you can get a cheaper handle of rum, costco has handles for like $15 and you don't need a membership for booze

Thanks! Both of these options sound good.

Wine in general causes more severe hangovers because the process by which it's made leaves the most garbage in the mix that your body has to deal with on top of the alcohol itself (or so my doctor said one time in the emergency room when I took one too many pills while downing cheap wine lol)
With that being said, if you just have a hankering to hit the grapes I would stay away from reds if possible. Sherry, port, madeira, and zifandel come to mind. Otherwise I would find a liquor that is of decent quality that agrees with your body, although after a point it really doesn't matter. When you pickle your insides, it's gonna hurt the next day.

Horrible advice from a certified fucking retard
A. A glass of water with every drink is gay and you will never get drunk because you'll be full of water.
B. Putting aspirin (a blood thinner) into your system while you have alcohol (also a blood thinner) is retarded


Chug a pint of JD and quit being a little bitch

I've heard about this. Whatever the benefits, I can't help but think I'll never get drunk enough to enjoy having my ass in the air with a funnel in it. Sometimes I just want to sip and enjoy.

>implying that a pint of liquor is enough to get daddy's rocks off...
I wish, would save me a lot of money

agreed user literally the only thing keeping me from butt chugging alcohol on a daily basis is laziness... it's just not practical

you might be an alky drunktard

to avoid hangovers as best you can, go for cheap vodka and cheap box (white) wine. avoid brown spirits and red wine.

often the cheapest: port/sherry. bad for hangovers though.
best for hangovers: beer. usually more expensive per alcohol.

Personally I buy pic related
usually once a night
IF I am still awake and finish drinking before the liqueur store closes...I'll go get another 1/2 pint

As long as I drink so water when I get up...I don't have a hangover at all

Load up on water before you start. Only real way to stop a hangover.

These guys started the WWYD thread above.

Brew your own, mate.
You can get apple juice cheaply in bulk from Costco or Sams or whatever. Add some plain old table sugar to boost the alcohol content, and order some Red Star champagne yeast from Amazon - trust me on this, you don't want to use bread yeast, it will work but will taste like ass.

There are tons of how-to's all over the net. Some use balloons for small batches, others use bubblers for brewing 5 gallons or more.

Long story short: you can easily brew strong (16% ABV or better) wine in just a few weeks, for cheaper than you can buy wine, and tailor it to your preference (some like drier, some like sweeter, you can experiment with different fruits although apple is highly reliable, consistent, and cheap).

I'd love to do this but can't afford the initial outlay for the equipment.

Despite what this moron said, bein well hydrated greatly reduces the effects of a hangover the next day and having drank regularly under both circumstances in my life I can say with certainty that it's a reproducible effect. A few years ago I adopted the chug a glass of water between each drink method, and haven't gone back since. I'm far more functional in the mornings since I made this change, and just being a well hydrated person in general has made me all round feel better day to day. Also eat a nice good meal before drinking, nothing gives a worse hangover than drinking on an empty stomach. Just keep in mind that will having food in your stomach and water in your cells will significantly reduce your hangover, it will mean having to drink a bit more to get where you want so you make a choice between drunk quick or light hangover. Also I to don't recommend taking aspirin or anything before bed, if anything take it the following morning. Oh and the same food and water thing helps greatly in the morning as well for getting over whatever hangover you're left with.

I have done this with the following:
1) 5 gallon frosting pail. Cost: 0, got it from a deli/bakery, they throw them out. Food grade plastic and it has a gasket seal in the lid.
2) soda straws, the bendy kind. Free, from McDonalds.
1) Hot glue gun. Probably $6 at walmart, but I just used the one I had. Maybe 7 cents worth of glue stick material.
5) Gallons of apple juice. On sale for like a buck a gallon or something, shit was crazy cheap.
1) 8 lb. bag of sugar. Think that was like, $3 or less.
1) packet of yeast. Less than a buck (I got a ten pack for like $6 I think).

That's it. I sterilized the pail, made a hole in the lid for a straw, connected the two straws together with hot glue gun and sealed one end to the hole in the lid, then filled it up. The straw is to let out the CO2 it creates during fermentation: I just run it into a glass of water so it can bubble and burp but nothing can crawl back into the tank.

Shit works like magic, and is very cheap.

saltine crackers, a multivitamin and some gatorade before bed.

pro tips:

heat the juice to just below boiling (kills any wild yeast/bacteria that could produce some off flavors) and add brown sugar (will make more alcoholic). Let cool back down to just above room temp before adding yeast.

Also get some wine yeast from a brewing supply company rather than bakers yeast. Should come out better.

if you're hungover you drank too much, end of story; doesn't matter what the fuck you drink. the key is to either know when to stop or know how to pace yourself, and nobody can help you there bc everyone's different.

Honestly, and you’re probably not going to truly appreciate this advice.

Drink once a week only. You’ll feel proper liquored off of 3-4 beers , half a bottle of wine, 2-3 shots of hard liquor.

When you drink continuously your body learns to process the liquor much more efficiently causing a heavy tolerance increase in a short amount of time.

If you drink once a week, you’ll get to feel white girl wasted without ever having to consume a hangover’s worth of booze.

But like I said, you’ll probably not appreciate this advice.

Nice. I'll give this a try though I may upgrade some of the stuff. I'm poor but not THAT poor.
