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I was just in a car accident. I merged into the left lane and struck a guy coming from behind me also in the left lane.

I already recorded my statement with my insurance company. I said I had my turn signal on when I merged.

But my gf says that when I called her after the accident, I said I didn't hear the beep. I don't think I had my signal on. I believe I'm at fault.

What the he'll do I do? Is this fraud? I'm so scared. I can't sleep. Can't eat. I can't call the claims inspector until tomorrow. What the he'll do I do? I need to come clean, but what happens if I do?... I'm afraid. I'm crying. I just want my life back to normal.

Pic not related.

It's a car accident, if anything happens claim that the collision made the memory fuzzy.

It was just a fender bender. I have a bad memory in general but I didn't tell her that. I never admit to it because it makes me feel fucked up. People punish me for it. I can't handle the guilt.

It's not fraud calm down. People are always going to have different accounts of accidents it's not a big deal. The only time you're going to be in trouble is if you were drunk and lied about it or something.

relax dude. think how many time you have driven in a car before and put on the turning ticker stick without even thinking about it, after you drive a while those kind of things become second nature to you so just because you dont remember it doesnt mean you didnt do everything as normal like the 10,000 other times when you have indicated to turn into a different lane.

Dont stress yourself out over a tiny little detail you are not even sure about because most people dont even remember what goes on in a car accident let alone survive one.

Sometimes life throws shit at you and sometimes it doesnt, you need to just chill out and toughen up. Just be thankful nobody was hurt otherwise it could have been much MUCH worse. You are fucking lucky OP

I've been trying to calm down for hours. I want to believe everything will be ok. I don't care about the insurance premium going up. I will gladly accept responsibility if it means that I can have both our vehicles fixed and just get back to my life.

I don't have the spine to handle this kind of serious business.

Has anyone ever experienced an issue like this? Like, if I tell her I remember it differently, will they take me to court?

I don't have a lawyer. Has anyone ever worked for an insurance company?

You're at fault whether you had your signal on or not. Your signal is just to let other drivers know that you want to change lanes, it doesn't grant you right of way.
Unless the other guy ran square into the back of your car, you're going to be the one to get the ticket. If the side of your rear fender hit the side of his front fender, it's your fault.

My driver side door and front fender hit his front passenger side fender. My back door and fender weren't damaged. I turned right into him.

But if it's my fault, does it just increase my premium? Are they going to come after me thinking I lied to them?

Then nothing you said will affect how the court sees it. You are 100% at fault. Whether your signal was on or his horn was beeping won't even come into consideration.

I admit that it's my fault. I don't want to go to court. I just want to pay my increased premium, have collision insurance fix my car and be done with it. Am I over thinking this?

>Are they going to come after me
They aren't going to care that much. You basically have two choices you can make.
1: If you offer to pay out of pocket for the other guy's repairs, he won't need to file a claim against your insurance. He's not required to accept this offer, but if he doesn't file a claim against your insurance then your rate won't go up (except for this next part)
2: You're going to get a ticket, which means points against your license and a fine. You *might* be able to opt to pay a higher fine instead of getting points against your license, but you'll have to go to the court date, plead guilty, and hope the judge doesn't just get mad at you for wasting the court's time.

If you pay out of pocket for the repairs and pay the higher fine to avoid points against your license, your insurance will not go up.

>have collision insurance fix my car
Do you have full coverage or just liability? Because if you just have liability (the minimum requirement) it won't pay for your car, only the other guy's.

youre probably not going to court user

Hey OP. I work in a high volume personal injury law firm.

Just stick to your story. If the police officer did not cite you and there were no 3rd party witnesses, there's no way they'll prove you were at fault.

Your insurance company may just pay a nuisance claim or go 50/50 with the other guy's insurance, but there's no legal repercussions you have to worry about if you just lie. Your insurance will fight tooth and nail for you because they don't want to pay, believe me.

>there's no way they'll prove you were at fault.
>car in the left lane was hit on the right side

personal injury lawyer in chicago - this is 100% correct.

absolutely nothing to worry about.
just stick to your story.

your insurance company and the other driver's insurance company will figure it out between themselves

no body -- literally nobody -- is concerned about this except you.

It's called plausible deniability. All he has to say is he was merging over with his turn signal and no one was there. It becomes he said, she said. They both have damage to their vehicles. Good try though. I work for a Plaintiff's firm so, trust me. Defendants and at-fault drivers get off easily all the time. No attorney wants to litigate a fender bender unless they just got out of law school, even then you'll get less money than you normally would because of an attorney's fee even if taken on contingency.

TL;DR OP is safe and sound

Chicago PI lawyer again.

OP is concerned about being v& for insurance fraud. That will never happen.

He is not really worried about his insurance company paying for the property damage.

Basically100% of disputed accidents are he-said, she-said.

If there is no law enforcement eyewitness, no intoxication, no death or dismemberment, no one gives two shites about some property damage funder bender.

Chicago PI lawyer again.
This user is 100% correct.

I'm out.

hey OP- I'm pretty familiar with insurance. I'm not sure what type of coverage you have (collision, comprehensive or just liability) but your liability coverage will take care of the other persons damage. If you have collision it will coverage your damage. Your premiums may go up. Otherwise there is nothing here that would be serious.

>Is this fraud?

No. Fraud comes from deliberate misrepresentation, fraudulent actions, etc. Don't worry. You will be fine. This is what insurance is for. Shit happens.

by the way, did you hit your head?