Is Sup Forums interested in pics of this GILF?

Is Sup Forums interested in pics of this GILF?

Jesus christ she looks like a football
I bet she was really something back in the 80s tho

So, thats a no?

I mean, I'm fuckin curious now, so go on ahead if you want.

I am. Which eye should I be gazing into?

Her face is rough, I agree, Her body is nice though for a grandma.

Either eye, will do.

I would like to meet her OP. Does she live in the NYC area?

Go on ahead and shoot

No, sorry. She is all the way over in CA.

What do you think?

You the guy from Fresno?

Damnit! Oh well, I'll just have to fap to GILF porn then

I want to fuck her until she regrets being born female.

No. Would you happen to be a partially illiterate biker / crank dealer?

Yes, I am.

You can fap to her.

Watch out for this one, they mean business; I already wish I were born without eyes

I wanna eat that pussy till she begs me to fuck her!

Are you actually attracted to her?

For you

Haha, no. I actually have a Masters.

So you're a gay sub?


Time to fap!

Thank you.

No, a Masters degree in Education

You the user that likes her ?


Yes, thats me. Any more tit pics?


did someone grate her face?

masters in bating

Depends how low you set the bar for nice, I guess. She's pretty fucking revolting.

Saved it, thanks. Shes so damn sexy. How old is she?

over 55


She likes to party.

would rough fuck all night long

Let's see her feet!

yeah we get it, she's a whore. she spent the money she got for these shitty pics on crack. probably dead now by the look of her.

but yeah, good bait if you're one of the few who hasn't seen you post it before.

no surprises to see you in here you pathetic cock

I know, just funnin' with ya

howd you meet granny?

It's from a porn site, you fucking dill. Are you new to the internet?

sorry bro, I haven't seen every picture of every naked woman ever in existence.

>tfw no reverse image results
post links

you don't need to. obvious shit is obvious shit. it's Sup Forums. these pics are really old

I knew a woman that looked like this that offered to take my virginity, I almost went for it.