I love white men. I have a huge sexual attraction for pink cock. i remember the first time seeing the glory of milky...

I love white men. I have a huge sexual attraction for pink cock. i remember the first time seeing the glory of milky, white skin and pink tones. Touch their soft, thin hair..the blond or brass colored hair to get lost in. the fleecy warm pubic hair that surrounds the pink cock and even pinker balls. I want to take white men into my mouth almost immediately listen to their voices that sound like tin as they cum. Suck on the taut pink nipples..

any way, that's about it. thanks for reading. show me your white cocks if you want and i'll rate.

or share some stories about white fetishism if you got any.

what race and sex are you?

black male


what's your ethnicity?

Figures a nigger would forget to post basic vital information like this.

do you have a preference?

non black female

white and proud

i want to see your cock.


I posted it dumb ass nigger

Is this the newest counter to the bbc threads? It’s not as good as the other counter threads (Shitted(tm), for one, was memorable) but was ultimately doomed to failure - as this one is too.
Face it white boy, you can keep denying the reality of your situation or you can accept it like a man and move on with your life. Black men are simply more well endowed and physically capable then you. Do yourselves a favour and more on.
This is beginning to toe the line of pathetic.

this. everyone knows that black mails are far superior to white men, even in the penis. to say anything otherwise is just bogus

black men a nice and have larger cocks in general, but there is an extreme difference in hair texture, color and the general coloring of the skin that makes white bodies appear more "clean".



well, at least you have your physicality...

wow i was going to ask if you could beat up the back of my throat with your nice white cock, but misguided racism isn't sexy.

shut the fuck up you cuck ass white boy id kick your ass in 5 seconds bitch

Learn your place nigger

>entire history?
>current achievements?
>when all you niggers have is muh dick

it's actually kinda sad. I get why you do WE

because it's as close as you have to a real history

you too moon cricket

you racist ass honkey i bet you think about big black cock all day and i know your girlfriend does

i bet Lincoln fucked his black slaves. aint no shame in it. white men must give their seed sparingly and as often as possible.

get out of here nigger! this is a white appreciation thread.

no, this is a dubs thread

is it shilling? if it's shilling I get why you're doing it but I don't understand how you're so fucking bad at it.

if you are a real to goodness mud monkey then I don't even know what to say. sorry I guess? muh dick is all you have to be proud of. no accomplishments historically or presently and we sure as fuck know not in the future either.


ummm.... 5/10?

I don't like cut cocks. reminds me too much of ugly kikes. also, you have a weird skin discoloration between your thighs...

also your balls look really tough and grey..


i'm sorry. if it helps your cock does look big and girthy. it'd be nice to ride I bet.