I never really listened to pink floyd untill I really listened to it

I never really listened to pink floyd untill I really listened to it.

ITT we talk about bands that really hit us on a spiritual level, lyrics and all.

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"Hey you out there on your own
Sitting naked by the phone
Would you touch me?
Hey you with you ear against the wall
Waiting for someone to call out
Would you touch me?"


Here's a Pink Floyd song that I enjoy, I have only met a couple other people personally that know this song.

I love it!

pink Floyd hit me on a spiritual level and it really clickecked later on in life. The band that hit me deep down in the boi pussy of feels though (no homo, just Sup Forumsfag) is the Grateful Dead. that band also took me the longest time to get that connection.

anyway if u want spiritual connection asap... blast papadosio "the sum" right the fuck now

listened to floyd as a teen, mp3 with headphone still liked it. Now got vinyl and a good sound system and even better.

Eyedea. I found this dude when I was in a really bad place in my life, back in the day when I was still growing up. Wasn't even really into hip-hop back then but I related to every verse this man spit.

After about two years of listening to him I found out he was dead to whole time. Really kinda hit home and I appreciated his music that much more.


Ive listened to it for so long! But it wasn't untill I dropped acid that i REALLY understood it.

Thank you! I appreciate your contributions!

I listened to the Gratefull dead alot as a preteen I will give them a re-listen..


Turnover. The first time I listened to them I was delivering pizzas and parked in a lot down the block and sat there until I finished their album Peripheral Vision.

Holy shitttt!!!!! I am a pizza delivery driver for a super popular American chain

Lamb, less on a spiritual level and more so on a moral/political level.


Love it!

Everyone goes through the sudden discovery of Pink Floyd at one point or another. It is up to you to not do the next thing they all do: constantly bring up Pink Floyd and/or their songs, often relating one thing to a verse or something.
Good music, just don't overdo it.

Also picked up Animals from a discount rack and it is probably the most worthwhile album I have purchased since I actually used to buy songs and albums from iTunes, and it didn't cost $14.99 like albums used to online

Huge The Mars Volta fan here. Love all their albums. Their technical musicianship is unsurpassed.

Same deal with The Beatles and Nirvana. Good music but too many people circlejerk over it.


Im taking 300 mics of acid next week and I want a good ass playlist for it. Last time I took 100 and listened to basically pink and a couple of indie bands and it was lit I wanna get the full experience now!

im surprised this isn't b8

I got high as shit on acid and found this song in some list


don't know why but I fucking love this song.

Melodic or heavy?

What do you mean?

i'd recommend either watching fritz the cat or an insect documentary.

but if you really want to stick with the music, Electric Wizard and Mastodon feel right.

Im not trying to bait I just want some good opinions on music and I know Sup Forums has some. Sorry to disappoint!

I can scream just like that

>insect documentary
Literally any nature doc is kino af on drugs.

Matchbox 20

you're good man, Pink Floyd is great but that exact line is spouted by 14 year olds who bitch about modern music and brag about the beatles.

truth, but watching ants go to war for an hour and a half is fucking awesome.

Will give the a relitsten. I guess I wasn't edgy enough in middleschool

My favorite band of all time. From the early Syd era, to the Endless River and everything in between... I L. O. V. E. PINK FLOYD


instrumental post-rock

Pink Floyd echoes
I don't need drugs for this song

Mosttly melodic.

Amazing! I love the base strum that plays as a motif throughout the album.

Feast your ears

This is amazing user!





>I have only met a couple other people personally that know this song

Welcome to the club Sup Forumsro

It's true, not many people I hang out with listen to pink floyd, especially their early works. Internet faggots don't count.

Wow. Reminds me a lot of Cano:



Their shows are fun as fuck

I also love the story of their mentor

Yea cause most are elitest faggots who are convinced race still counts for anything evolutionarily lol.

one album title, animals. that's all you need to know


haha charade you are

run to the bedroom
in the suitcase on the left youll find my favourite axe
dont look so frightened this is just a passing phase
one of my bad days


love this album

Townes Van Zandt- Waiting around to die.
Fugazi-Waiting Room
Etta James-I'd Rather Go Blind
Blind Willie McTell-Lay Some Flowers On My Grave
Krs1-Raptures Delight
Cults-Always Forever
The Flaming Lips-Bad days
Hurray for the Riff Raff-I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry


>brag about the beatles
i agree. swear to god, let it bleed was better than any beatles record. brian jones was THE MAN


the fuck outta here

this will free your mind and soul,,

Echoes is a masterpiece!

Fuck yes it is!

also the animals album

Any Sublime fans out there rn?

Floyd has taken me places that nothing else ever could. Atom Heart Mother is one of the greatest albums of all time.

It's actually their only album that i can't seem to enjoy no matter tries i give it. Oddly enough my all time favorite is the wall, it's a hell of a trip.


Dude, childhood end hit me pretty hard when I first listened to it. Obscured by clouds is one of my favorite albums of all times

Also, meddle is amazing too

Tool, the band, has also changed my own life perception

the wall has some amazing songs "In the Flesh?" gets me every time if should be the national anthem for all countries.

Any of their songs!

Cause I'm praying for rain
And I'm praying for tidal waves
I wanna see the ground give way.
I wanna watch it all go down.
Mom, please flush it all away.
I wanna see it go right in and down.
I wanna watch it go right in.
Watch you flush it all away.