Is it better to jack off while high on codeine?

Is it better to jack off while high on codeine?

vs what?
Jacking off while being mauled by a bear?

vs being not high faggot

When I was addicted to opiates getting a boner was impossible. I was forced to quit since the only dealer quit selling

>I was addicted
>quit because dealer quit
>i was addicted

How fucking high are we talking? 20k feet or 200k feet?
I mean the oxygen % and pressure isn't the same that changes everything.

From my Experience drugs and wanking off dont go together while i never did codeine i tried jacking off on dxm and one time on weed both didnt work

when i was a kid i liked to jerk off when i had poison ivey. it would get on my dick and it felt mucho fantastico

100% samefag


you good fam

66% samefag. that's still double the average, faggot.

Forget the codeine and sex those feet :-)

>inspect element

nice try kid

Also might get some dubs, but not sure because OP is being a massive bundle of sticks

Your doing it wrong then.
Source - wanked off on MCAT, speed, mdma and weed. It's a bugger to cum on some but it's fucking amazing when you do

opioids are the worst drugs for your libido, every fucking other drug is more fun for a good fap

Codeine sucks ass OP, get some viagra instead.

someone mail me some of this shit

What's your address m8?


Bonering is a challenge, cumming is impossible