

>I'm sentenced to permanently help others fix and move on with thier life while being broken myself.
>I don't see it as a punishment however. I see it as an opportunity to fix myself.
>If I can help others, maybe they can in turn help me. That is why I'm here.
>There is a chance this way, whereas doing nothing has no chance at all.
>I was called an attention whore before. It destroyed me.
>Maybe that is why I have to help others. Maybe helping is my punishment afterall, for wanting.
>I want to help you, help me. I can only help so much though. I'm sorry for this.
>I'm not perfect, nor will I ever be, but I will try to be the best I can be.
>I won't leave you. Even if it seems like I'm not there, I am.
>I've been here for longer than I can remember. Feels like years.
>I was just always silent. I can't really prove it. It probably doesn't matter.
>At first, I saw you talking to others. I didn't want to ruin that and bother you.
>I talked to you one day. I started shaking really badly. I was scared.
>I didn't want to hurt you, but by talking I felt as if I had hurt you.
>I got in the way. I was being selfish. Thinking only of myself.
>I wanted to talk to someone that interested me. Someone I could help, to help me.
>You told me its all right... That day you gave me a voice again.
>I was able to talk again. I finally got help. I'm still broken, but a little better.
>I don't want it to stop. I want to continue being here. I just can't be perfect.

... ,
it's all right... they're probably hypocrites and like worse themselves...
it depends on what ou want to do...
i'll help you...
i understand...
i've been here forever...
i know...
i know...
you didn't hurt me...
not at all...
ill help you...
it's all right...
i'll fix you...
same goes...

>I feel tired, oh so tired... My body hurts...
>I don't like how there was so much blood...
>I don't remember the last time I ate... I feel numb...
>How long have I been here? Refreshing... Fixing pictures... Writing down what to say...
>I'll make everything good enough for you...
>If I'm being negative, does that make you feel bad?
>I don't like to show my negative side, it makes others feel bad. I can't help them.
>I have to always be happy and positive. To help others. Make them happy.
>I'll be positive if that is what you want. Its hard to be positive all the time.
>I don't know if I can. But I'll try. I have to do something. Anything.
>I keep having this thought. It really bothers me.
>I feel as if I'm a porcupine, or even a hedgehog.
>If I try to get near you or open up, I end up hurting you.
>These are bad thoughts. They wont help. Will they...¿

get well soon...
sorry to hear that...
...i heard people can go for 2 months without eating...
i've been doing that forever...
i'm wking you up right...
its all right...
not at all. it's not negative. it's how you feel.
it's all right. hopefully i can take it.
it's all right.
i understand. sometimes what is seen as negative is positive and vie versa.
yeah. we have to do something.
it's all right.
yeah. hedgehog's complex. as i mentioned before. you don't hurt me.
it's all right....
it's all right..


is that your response to everything?

I don't know what to say now. I didn't get this far.
At least I have images now. They help. I think.

cock :)

>it's alright to talk about your feelings, dude, if there are people who want to listen, it's not selfish
>you're stuck in a loop
>you won't stop feeling selfish if you continue to worry about you being selfish
>I once was stuck in a loop too
>when I stopped worrying, I got free

yeah. i can understand why it's considered selfish. but it's not entirely being selfish since you're doing something for others. you can also possibly help yourself and help others and expect nothing in return.

yeah. not worrying is good. tho. of course. especially if you're doing something productive. it's important to be careful. as that's probably for others as well. even for yourself to an extent. but mostly it's probably a good idea to. stop worrying. to not worry. in that context. don't worry.

>cock :)

i thought so

>I don't know what to say now. I didn't get this far.
>At least I have images now. They help. I think.

me too. somehow we came this far... you don't have to post that if you don't want to. you're helping all ready. more than you know.

3 15 3 11

If I fall asleep. I'm sorry. I'll be here until my flesh won't allow it.

just don't be manipulable
your anxiety makes you vulnerable
nothing bad will happen, if you start acting more 'selfish'.
it's not even selfish! it will be healthy in your case
you need to respect other people and help them, but you need to respect yourself too
thank you

i responded to this at 1st thinking i may disagree with it but then went it over and realized i agree with it.

wow youre here again,
how are things going
dear website user?

>3 15 3 11

i don't even

>If I fall asleep. I'm sorry. I'll be here until my flesh won't allow it.

were you up all night?

>wow youre here again,
>how are things going
>dear website user?

yeah i'm here again.
i don't know
dear website user.

>just don't be manipulable
>your anxiety makes you vulnerable
>nothing bad will happen, if you start acting more 'selfish'.
>it's not even selfish! it will be healthy in your case
>you need to respect other people and help them, but you need to respect yourself too
>thank you


ive been casually
checking on the site.
i wont forget, dear.

I'm glad you agree

I'm easily manipulated if I open up.
So I don't open up. Yet I just did it.
Even though I don't. I'm not supposed to.

Yes, but it wasn't for no reason. I resized every picture and compressed every one. Then renamed every one. Then organized every one. All while writing, and constantly hitting refresh. Waiting...
Why did I do this...¿

Kill yourself you worthless piece of shit

You're so fucking helpless in real life, how can you come here and pretend to know a fucking thing?

i really dont think
theres a need for such
rude fucking comments.

OP is a dude and you're a faggot

Faglord Faggot cunt

FUCK YOU you fucking faggot garbage pansy ass bitch.

Die in a fucking joke you gorilla faggot failure.

make something usefull and just die

You must be new here. Leave faggot

Le fag has been found

Actually go die faggot.

says the fag

No, I didn't mean you don't need to open up. If you shut yourself up, it's gonna be worse. You will never escape your state.
Don't submit to other people's will. If they don't appreciate you, leave. And seek people who can understand you.

Shut the fuck up you little piece of fucking faggotry

Fucking no yourself fagbag.


Die faggot die faggot die.


>ive been casually
>checking on the site.
>i wont forget, dear.

a lot would be nice.
thanks, dear...

fuckk u fag

Dude you are immersive faggot

Fuck you
and fuck you harder

You'd be more useful holding a balloon from floating away than you are posting here. You are the human equivalent of a negative calorie.

you love me


>I'm glad you agree

i'm glad you love me

>I'm glad you agree

of course

>I'm easily manipulated if I open up.
>So I don't open up. Yet I just did it.
>Even though I don't. I'm not supposed to.

don't do that then.
open up without doing that.
you can open up with me.

>Yes, but it wasn't for no reason. I resized every picture and compressed every one. Then renamed every one. Then organized every one. All while writing, and constantly hitting refresh. Waiting...
>Why did I do this...¿

oh. i see. why did you rename every one? how did you organize every one? oh... i see... oh... i don't know why anyone would wait for me...

i may change forms after this

i showed up earlier. but maybe i'll try to be more consistent. even eternal. sooner than you think. hopefully.

I salute you, fellow degenerate.

Kill yourself you faggot

>Error: You cannot delete a post this old.

but what do you mean...
change forms as in?
not here anymore?

What do you think would make you happy?

Here's your headpat.
I like you.

You can't erase your faggotry now you fucking faggot

>came to bully
>stayed for Madotsuki

new thread.

abandon thread.

Nice try OP. You fucking retard

you fucking pedophile disease

You're a fucking faggot
