It's not just a girly face that makes a perfect trap, my brothers. The hips are imperative...

It's not just a girly face that makes a perfect trap, my brothers. The hips are imperative, the truest mark of womanhood.
Let us celebrate god's most beautiful mistake by sharing traps with perfect hips.

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Ill never have wide hips like hers, i fucked up

Look at the guitar...

just a guy with tits.

Dem hips tho



Nice photoshop, can't even get the right side rounded correctly. Learn 2 layer.

That pic is fake and gay. If only traps where that hot and had such hips...

Honestly, I'd take a trap like this over any girl.

this is shooped
post more though



>perfect hips

Of course it's photoshop; men do not have hips like that unless they have Klinefelter syndrome, which is pretty rare.

how do they manage to do this? hormones?

Alright boys whose got the original unshopped pic



Kek the guitar in the background must be warped. Men will never be able to have child birthing hips. Mental illness at it's finest



the appeal of traps for me is the smallness anyways

Youd have to start hrt at like 12 before puberty hits. And this pic is shopped but you could still acheive wide hips by starting hrt super early. I wish my little bitchass wasnt such a pussy and just started hrt when i was that young. Now im 24 and ill never have wide hips or girly face im stuck with big chin forever

This is the sauz:

>Youd have to start hrt at like 12 before puberty hits
or just get lucky w/genetics and start a little late

Can someone explain to me how it looks shopped? You circle shit and say it's warped but I really can't see shit, looks real to me.


I'm sure you're still pretty, user

So youd have to start at like 12 before puberty hits, or get lucky with genetics. But realistically youd have to start at like 12