So my girlfriend went running with a friend today and after their session this pic appears on her instagram

So my girlfriend went running with a friend today and after their session this pic appears on her instagram.
Normally I'm not a jealous guy, so don't wanna give her that impression, but this pic is pushing it a bit in my opinion.

What do Sup Forums?

You are the jealous type if this picture is offending you in anyway.

No i think you need to chill out. It's not worth even bringing up. And you will look super controlling if you say this pic is over the line

I would have creeped so much on your gf, what an ass!

bringing it up will only cause negativity. dont be resentful op

you're an idiot if you let this fly.

instead of crying go with her running.

Am fapping to her now. Post moar OP

what ass

>inb4 nigger

And OP stop being a jealous little bitch and just fuck your frustrations out on her

looks like a cock whore to me.

Jerk off to it son. Or wait till she gets home, fuck her, take pics, post pussy pics

is that your girlfriend or your girlfriends friend?


Lol, implying that everything a woman does isn't for attention.

My gf. Why would I care otherwise?

She’s trying to catch the attention of some other guy, no female on planet earth is as innocent as you imagine.

You have to confront her about this.

Male or female friend?

good question

Why the fuck would he be jealous of her friend you cock munching bitch?

What, did a guy post this to her instagram? If not oh well, she's just stretching, and setting her stop-watch....

lets see more of that big bad shithole

sorry, shes a whore begging for other men to crawl into her DM's. Ive seen this too many times. she doesnt like you anymore

She's definitely letting some other guy use her body posing for him like that

She's being pounded by your friend. But be happy, at least she's fucking someone that she knows

Female thank god

so then dont worry.

Not OP but I'm the controlling type and I don't think there's a problem if she's cool too with it.

I would confront about this. Dudes are DMing her while you're on Sup Forums

You're a bitch. Look at the juicy white ass on that bitch you should be poking it now instead of crying on the internet like a bitch. Just give it up

let's see her tits now

Be the first to comment nice ass, before someone beats you to it.

The fuck? user youre coming off as super jealous. My wife often posts pics of herself getting touched up by dudes/flirting/taking it up the ass but I dont go around feeling insecure about it, I know its just how she expresses herself.

Then you're being a fucking idiot, plain and simple. Get over yourself.

That’s an ass that should be getting passed around

And it is. On the streets. In those pants. Also here. On Sup Forums.

This definitely


Well it’s in good hands

This, Leave a message how you're gonna do things to her later or someshit

If she deletes your comment then she's fucking around, keep the comment playful/jokingly that way she doesnt say something like she doesnt want comments like that or w/e

this is how she spends her days when you're not there

You have a few options bud.

The most beta move would to be get all offended, act like a jealous girlfriend (Yeah, calling you a girl if you do this.) and confront her and drive her into this guy's arms.

The alpha thing to be would call up your hottest female friend and go on a lunch or something with her. Not like a date, don't make it seem anyway like that but just spend some time with a really hot chick.

That's exactly what I would do, at least. Let her know she ain't the only thing on the menu you have access to, but you are exclusive for now.

Random guys are already publicly commenting on her tight ass

>implying OP has "really hot" friends/friends

just stop whining op and get over it. its nothing.

"Rrgh! Why are girl taking pic of her butt? Butt is only for me! No one else look at my gf butt! Here, Sup Forums, look at my gf butt. It butt only for me!" You are teh smart, kid.

Dont worry, shes just advertising.. Privatfly fishing for something a bit higher up the scale then a beta neckbeard who browse Sup Forums instead of tapping that.

Maybe the guy who is fucking her will see this picture and tell her you suspect her.

Shes a slut. Dont date sluts. Find another bitch.

This. Bitches are great. Sluts, not so much.


she wants to leave you.
so she's creating a scenario,
for you to react to,
so she can leave you.
ignore it.

Thanks op, just doxed her. Will be sending her a message and post results here

She's OP's GF, mongrel

printscreen for proof faggot

Waiting on response from her faggot

yoou get to fuck her. you want to know what the most alpha thing to do is? just fuck her. let her do what she does. she might be doing this ffor attention but who cares. if you never bring it u p it makes the other guys look like pawns while you are the king. you see?

And this is how you spend your days...
Fucking basement dwelling newfaggot

Go fuck a landwhale you fucking ape.


You’re a whiny pearl clutching half-a-fag little bitch. No wonder you’re worried, she’s way out of your league.

kek this

Call up one of your looksprettygood/10 female friends and go drink some coffee or eat some food together. Don't tell her about it and just say you're gonna go out with a friend.

>post picture on instagram
>wait till gf reacts somehow
>say "was just hanging with a friend tf wrong wit you?"
>she now knows she aint shit but just another option
>be alpha

sure you are

>Normally I'm not a jealous guy, so don't wanna give her that impression, but this pic is pushing it a bit in my opinion.
Do you still have the receipt from where you bought her, OP?

Sadly op your gf is a modern day hoe. And these hoes love to play games and fish for attention. They need confirmation from other guys and even if they're in a relationship they don't give a fuck. My advice to you is don't take her serious and go fuck with other girls before she plays you if she ain't already

I'm by no means a cuck, but shouldn't this make you proud? A bunch of guys that see this are gonna wish she was theirs, but you're the lucky guy that got her. You're the lucky guy that gets to fuck her. Get some fucking self esteem and confidence. If a lot of guys look at your girlfriend like she's a treat, that makes you more alpha. I've been told by a few guys that my girlfriend has the nicest ass they've ever seen. And as long as those guys don't actually try to take her from me, it's cool, it makes me feel like a fucking god. If some guy gets in her DMs, fuck him up, but otherwise, take pride in your girlfriend's ass.


Lol, you faggot.

If your missus has a hot body, she's going to want to show it off.

If you don't let her show it off, she WILL find a guy that will.

So suck a fat one and keep tapping that sweet arse dumb cunt. Or you'll lose it.

the problem is his girlfriend is a hoe. he's trying to take her serious but you shouldn't ever get into a relationship with a hoe

call her a slut and make her explain herself

I'm guessing you are trolling but if not you should go talk to someone about your jealousy. It's something wrong with how you think that will 100% guaranteed fuck up your relationship otherwise.

>you shouldn't ever get into a relationship with a hoe
I'd agree 100%. They can be wooden, and will also cut you if you're not careful how you handle them

Dutch ones are the absolute worst

being that petty and insecure is pretty beta

You know what's most alpha? Trying to convince other guys to let their gfs show their hot butts to you and making them feel like lesser beings if they don't.

don't be jealous, you can never really trust a woman anyways

that's one good piece, but get over it. You are over jealous my friend

It's a woman. They live for attention. So this seems pretty normal.

Hey, dat kontje herken ik. Hoe heet ze ook alweer?

You know by posting it on Sup Forums you're exposing that sweet ass to the creeps that you were self conscious about
Also it's not a big deal but you should mention it makes you uncomfortable but don't force her to delete it or anything like that

Bullshit kindergarten behavior. Yeah you haven't dealt with any women who have any self-respect I suppose cause if you pull "hot girlfriend" scenario the OP will not see her pussy ever again.
I would just comment on the picture "Your ass looks fantastic here, did he like it and offered to service it too after he saw it"? And fucking laugh. And then bend her over and fuck her hard.


She definitely asked for the picture to be taken, thats why shes posing as if shes about to race. Fucking idiots. OP just found this picture as well.


you would only be mad if a guy "friend" took this pic. Chances are she has at least sucked this guys dick and let him cum all over her. Its over OP.

Your mouth is full of common sense.

>everything they do is for attention. As much I am getting turned on by this ass and already diamonds - it's in their hormones that everything they will do is for MALE attention

Instead of being jealous enjoy getting cucked or date someone who can respect

>don't act like a passive aggressive girlfriend
>act like a passive aggressive beta male
Yeah, sure.

Smack your bitch up

Go full islam on her

I'm fucking a married woman in my running club. Just sayin'.

I'm falling for bait here? If not, please kill yourself

You don't get to control someone because you are romantically involved. You don't deserve her. Insecure straight bro.

Talk to her. Don't be a faggot about it, but don't risk losing that sweet ass to stupid jealousy.

>Muslim countries are WORST than you think. Social media, YT and every single platform is now promoting 3rd wave feminism. So, now - girls who were supposed to dress modest, pray 5 times a day and save themselves for marriage are booking hotels and arranging threesomes

After they cheat, they scream ALLAH and the rules from QURAN. They're getting the most benefited.

In the name of ISLAM you can do ANYTHING.



What are all the comments on her insta? Any guys making comments, and is she replying to them? You will probably be able to pick out the one she's fucking behind your back, based on their interaction.

Rape her anally to assert dominance

bravo faggot, some beta chump is gonna think this is a great idea. their gf is going to definitely dump them for cheating and then he'll be the one stalking her ig and fb pics. nice, real nice

I've dated this type before.

If they're doing shit like this, they are immature, still in the attention seeking phase, and aren't really self aware yet.

If it's an issue for you, bring it up like an adult, explain why you think it's a bit ridiculous, and if she goes batshit or tells you not to worry about it (and continues the behaviour) then you have all the red flags you need to move on.

You're obviously not comfortable with her behaviour, how are you supposed to put up with it for the rest of your life?

Any girl that I've left for reasons like this is still sitting in their bathroom spamming instagram with selfies every week. They don't have hobbies or interests and rely on other humans for satisfaction. Remove them from your life.

that's all girls between the ages of 14-28
by the time they're 29 they don't care anymore