What do you think people will say of you once you pass?

What do you think people will say of you once you pass?
Would you leave a lasting legacy? Will you be hated, loved?

It'll probably be relatively neutral.

Oh the sweet relief of eternal sleep. If I died suddenly now, people would probably say that I had a short and pretty tragic life. They might be sad for a while, but will soon forget me. Their lives will be much better without me to ruin everything.


Too bad you are relatively a faggot.

I'm not sure it'd be a great number of people that'd be upset. However, I do have a few very close friends who I think would say good things of me.

I'm not sure I'd leave a legacy, I'm planning on working in geohazards, slope stability specifically so unless I invent something really neat I don't quite think I'll make it to the history books

Fag alert

You're a fucking fag

>It'll probably be relatively neutral.
they will be glad that your faggot ass is gone


At least 99.999% of people will be utterly forgotten within 100 years of their death. Almost everything we do is to try and forget about the fact that everything we do is ultimately completely pointless and meaningless. The universe cares not one jot about you, try to act appropriately.

Choke on a dick, fag

8 years is pretty short

Fortunately not as short as your dick.

fucking faggot


Definitely loved. I put up a different front every time I meet a new group of people depending on what they're like, and while they all know me as a different kind of person, they'll all remember as a guy they liked.

i dont think i care what they say about me
i think i care more about who is able to say anything about me
people who don't breed, dont have much said about them when they die
people with lots of kids have people saying ltos of things about them, good or bad

I'd rather have people talking about me long after i die

I am part of human nature, i can never die.

lol, unless a massive meteorite hits tomorrow. Humans are dumb as fuck. We spend trillions annually on global warming which, at worst, will make things a bit shitty. We spend about 20 million a year tracking asteroids which could pretty much sterilise the planet. We are long, long overdue a massive meteor according to the historic record.


Loved. I would have taken my life so many times by now if it didn't mean offloading my issues onto everyone around me.

gg no re