A trap who loves being degraded

a trap who loves being degraded








Sauce? I would love to torture that ass

you don't are normal

go to psy

Fuck this guy... Post more


Disgusting degenerates.

I fucking hate traps and sissies, and all the trap threads here on Sup Forums. Males with wigs and plastic boobs, holding their little fingers out while drinking 'a nice cup of tea'. Eww and yuuck! They are not even real men!

There is an old man crying inside. The boy he loved, who was supposed to be a good man, a father of his children, his bloodline - now a degenerate fag, who dresses up as a girl and craves dick. These are dark times man. Birth control chems in drinking water, soy pumping young lads with estrogen, media gloryfying degeneracy as some kind of bravery. You forgot the face of your father.

Repulsive. Your masculine face making this grotesque anime expression. There's no hope for you.

Seems like there's still some testosterone in you, which causes your privates to have a darker shade of skin color. You're on the verge. Neither man, nor woman. An abomination. I hope your family is proud of you, degenerate.

Oh, like either of you are going to breed.

>implying it’s actually OP

Hey, he wanted to get degraded, but he's degraded enough, so I thought why not step up the game? Isn't that what he wanted?

By the way I am going to. That's for sure. We're thinking about children after we both settle after the college.

I’m in love!
(Also I want to hurt and humiliate the shit out of her. Sauce?)

> the college

Hell non-fluent English writer, what's your first language and where are you from?

Czech. Both language and nationality.

some facts about this whore, she enjoys being a toilet/urinal, wants to be chained to a public urinal for everyone to use,she's a virgin, loves being spit and stepped on, loves being called humiliating things

who is this slut?

Lotta new Sup Forumstards itt.

So many trap threads lately. Gtfo to lgbt, you filth.


>Projecting this hard

But whats her name


Damn, fucking hawt. Where from, be Dutch and we'll meet! I'll fuck you hard

would she eat a turd?

Degrade yourself with a knife.

what is the name of this trap?



you look like human garbage, please die



Wow I'd love to use her as a toilet

whats her name

goys goys goys are you looking for a good time

Kys faggot you're entire family will hate you if they show it or not.
Traps are men you confused autist fuck