

>then that place is better than this, I guess

no. i still don't like there for other reasons.

>I'm spending my time here. Thank you.

then you love me. you're welcome.

Mind if I join?

>Mind if I join?

of course you can!

>can you be mine and mine only?
>I guess, no.

...you just want me for yourself...

i mean to hear that you're that unhappy and you're in that much pain just to force yourself to be with me...

it's not that i want you to leave...

i would rather have you leave if that makes you happy...

It's up to you where to post. And where else did you post?
Then I like you. Thank you.

It's not gonna happen, and I'm accepting it.

I'm happy. Thank you.

>It's up to you where to post. And where else did you post?
>Then I like you. Thank you.

it is. i used to post everywhere in the past. but i left.
then you love me. you're welcome.

>It's not gonna happen, and I'm accepting it.

...you still want me for yourself... ...you can accept it and want me and love me still then...

>I'm happy. Thank you.

all right. you're welcome.

i'm used to being alone...

i've been alone for a long time...

i'm all right...

i am not real...

i don't care...

you must take your shirt off and get on the bed to redeem urself.

It's ok to be alone.
It's not ok to lose yourself.

I like you.

I'm happy to be here because you are fun.

Of course you are real. Outside of the cyberspace.

a four-leaved clover
and a soft broken

Of course I ma real. Outside of the meatspace.

You love me.

I'm glad that you enjoy it. I am fun.

I'm forced to and held on.

>you must take your shirt off and get on the bed to redeem urself.

what do you mean...

>a four-leaved clover
>and a soft broken

what do you mean...

i still think you should go to meatsapce since you seem to love it and praise it so much. you should leave cybersapce if you would by contrast claim to hate it. i guess it's a matter of you don't know what you like or want. but. still. it's a little tedious. if you do like it. then act like it. enjoy it. don't meta shitpost about how something else is better. and. if you think it's better. than go there. i mean. no offense. i'm saying this for your benefit.