My bf broke up with me and i want to kms

My bf broke up with me and i want to kms

It'll pass, everything will be alright

what's kms?

No. He was the only one who understood me. Also he liked choking and degrading. I’ll never find anyone as good as him

That's a trap right there.

That's a man baby

Yes im a fucking tranny which makes everything worse because no one likes them

Sup attention whore.

Deal with it, life goes on.

Put a paperclip in your asshole.

Kill yourself

Seems like you should just off yourself

Stop being a degenerate, maybe you can get some girl to fuck you.

You really should kill yourself, your whole existant is useless, and sex not make the life worth, kill urself.

Maybe I should

It was at that moment everyone knew, OP has to actually kill himself.

Kilometres per second

Not just maybe, faggot.

Stream it atleast. Or go shoot up some Isis scum.

Or a school.

You have thee options here,
1. Kill yourself
2. suck it up, because the wold is always hard, safespaces are just an escape of reality
3. Kill yourself!!!

Why not just be fucking gay you god damn idiot. Or man the fuck up and stop being a bitch and maybe a woman (what you probably desire deep down) will love you.

all in all you should probably kys you giant flaming attention whoring faggot. Seriously I'm so sick of you mentally diseased people ruining the human race. I swear to god 90% of traps are soyboys that couldn't get a woman so they just defected. I hope you rot where you lie ass clown.

stfu there's plenty of faggots in the world to love you but you need to work on your own fucked up problems before entering a serious long term relationship

don't be a pussy

Man you guys that are saying to kill herself you are fucked up in the head.... Seriously.

Welcome to the rice fields motherfucker

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