Geeyy evening edition

geeyy evening edition

es been good times, hope you all doing well.

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I'm sleepy.

You tried sleeping?

At work.

Just sleep anyway, sure the customers will wake you when they want stuff.


Shall take it up for consideration.

Customers are assholes.

Nothing new there.

I read that as 'the cumdumpsters will wake you when they want stuff.'

how high/drunk are you?


Not nearly enough.

Neither. You never misread words sometimes?

You would fall asleep at work then.

Sure, just thought you might have been someone else who would usually be high or drunk.


Send me cute twinks to work on my neck.

Don't know anyone near you.



Yes you do, you know hunnibuns.

Don't know where he is.

He's out, walking the dog.

Then he can't come work on your neck.


That pupper is a full man job, she's so short and fat.

Then stop overfeeding her.


Yes, buy more hats instead.

She won't wear hats.

Train her.


She's got enough shit she needs to learn first. Like going outside to use the bathroom, not so she can follow us to the car when we try to leave.

It's because shes too fat to walk, so she don't want to do it outside.


Actually, I'm pretty sure its a territory thing, since the cats keep trying to eat her food.


Make them kiss and be friends.

But one of the cats has kitty herpes.

Dogs stress me out alot.

The thing is, my neigbor is a disgusting animal rapist and he has a new puppy.

I have camera proof that he rapes her frequently and i want to report him to the police and take the dog from him, but the thing is, dogs are alot of work and put monetary stress on the owner..

I dont want to see that poor baby in the pound though, so i have no idea what to do.

But that is kitty herpes not doggo, so you're fine.
Also remember fur rule #8: There exist no diseases.


only aids, but the good kind of aids

The pound is still better than being raped.

Fucking cat keeps sneezing on everything.


Sneeze back at it.


That may be true, but i doubt anyone will want her considering how internally injured she might be.

shes a small pup so maybe someone will find her cute and take her...idk man, i feel cornered.

Also, for the cat, look for nasal discharge, he might have a cold.


Find a non-lethal shelter nearby.

We've already taken him to the vet a few weeks ago, its either herpes or a tumor that is irritating the passage. The cat's pushing 12 years old, he just sneezes now.

Does anyone have that comic where a guy is captured and forced into some sort of ritual that makes him horny? I can't find it. It's very long.

We have a humane society over here, but i dont know if theyre gonna be open after saturday. i'm going to try them then, thanks for listening to my rambling..

Aww, poor kitty. I hope it's just herpes and not cancer

I know this is very vague, but I can't find it.

any other details you remember at all? species, setting, etc?

It was fantasy, I think that it opened with the main character getting into some sort of knights guild or something and getting fucked in the shower room.

Also the main character, might have been colored white, but I am not sure.


Qt fox

There are a couple comics I can think of that are somewhat similar I don't think I've read anything like that.. sorry user

he's actually a maned wolf, still qt regardless
maned wolf best wolf


Well thanks for trying anyway, just in case anyone is is looking at this I think there were also some strait scenes if that helps.





Hello everyone

Show dicc

I went to a zoo and saw one of those last summer, actually!

He wasnt orange, sadly (i'm pretty sure that the furry is just customized and theyre not actually orange)

That's a crotch.

They're like a reddish orange.




Big ol ears, long legs, and a small mane. What's not to love about em?

is that your bepis under there






cant you faggot niggers label your threads properly so i dont have to add all the possible ways of writing your stupid shit to my filter, thanks in advance



Hey Luc.


Ah, the one i saw was grey ^^; i'd never seen one before so i wouldnt know, sorry!

How is it going



It astounds me that this video has over 200k views




I want a boy with a butt like this



