Can we get a ylyl thread plox?

Can we get a ylyl thread plox?




But guns cause mass murder. Not people.




Top quality keks.

thats mean





fuck off faggot



Fake and of the faggot variety

Nice try pewds

12 year olds aren't allowed on Sup Forums

cats are pets for faggots




1st reaction... only a sick fuck laughs to a gore webm
2nd reaction... hahahaha holy shit! the stupid fuck thought he made it! hahahahahaha



fucking lold


doesn't work on even a single level

the grater is the wrong way round

Are you retarded?


nice filename, schwuchtel


God fucking damn it user why did I have to laugh at this?



Danke Brudi.


you must hate yourself a lot to find shit like this funny.



When the fuck did Sup Forums become a safe space?


wait...we're not?

That's a shitty remake. Here's the original.

Why are you here


"it's too fuckin early for this shit"



Fucking kek'd

Found the angry virgin

Com on... i got tinz to do...
sum buddy touches my spagetz...

Lost to this



Ya nigga


the best and probably ONLY time it's ok to ask "How's your twat?"

I wouldn't even rape her

lmfao good for equality but jeez fuck people are so stupid

I get that reference


still shitty

wait a minute....
he's wearing slip-on boots...

lmfao, fuck, saw it coming but still lol'd


did it work...?




(psssst, it's being played backwards, dummy.)

No bamboozle?


because it's a ylyl thread




Sup Forums isn't a place for sensitive little faggots

... are you dumb?



i didnt mean to laugh but i did.





watch until the end








dat kick


I want to die