ITT: Greatest movies of all time

ITT: Greatest movies of all time

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Nothing will ever come close to this

This is also true


>goatse cover
As good as the movie I guess.


Great movie but no where near the best


i cried.


You are right!

I'm convinced nothing will dethrone this for me.

This. People who would disagree are just trying to be edgy.




Nowhere near being into the top100. Good film but extremely overrated.

Call me homo I don't give a fuck


You already posted mine, op.



No one will cause you are right.








I think you just haven't seen enough films kid. You're confusing edgy for "educated"




oooh so edgy

Is this..your name?

Not even a contest

Trainspotting. One of the greatest...






Ohhh so dumb!

The last 30 minutes of this film is great

>posting the worst of the og trilogy

You will be happier by the time this movie finishes.



Was one of my favorites..until i quit smoking weed

Jedi is the best, Has a fun too watch adventure, happy ending and not to mention DARTH VADERS REDEMPTION TOO THE LIGHT SIDE FOR THE SAKE OF HIS SON DESTROYING THE ULTIMATE EVIL IN THE GALAXY. The worst in OG trilogy is Empire Strikes Back, and George Lucas agrees

This. Movie is so overrated. The Final Fantasy 7 of movies.



Tbh I have not cringed this hard in a long time. There’s no way you are over 12. Kys

Have you seen T2 yet? It was superb.

did you mean to post empire?


Big movie buff here. Not even the guy that posted, but Pulp Fiction is a great film.

That's the fucking worst movie ever. The whole point is that if you give up everything you purport to believe in, you too can end up successful.

I'never knew the shitty amurrican name, the actual translation from German is something like "the sky over Berlin".

Empire sucks

yeah it was good but not as dark/relevant like first one

American Psycho

this movie was unrealistic anti-science crap. wtf do people see in it? hurr durr, physics doesn't exist! best movie ever!




Pretentious Shit

....worked for me

Probably garbage
Good movie
Good movie
Better than curry dog millionaire.
Come on man
Decent, but ruined by edgelord.
Nah, garbage.
Was good, didn't age well.
Everything else either wasn't worth the time, or I haven't seen it.

>not posting over the top in a greatest movies of all time thread

Worst sequel ever. I stopped watching after 30min. Usually i watch even bad movies to the end

Nice try, Lucas cocksucker. Jedi is by far the worst. Even RotS with the horrible writing of the prequels is a better movie.

>interference to anything other than the best movie made, Terminator 2 judgment day.
Fucking scum

Yeah, it was nowhere near as dark, but I was more than happy with how they wrapped it up

Nice mate. Glad to see another tarkofskyfag here

Pulp fiction is a great film. It's one of the very few to have earned the biggest accolades both in Cannes and at the Oscars. Still, not near the top 50 or even top 100 of all time.

If you think that movie is THE SHIT really, you should see more movies.


There is a blatant lack of Spirited Away in this fucking thread.

Your opinion is uncouth and moronic. Thanks for sharing.

Of Course the Spanish version is much better

Kurosawa directed this brilliantly. It was groundbreaking at the time (first time shots now considered standard in most modern films). The story still stands up to time.




Revenge of the Shit sucks ass Jedi is the best only one with a true happy ending with no bullshit other then A new Hope (2nd place) attack of the clones is better than revenge of the sith as well



Confirmed, you have shit taste.

Dick club

this is a greatest movie thread
spirited away is not the greatest movie or the greatest anime
just wait till you graduate highschool

y'all niggas ain't even trying


Except for a few garbage titles here, you've all mostly posted amazing films. But very few here are worthy of being considered "Greatest of all time"

thread is a telltale of how stupid people are these days


Okay, retard

Porco rosso. Unfortunatly one of the bad ghibli movies