Quick I need funny images I can save to my phone to use when I need them. Also I'm a bit drunk. I'll post what I have

Quick I need funny images I can save to my phone to use when I need them. Also I'm a bit drunk. I'll post what I have.


Like I have this for when this are Confusing.



I also have this for when I'm about to drop some knowledge.

Here this always makes me laugh


This is when things are serious.

Here ya go OP

I like it.

This is for when I'm about to cry.

Also why does the capcha say that I need to select all images? Like if I'm a robot I'll just keep doing it till I get it right.

is that an pear or an lemon

Saved even though it's a little risque. I'll take a risk.

Should I buy Sup Forums pass?

I think it's an carrot

>is that an pear or an lemon
Pretty sure it's a cumquat.

>Should I buy Sup Forums pass?

K, I will once I'm capable.

This when things are cool.


Calm down, nobody has to get hurt. But the gun down, and lets talk, OP.

Cheers. What are you drinking tonight?


Somebody is getting hurt. Why else would I be drinking.

Markers of Make







Thats not funny.



Didn't finish sthw guif but I love it like totally.




I like this one.







(I like cats)









Oregeno image of mine







Yes, if you post regularly

>Steals our images them uses them on normie media so normies use them and then start to ruin our memes
Fuck you






ancient demon soyboy?







For that moment you have to explain to someone how it happened








starting a different folder now



it's a watermelon


i literally took this picture a few years ago


Man you are my hero! I've been bothering my friends with it every chance I got!

(leer = study)

No you didn't.








yep I did

Food City in Chattanooga Tennessee when I was a manager

I'm just happy people are still sharing it

Only recently found it actually

