Hi Sup Forums

Hi Sup Forums

Would you fuck this chick?
How and why?

Be honest / detailed.


pic related


Fuck yeah I would. I love a chubby girl with big tits. This one is perfect as she clearly had low self esteem. I would bend her over and fuck her a little bit tougher then she’s comfortable with, make her cry. I’d love to call her a fat slut as I pound her & see her reaction.

Nice titties

If she’s got a good ass then yeah why not

Yes, because I'm a pig, and would fuck any female of any age (18+) no mater what they look like or how old they are. I'd fuck a 600lb woman if I could fit it in a hole.

So yes, I would fuck this ugly fat bitch.


You really think she’s ugly / fat?

maybe but on most days probably not. If id gone a couple of days without fapping and i was a bit drunk then yeah probably as long as she was really into me

so tired of this pasta


She’s kinda cute here. I’d fuck her if I saw her in a club. Get her drunk & fuck her in the club toilets. Skull fuck her till she pukes.

What’s her name OP?

Yea, I'm into scene/emo chicks. Probably regret it later, but I mean she's not the most unattractive. Big tits, probably big butt. Not more than like a one night stand though. Probably has issues.

Not too ugly, like a 4/10
And anything with eyes can see she's fat, fats not an opinion.


2 fat

Dam dat ass

It’s amazing how much you can tell from just this one pic. She’s clearly a filthy fat slag. I bet she’s fucked at least one black guy and rimmed him.


I refuse to stick my cock in anything I would fear impregnating, and that thing certainly falls in that category.


Not sure why you aim to derail this thread buuuuuuutttt I use a pillowed white v cube 3 I can get 56 seconds on it, can't really figure out f2l so i dont care to buy a better cube.

Not my type.

Nice insecure racist

You know its true though

A man needs a name.



How else am I supposed to give her a folder if I don't have a name?




For the record I would fuck the hell out of her.

How do you know her user?

My friends GF

So he just shares her nudes?

Also any of that sweet puss?


She looks like she'd let a guy do whatever he wants.

Why do you keep making this thread?
Do you have nothing better to do?

>yes i would
>pussy is pussy
>how doesn't matter
>pussy is, after all, pussy

she's perfect and adorable lil chubby. My wife looked like that once...

No but he does leave his phone unlocked

She really would

no never

Hmmm, this doesn't really seem like it matches her body. Maybe I'm over analyzing it.

Family pics in back.
She's a slut and you are a rape ape nigger.

LOoks fine to me dude

What about the family pics?

Well there's zero results on image search, gotta be OC.
And her weight does appear to fluctuate a lot in the images.

Any nudes with face op?

meh. no, I wouldn't. I'm beginning to be afraid of girls with colored hair and wearing glasses -- they may occur to be SJW and instead of fucking her u'll get fucked ur brain with all this BS about patriarchy and blablabla

Did OP abandon thread? I was saving all of these.

Really wanted more.


Of course I would.
I just wouldn't tell anyone and I definitely wouldn't date her.
I also wouldn't spend the night with her.

Lol I know this girl irl!

nothing wrong with not wanting to fuck someone who has fucked someone with a high chance of having aids

Post her social media user. Do it.

>pic related
I don't see how.

If she could keep up with me, I'd leave her sweaty chubby tongue dangling ass passed out on the floor from an overdose of dick.

Lol no. I like her.

Then post edited proof or something.
I just want more of her.

Pack it up, thread's dead.

>that face

want pic of body?



No and with a harpoon. Too short to be that girthy.

bullshit, she's been posted on here several times before.

Depends on her personality and stuff, but sure. She's thick, but not gross or anything.


>Fully Colored Hair
>Makes a face like she's thinking whether to eat the one taking the photo or the camera

Adds up to a modern day feminist