Without warning...

Without warning, all breeding-aged women are programmed to automatically get on their knees and slurp down any exposed penis they see until it comes.

Women's bodies do this automatically even if women themselves are crying and pleading (while also crawling on their hands and knees) with whoever is taking advantage of this situation to put their dick back in their pants.

How do you first take advantage of this situation?

By keeping pants on near 24/7. Can you imagine the disease transmission?

What kind of retarded shit is this

Who is the girl in OPs gif?

Seems pretty obvious. Walk up to a hot girl and whip out my dick.

lock away my daughters and homeschool them


Especially if you add a couple of drinks to the occasion.

>daughter runs away from home
>on her knees sucking cock within minutes

Id go slap a girls ass, wait for her reaction then force her to blow me.

Fuck it. I tried. Whores gotta whore

Welp, I have a new fetish. Thanks op.

wouldn't even be a whore though, it would just be normal

How lonely are you 1-10

Fair enough

Me I'm a solid 9 (not OP)

Not wear pants ever.

I hunt down a gang of lesbians like this, whip out my dick, and see what happens next.

Even better: feminists

This is autism


I think it's safe to assume they're feminists, too.

Which one of these slags succumbs first?

>feminist chick crying about beong objectified

>whip out dick and watch as she drops to all fours

>shes crying as she chokes on my cum

Far left, because the others are shit.

Good point

>reddit spacing
>incel speak
>Nigger detected

Hilarious to imagine them all dropping at exactly the same time as they all catch the first glimpse of cock and start crawling on all fours in the dirt, both horrifically confused as to why they can't stop themselves from doing this AND screaming and crying at what they realize is about to happen as they arrive at their new master's feet and start lapping at his cock, even as they beg and plead with him to stop and let them go...


remember, no thots

>feminist rally
>use dick to control giant horde
>as long as my pants are off they are going to suck like a toddler going down on a popsicle
>"slurp down any exposed penis they see until it comes"
>as long as they don't suck my dick until it comes they cant resist
>by the end of the day my dick is a raisin

First person to paint this is a millionaire.

There would be no couples.

>nurse 9/10
>transporting male patient
>patient has smug look on his face
>jumps up and pulls down pants
>nurse cries and falls to the floor
>nurse slurps cock
>mfw I'm the patient