Just found out I'm part Jew what do Sup Forums ?

Just found out I'm part Jew what do Sup Forums ?

Other urls found in this thread:


how can you be partly religious? im not part athiest

nobody's perfect, user.

make $$$, control the world

Eat shellfish every day to repress it.

Post nose.

Well since the original substance used as initiation ritual isn't sold anymore, you should substitute it for car exhaust gas. Just take a garden hose, duckt tape it into your car exhaust pipe, the other end clamp into your car window, get in there, start the engine, listen to some nice tunes, kick back and relax. Your jewishness will be over soon.

My recommendation for the theme song: youtube.com/watch?v=70QmSCutf5k

Now you have to cut off part of your wee-wee

Eat pork at every meal. Never eat hamburgers, always eat cheeseburgers. Enjoy lots of lobster and shrimp. Do that and you should be fine.

Do what the rest of us do regardless of genetic makeup - loathe your existence. Spend your days staring into the abyss until the numbness washes over you.

>Just found out I'm part Jew what do Sup Forums ?

May be best to get rid of all of your Hitler collection. Or at least most of it. Keep the really cool stuff.

You know what you need to do. Pic related.

If you found this out via a genetics testing service they could be fucking with you. Think it was an Amren article that talked about how they will mess with data to fulfill stated expectations or if customer says nonPC statement like "I want to find out if I have any black" they will lie and say person is percentage African.


Most of those sites are ran by mormons trying to convert jews who are already dead from the whole hitler thing

it doesn't matter
look how many niggers are celebrities

post nose

good sir, are you also aware that you are fried chicken?

with discipline, consideration for others' feelings, and integrous self-improvement...

even Jews and niggers can become decent people

Well you shouldn’t eat chicken then

He means as in the ethnic part. Going off what I learned in school, Jews are the only group of people that are both a religion, and ethnicity. Or something like that.

gas yourself

Chicken is kosher as long as it isn't cooked in milk or dairy. Ashkenazi Jews love chicken soup.
t. Jew

Same here but I'm so God damn poor it doesn't matter

report to the nearest synagogue and claim your kikebux.

i kekd

Love Jesus. Drop to your knees now and pray. Then get up and go buy Passion of the Christ.

kill thyself

Fuckin oven dodger

Parsis sort-of have a religion and an ethnicity. They are Persian Zoroastrians who don't let anyone join from the "Aniran".