What keeps you going Sup Forums?

What keeps you going Sup Forums?

Drugs and useless hobbies

Evangelion 4 is coming out in March or April. So there's that.

my siblings honestly. I'm the oldest and I couldn't ever do that to them and let them grow up with that.

Almost nothing anymore Sup Forums. It's gettin bad


Copious amounts of drugs and a dash of denial

Marijuana and memories.

my dog

Fear of death.


going where

My wife and our upcoming baby

Wanting to watch my sister get fucked while she's unconscious lol

You know you had to do it to em

Well I supposed to have one final chance to be with the girl of my dreams at the end of this year

The problem is that it's a really long time and everything can change one day to another

If I make it to the end of this year and she agrees to live with me I'm going to be the happiest man in the planet

Meanwhile I'm just depressed with anxiety but with hope and if she changes her mind I will just kill myself to ruin the only thing good that happened in my life

that pig keeps you going?

i was trying to fap too

Double doubles

Suicidal thoughts are part of human nature

Natural selection dictates that only the strong willed will persevere

Plus, this 'girl of your dreams' isn't really 'the girl of your dreams' if she wouldn't end up deciding to be with you

Keep searching, or give up the search, and embrace the fact that your sexual drive is littler more than a chemical manipulation from your brain to keep your genetic code to replicate itself

Rise above, focus on science, Morty

Friends, hobbies, games, fashion, cumming


This tbh, I'm about to head in a new direction and would have liked her to be a part of it but if I'm going down south instead I'll be committed to that 100%. Don't think I'll forget her though.

At this point, the Catholic Church's decision to turn its canon against suicide. That and the delusional fantasy that I'll SOMEDAY catch the eye of a latex clad dominatrix and become her personal gimp.

future inheritance

Work on myself to give me a sense of self worth. And to get back at everybody that hurt me.

Threads that ask
>What keeps you going Sup Forums?

Caffeine, Nicotine, and Amphetamines.
-And benzodiazepines.
My dogs, and the theory I have that theres a redhead out there for me.
Oh and German/Nazi Military marches, fucking LOVE those.
