What were you doing on that day that changed America forever?

What were you doing on that day that changed America forever?
I was working at a Porsche dealership, I remember hearing commotion in the waiting room. A few techs and I went to go get coffee, it was better in the customer waiting room. We stood there looking at the burning building on a little 13" tv in the corner. I remember saying how the fuck do you crash into a building with a plane? After the second one hit, the owner called a meeting and sent us all home. I remember getting home, standing in my driveway and it was so quiet, every plane was grounded. It was so strange....
For weeks we could see and smell the smoke. Its sad that for only a few months we all grouped together as a country.

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Skipping school at home in brooklyn....then spazzing out and walking over the bridge to go find my mother who worked downtown

Was still in elementary school. I remember our teacher acting pretty sketchy at recess and not letting us go out of eyesight. When we came inside he changed the subject for the day and talked to us about Pearl Harbor and everything that happened after it before the school sent us home a few hours early. They decided not to tell us what had happened and let our parents explain it to us. Can still remember my mom crying on the couch watching the news when I walked inside.

was in school (grade 10) teacher came in and said a plane flew into the twin towers, nobody cared (im a fuckin' leaf)


fuck that must have been terrifying user.

I think that was everyones reaction until the second one hit

all it did for me was annoy me because it was on EVERY FUCKING CHANNEL, CONSTANTLY, THE SAME 30 SECONDS, OVER AND OVER AND OVER

I was in high school, third period English. My teacher received a phone call and started crying. Told us what happened then turned the tv on. We watched it unfold over the next hour or so and then an announcement came on doing classes were suspended and we were all going home. My girlfriend came home with me and we went to a small local park. She blew me on the swing set and I fingered her in a plastic slide. Then we heard a lot of very loud booms and came to the conclusion we were either under attack or launching giant missles near by (I live next to a very sensitive airforce base, in the top five most likely to face attack list). Every one came out of their houses and watched the skies. The girlfriend and I went back in to the woods near the park and fucked against a tree. It was very uncomfortable but we both got off. She went home and so did I. 7/10 not a horrible day.

it was a big event user

was scared here too. Lived close to a ammunition depot for tank testing and "other" things.

I was actually on my way to the airport in LA.

Where were you flying to? Did you ever go?

Oh yeah, forgot to mention what the booms actually turned out to be. Apparently the president was escorted here to the base to pick up more planes to guard Air Force One. The booms were the jets going super sonic.

everyone along the jersey shore heard them too. i think they sent F-16s from Atlantic city

>be me
>be in NZ
>be up for no reason looking at porn and on IRC at about 3am
>have BBC on TV
>watch the action more or less live
>also be drunk
>whole thing fucking surreal

I was doing my daily sank at home, and all of a sudden, the news flashes on, staying Trump has been elected. Never came faster in my life.

That is a great word to describe it user "surreal". To me it still feels like a dream almost 17 years later.

I bet you did user. But who you talking to?

busy laughing my ass off

Working at a software company in the midwest on a call line. Folks calling in with their bullshit problems while this was going on, crazy. Once I heard about the second plane I knew it was Bin Laden. It was the same modus operandi as the Cole bombing. Killed the local law enforcement, then a couple days later, attack. I knew the N. Alliance commander had been killed three days earlier in that weird reporter/camera suicide bomb thing and it all clicked. What a nightmare this started.

i guess to each their own

How many times have you said turn it off and back on?

>mfw 17 years later you dumb fucks are still stuck in Afghanishithole

I was five. I don't remember and the footage has no effect on me.

and a trillion dollars later....
>trump supporters: time to turn the whole place into sand, WOOOOOOOOO

so why reply?
cool, glad you are sane user

I think was in the 10th grade.
>go to school
>everything is normal
>hanging with friends before school starts
>go to 1st period
>10 mins into 1st period, teacher still hasnt turned on the TV to watch the daily announcements
>teachers all huddled up in the hallway
>teacher turns on TV
>showing local TV station of WTC on fire
lets see....
Bin Laden
Fidel Castro!!!!!
knew we would be in war for the next 10 or 15 years.
i was probably 14 at the time and was already thinking about having to deal with the draft.
was about 75% sure i would be drafted immediately after graduating.

Is it bad that I find the footage from the ground to be really interesting? It's a unique insight to human the psyche.

Was on a morning walk along the beach with my father. A worker approached us when we got back to our resort and told us we need to turn on the tv, that the US was under attack. The first tower had just collapsed at that point. We were midway through a vacation in Mexico. Kind of killed the mood for the rest of the trip. I remember my parents tripping about having to fly back to the US after that.

I'm a jew, I just didn't feel like going to work that day at the tower. No reason, just lucky I guess.

He's a fucking Leaf.

I was on the subway coming from Brooklyn when planes hit. Came out in union sq and noticed people on cell phones crying. Looked downtown and saw WTC on fire. Started walking towards it and about 10 mins later first one collapsed. Everyone on street went apeshit.

I kept heading downtown cos my gf was working in SoHo. Just got to her when other tower collapsed.

We walked all the way up to 59th st because that was the only bridge open to get back to Brooklyn.

not all all, I'm OP, I often find myself looking at photos of what happened.

still with her user?

We split up about 6 years after that.

sucks, hope for the better at least?

Yeah it just kinda ran its course.

I hear ya user

I was listening to Dr. Dre's "Still D.R.E." on my Sony Walkman and then I saw the buildings. I was walking home from high school.

I will remember that moment forever...

Playing basketball, my neighbor said there was something on the news about a plane hitting a building, went inside and watched the second hit

did not feel like joining the military at all though

>tower is kill
>we will need more towels

you < funny ... ?

Calling bullshit it happened in the early morning
Started at 8:45

So there I was, tarter sauce on my nipples, with a pickle shoved half way up my anus. My mom burst into my room crying and told me the news. All I could do was sit there in silence, with the pickle firmly placed in between my buttcheeks.

Are you still a flaming fagot user?


Is that even a question.

I was going to a ditch party.

I was actually going to the music store to buy the new Slayer record, which came out on that day. And I went home, started the music on absolutelyfuckingloud volume, and while Disciple was creaming in my ears "God hates us all", I turned on the tv and watched as an airplane (the 2nd one) crashed into a tower. It was so fucking unreal.

600,000 men women kids and babies needlessly murdered and maimed by cancer and you don't give a shit even if it's your own family.
2,000 men women kids and babies murdered by some sand people and suddenly you care?
Nice priorities you got there

Which America? SOUTH, CENTRAL or NORTH?

Fuck Saddam.
We showed him what happens.

i was high on my couch watching the news, thought it was a movie for 20 min

> Tyrone May

My grandparents both died of cancer, I cared very much about them. Your point stands as utter bullshit user. Kill yourself.

I was still watching when the third tower fell

Yes, that one user

They didn't have to die.
Outlawing sex with anybody over 13 would wipe out cancer forever.
Do you ever make a post supporting adoptions from tween couples or legalizing CP for child audiences only?

I was sleeping when I got a call. My friend called and told me to turn on the news. I saw the video of the building burning. They were talking about a plane flying low over DC when a plane came into view and hit low into the second tower.

All of our planning and prayers had come through. I prayed for the souls of our soldiers. Praise allah the infidels had finally been hit after so many years of ourselves being their military and economic targets. I walked out into the night to find a 9 year old girl to celebrate our victory with.

Was in elementary school, 9 y/o, that day I was sick and stayed home.
I remember waking up and watching the news just before 9:00. It was everywhere, how a plane crashed with the WTC and it was one of the worst accidents of US history.
My body froze the moment I saw the second plane. I stayed just slumped on the sofa for a while trying to understand what was happening.
The worst came when the first tower collapsed. The screams, people jumping to their deaths, heores, victims. I remember everything.

post nudes blox

i wasn't alive nigga ayy lmao no ban pls (pic related)

Are you the sandmonkey who blew up building 7?


Minerology class. After that ended I went back to the dorms and went to sleep since that was my only class that day. When I woke up a plane had hi the other tower and both had come down. Of course all the other classes that day were canceled. But I'd already finished so no day off for me.

>was at work
>way hungover from the night before
>found a supply closet on the top floor, caught some z's before everyone started coming in at 9:30
>hear some yelling outside about the planes, didn't know what it was
>a few minutes later, get woken up by the freight elevator clanging around
>get that falling feeling you get when you start to doze off
>look up, see smoke all over, firemen rushing to me.
>Didn't get yelled at for sleeping on the job
>today was a good day.

you and the people in tower 2 have something in common.

I was in cuba in like 4th-5th grade and on our piece of shit black and white our teacher showed us what america had cultivated and was now getting the fruits from. I found it inappropriate but we had a lot of anti-american propaganda shoved down, including that in this country you even had to pay to have your garbage picked up. I now like in America. GG.



are you elian gonzales?!




I was on the plane that hit 9/11



Nah, Elian is actually very well of since he now is part of the military. I did meet him once, he was kinda of a big deal. I remember being forced to march to a fucking plaza to protest to get this asshole back.


I was in Austalia, used to work 12hr shift, 7pm to 7am for a casino. I remember leaving work and taking the train to my mates place.. it was the only thing on TV the whole day. I remember going to buy a carton of beer and everyone back home was just wondering what it meant... would it reach beyond the USA etc.

My mate and I used to drink a lot back then, drink and watch Cricket or play PC games... that day I think we left the beer alone and just drank coffee.

I was in 4th grade but I was at the dentist

I was sitting in the waiting room watching the news anchors and footage but didn't think much of it. The dentists or assistants we're concerned and were talking about it but weirdly enough I thought this kind of shit happened all the time because every time I watched the news there was always some weird shit happening.

Desensitized by news / the media before the internet.

Be careful not to cut yourself on any of those edges

I was in a punk band for 3 months after the raids on his house called "The Miami Relatives"

I was hijacking a plane

5th grade class. shit was spoopy. two kids got pulled out of class, then I was the third. you could hear and see lots of kids leaving school and I knew something was up. mom got my little brother and I out of school and raced home. that was a really fucked up day


You apparently failed.

Amerifat here. 9/11 was the last day the US was cool. Since then its all fearful bitches with their panties in a twist giving up more of their rights each day for some false sense of security.


No shit? I always thought "Elian and the Miami Relatives" would be a great name for a thrash metal band.


Worked night shift and just got home from work. Turn on TV and the first tower was smoking. Remember hearing how a bomber crashed into the Empire State Building during a foggy day just after WW2, but the sky looks clear.
Boom, second tower gets hit.
Then they start talking about flight 93 and the Pentagon getting hit.

Went to work the next night. Heard all commercial flights are grounded, but see a plane flying high overhead. Had to be a military craft....

we got our nose bloodied a little and now we either back off like cowards or overly defensive cunts.

>At work at airport. Boss says plane crashed into tower.
>Gets out TV used for training and we watch 2nd hit.
>Knew immediately it was an attack.
>Wife calls panicked as fuck.She gets our kid from kindergarten.
>All hell breaks loose. Planes start landing one after the other.
>Go home. Neighbor comes over and starts talking about gurellia warfare.Says no one gonna fuck his wife but him.
>Doesn't know I bang her about once a month.

Sophmore history class coach Stevens