What is Steven Universe about and why do tumblr people like it?

What is Steven Universe about and why do tumblr people like it?

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shit is gay
fags like gay shit

Gay space rocks

I figured, but it's a kid show. How gay could it possibly be?

The show is really lesbians. They are very proud of how lesbians their show is.


Really deep. Great characters, great stories, great music. I've been a fan from s1e1. 39/m/straight



It's pretty fukken gay. Main characters come from an alien race of all chicks. They combine by doing reeeeaaally sensual dances into bigger space women. Fat kid in pic combines with his girlfriend into some kind of genderless he-she. That's pretty gay, I guess? Or trans? I don't fucking know. I've seen a couple episodes, and I gotta say the biggest compliment I can give the show is that I don't fucking hate it. A long complaint of mine has been SJWs keep complaining that shit I like isn't diverse enough and they keep forcing their shit into my shit. At least Rebeca Sugar didn't force her gay shit into my hobbies and instead went out and made her own shit.


It's gay but that isn't really the central theme it's kinda treated like a mundane thing so nothing is ever explicit about it.




This. The best thing about the show is it's really fucking gay, but it's in no way preachy about it. Like, it's entirely an afterthought. The world there is pretty much an SJW paradise, where nobody needs to complain about shit anymore. Nobody has to say that they're gay, because it's just assumed that they are.



explain garnet

e;r -



She's pretty gay. Two midget aliens fuck-dance, and turn into her. So they're like, in a constant state of fucking, I guess?

sentient lesbian space rocks
and the porn.... lots and lots of porn


its to brainwash sjw attracted to the show into thinking that white heterosexual male needs to be the lead

The fat kid in the front there is named Steven Universe (no shit, that's really his legal last name) who is an alien/human hybrid child soldier in some complex war of attrition between the "Crystal Gems" (the other three in the photo) and someone else, I never really quite figured that bit out or why they were fighting. It's heavily implied that Steven's mother (a Crystal Gem who was a leading general in this war) allowed herself to get knocked up specifically so Steven could be used in the war. His mother died when Steven was born and while he maintains contact with his father, his dad is a classic deadbeat failed musician who shows zero interest in his son's well being; so, he is being raised by the three Gems in the picture, who while they treat him decently, are definitely grooming him to be a pawn in this war. The show follows Steven and the Gems as they have seemingly lighthearted adventures and learn lessons about teamwork and friendship and shit.

The Gems are an alien species that while they do not reproduce sexually (it's not discussed how Steven was conceived) have predominately female characteristics and are only vaguely humanoid. Common variations from the normal include extra or missing eyes, facial features, and limbs, and unusual body proportions. Each has a "gem" located somewhere on their body that they are named after and draw power and a special weapon from (though not all of them are actually precious gems, see Pearl) and they have the ability to combine two or more of themselves physically into a new

chimera being through a special dance that is unique to each. Some dances mesh better than others, producing varying results. The show takes place on Earth, and while the Crystal Gem homeworld is visited later in the show, I didn't watch that far.

Tumblr likes this show because 1) there are no strong male characters, 2) the Crystal Gems provide the vehicle for the new Fursona, 3) it touches on several issues that are hot topics for them such as asexuality, homosexuality, feels over reals, ect, ect.