I want to kill myself and hide my body forever. Any ideas Sup Forums??

I want to kill myself and hide my body forever. Any ideas Sup Forums??


buy a kayak, rope, and a cinder block.
paddle out to a deep body of water, preferably an ocean.
tie off the block to your legs, jump in.

You should realize everything could always be worse. No matter what you're going through.
Realize life is a gift and a curse. Live in the moment. No one is in control.

shoot yourself then bury yourself in your garden

Climb back up your moms vag, unborn yourself, then you will never have exist.

2 words my friend. Hydrofluoric acid. Set up some way for the acid to dump into a body of water, and there will be easy chum for the fish too. You might want to kill yourself some other way beforehand though, i.e. suppressed shot to the head. Just make sure that you figure out a way so that your face, identification, any markings, fingerprints, and skull are all eaten by the acid. An added bonus would be using a floating container that also gets eaten by the acid, but more slowly than your own body will dissolve. Good luck! And before you go, don't kill yourself! Can't go having any accountability here.

After you kill yourself, clean up all the blood and tell your mom what you did. it worked when i killed myself

Do this but over the Mariana Trench

Jump in an active volcano.

>I want to kill myself and hide my body forever.
So you just want a place where no one else will ever be?
Have you considered your own bed?

Fuck off faggot

Dubs don't lie.

Why not invest in a scuba pressure suit and sink until you reach crush depth.

This is the correct answer, OP, however bodies can produce gas and become bloated and buoyant. Ideally, shoot yourself in the stomach first and then jump overboard with your cinder block.

Leak information about the government.

Sneak into area with a volcano and jump into an open lava pit.

I put women in a well, no-one has found them yet, in fact, no-one even knows they are dead.
My well is perhaps a little out of the way but I'm sure if you do some research you can find a disused deep well within range of your house.

Pic related.

This is the best idea I think

Leg will rip off after dead and body will float to the top. Maybe. I'd put on a really heavy suit of armor or something to make sure you stay at the bottom

Travel to Philippines, pound bulk pussy, jump into Mount Mayon crater. Obliterated for eternity.

go back in time and kill the young you.
nothing to hide if you've never existed.

go to africa and feed yourself to nature

Step 1. Buy plane ticket
Step 2. Inform family your taking a vacation to some semi-dangerous place.
Step 3. Seal yourself in a secret room.
Step 4. ???
Step 5. Profit

Go hiking in Nepal and throw yourself into a deep crevasse. Might not be forever though. The glacier might spit your body out in a thousand years and give humans something to study.

Lump of concrete

Set boat in motion with engine.

Jump out mid ocean tied to lump of rock

Boat continues on for an hour or so

No cunt will ever find you..but they'll know you fell out of the boat. Put some fishing stuff in there so it doesn't look like lolicide

Buy 1000 helium balloons and tie yourself to them.

You'll either die from lack of oxygen or you'll die when you hit the ground after they pop

Do this except don't stop doing this. Also do some drugs and stuff.

Why die when you could party yourself to death

well done