Hello Sup Forums

Hello Sup Forums

I have a question.

I've recently ordered a laptop. I'm planning to take out the hdd it comes with and install an ssd in its place.

While I'm sitting around waiting for it to arrive I came up with this idea.

Using another laptop with the ssd in an ssd/hdd enclosure connected via USB 2.0 - would it be possible to install an operating system on it, configure it, get everything needed etc. ? Like is there a disadvantage of installing the OS through the USB 2.0 connection rather than internally in the pc via SATA? If I install an OS from one laptop and put the SSD in another one - will the OS function properly or will there be issues because it was installed on a machine with different parameters? What I wish to achieve here is to set up everything so I can just swap the HDD to SSD, install the drivers and play some video games. Is this possible?

Anything to look out for?


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Which OS are we talking about?

Win 7

with all this bullshit you should of just ordered a desktop

There is a reduction in transfer speeds, and if you're installing a Windows system onto it then it'll identify itself as an external component, and may cause problems (I've never dealt directly with Win7, skipped from XP to 8 & 10)

I know, but I'm usually not staying at home, going over to my friends house or uni to do work hence that is why I need smth mobile

Checked and no, the drivers are installed for the specific chipsets on the system the OS is being installed yo. Swapping drives will give you a ton of errors, if it boots at all.

Retard detected.

Thanks, I just wished to save a little bit of time instead of doing nothing while I wait.

if your SSD is big enough you can just used USB to clone your current HD in your laptop. If not just uninstall some programs and make room, then just clone your HD to the SSD with everything.

I understand about the drivers, defo, it's just the whole case when you get a new device and you have to spend time configuring the OS etc. I was just hoping to do that before it arrives.

You're better off using your time to fap than install any OS on different hardware than it's intended usage.

Why? I'm not even going to talk about Win 8, and as for Win 10 for me the UI is just cancerous.

I've done is successfully with GNU/Linux and failed with Windows

I would rather do a fresh install than clone everything

Hmm that's what I've thought


I've done win7 usb installs and it DOES work but only if you do everything right.

First issue you'll run into is a "no installed licensed language packs" error that will BSOD you. I fixed it once but idr how.

As for other comp? Yeah. Get yourseld a boot recovery cd (used mainly by linuxfags) then run that with the jnstall drive plugged in then set boot order in BIOS to prioritize usb.

Trouble is the licensed language pack bit but it can be fixed.

Just use wintousb or linux startup disc creator for the .iso extract.

get classic shell for windows 10 you retard

buy a switch then nigga. has skyrimjob and wolfenshite , what more do you need

I remember having to use a console command during install to override some error or something, just google issues as they arise and be prepared to have to retry a few times. It may help to have two drives or a big thumbdrive and install from another drive.

Remember to disable automatic updates just for the install, re-enable after. Trust me.

As for the error I mentioned, I recall copying the needed files from another install and moving them with the console in recovery.

This is kinda a niche request and I'm not a windows man, hope this helped

Sysprep.exe /generalize /shutdown

then swap it.

for further reading the manual is here, docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/sysprep-command-line-options

I'm not talking about playing vidya anywhere, I'm talking about going somewhere and working with a group of ppl to write software or work on an assignment. I won't be carying a tower and a monitor over to uni every day.

you can definitely install Windows 7 and above on USB devices but it'll be considerably slower. the trick to doing the swap later is to not install any heavy duty drivers, like your video card; just use generic windows devices like a generic VGA monitor. also, before the transfer, uninstall every device you can, then switch off and move HDD to new computer.

If you get the Samsung SSD it comes with cloning software that allows you to copy your current drive to New SSD then swap out like nothing happened except huge speed gainz

I'll have a look into it. I was also quite uncertain about the case where you have to boot into windows 10 then restart with adv options just so you could select which boot device to use. Any way to disable that thing and make it just as such that when you boot you can press the F whatever key to choose which device to boot? Also I'm planning to dual boot thus I don't think win 10 is very friendly with all the recovery menu's when it does not start.

sorry didnt know i was talking to a nancyboy


don't want to clone because using arch linux and I wish to have windows on the ssd I have right now for vidya and linux on another that comes with the laptop

Not noticeably slower with a usb 3.0 drive.

Thanks, but from all the responses I might just play it safe, wait till it arrives and then configure it.

I pinpointed that the enclosure came with USB 2.0 connectors.

fuck off M$
there's no reason to install win10 whatsoever

Yes it is, as soon as you update to windows 10 go in to the service and diasble windows updates because windows 10 anniverary fucks everything up

>skipped from XP to 8 & 10
what the fuck were you doing nigga?

only just realised what he has said. Fucking kekd

what can 10 do that 7 can't?
>inb4 dx12

is dx still a thing?

Give it a little boost with the all new directx

And while you're at it, why are you complaining about it, we all know that you're just going to use your computer for porn, Sup Forums, facebook stalking and youtube videos

My rig

oh I'm sorry, I wasn't aware I was talking to a retard.

I don't really care if it's alienware or not, I use it for work and not games like a retarded kid YOU are.


OP don't listen to any of the other fags in this thread.
Yes using USB 2.0 as a boot source is possible but its a bit iffy, windows 7 doesn't have native support for booting from USB.
You would need a boot loader installed on the drive before that.
Which increases load time.
On top of that USB 2.0 is 1/10 the speed of SATA III
USB 2.0 caps out at 60 MBps per second, while sata III caps out at just under 600MBps,(which is slightly slower then the cap of USB 3.0 but because USB its still slower in practice)

So yes you can but you probably shouldn't cause its just bad in practice.
If you want you should just install the SSD in place of the HDD and use the HDD as a secondary drive for mass storage if you have an extra drive bay, if you you can get mounts that let you replace your internal CD drive(if you have one) with an extra HDD.

Why the fuck are you not just getting an SSD USB connector and cloning the system to your new SSD? I think it's like $30 for the connector that comes with a CD that makes the cloning process like 2 mouse clicks.

You clone the drive in your laptop using the USB then swap the drives and put the old hard drive on the USB dongle to act as a redonkulous external hard drive when you need to move a lot of files.

Like a normal person.

Don't bother, just prepare a bootable USB and use that to install the OS, if you do it the way you are proposing you'll end up with drivers that aren't for your new computer, most probably ending up with issues

This is the best answer provided so far, most of the posts here aren't even understanding your post

The laptop comes with a)128Gb SSD and b)1TB HDD

On the 128Gb SSD I want to install Linux, which I'll do after I install WIndows.

As for the 1TB HDD - I will be replacing it with a 500Gb Samsung 850 EVO SSD.

On the Samsung SSD I wish to install Windows for playing vidya.

I understand what you're saying about cd rom caddies etc. This thread is about having to install windows, programs, drivers and such when you get your hands on the new device.

I already have the Samsung SSD which is gonna take place of the HDD and was wondering if I instead of doing nothing right now should install windows on that SSD from a different laptop to save time or not. Which based on the responses I shouldn't. That is all.

Finally someone gets it. Thanks man.

What if I'm not installing drivers, just Windows? And then installing drivers after I boot onto windows from the machine it will be used from?

I'm using a different laptop than my previous one. I burnt my mobo thus I got a new laptop. I'm currently sitting on my gf's laptop and I only have one hdd enclosure. So I can't connect two hdd's/sdd's at once to this laptop for cloning. Even if I was to connect both drives - I would not clone it because my previous drive holds linux because the previous machine was outdated af and now that is why I wish to install windows.

No, its not gonna save you any time.
If you wanted to install the win 7 os and via USB then transfer to SATA it would just be moar hassle then its worth. Driver conflicts it may not stay activated etc.

That being said you can install the lunix to the 128 SSD and boot from usb since linux is a light os so load times are fast anyway.
But its not worth it any way since you can just create a 16gb partition for linux the 500gb ssd and dual boot even then you Should know that ssd vs hdd performance when loading games only helps is large games, like AAA titles or MMO's.

LOL This guy shit talking to someone with a laptop. Meanwhile he's on Alienware with a 1070. All your shit is crap.

My fucking sides.

>Ryzen 1700x at 4.1ghz
>Asus Strix1080 ti
>32gb G.Skill RGB 3200 CL14

Compared to mine, your rig is an xbox.

My fucking mining rig has better components than your shit alienware dell crap.

You still need training.


Your new laptop requires specific drivers and shit to work. As a sysadmin you sound like a fucking stupid kid.

The Samsung SSD comes with a disk specifically for transferring your OS. Just wait for that and use that.

You fucking nigger I don’t want to install drivers ofc it’s not gonna work I just want to install windows and I can’t fucking clone because I had linux before now getting a better laptop so gonna dual boot so I can play vidya. Read the fucking thread you pleb sysadmin cunt

win 7, also go to Sup Forums they will have more knowledge than this board on what works best for your set up.

Yeah, thanks, I was initially thinking about going with win 7 as I still will. The reason why I didn’t post to Sup Forums is because I think that board is “slower” than this one to give me the answers I need. By the time all this misconfusion would of been resolved on Sup Forums I would of already gotten the laptop and installed win7 anyways. I’ve heard win10 is more optimized for games. Is this true? If so is it really worth using win10 or that won’t make a huge difference since its a mid-tier laptop?