Who here has had sex with a prostitute? What was it like?

Who here has had sex with a prostitute? What was it like?

Once in Singapore.

I didn't pay. A mate did.

She was enjoying it a lot and I was slamming her. She noticed she was enjoying it and said 'its more if you want me to enjoy it' I laughed and kept pounding while she pretended to not love it.

Great time.

Once, she stunk really bad and she let me cum in her pussy. Wasn’t very fun.

several times, just need to tell them shut up instead of fake moaning. Other than that it was great, best one was a stripper in kiev/ukraine, she was so fucking tight, felt like her pussy was gripping my cock. Paid 200eu for 2 hours with that one, she was nice and not in a hurry to get out either.

>Who here has had sex with a prostitute? What was it like?
It was nice to get being a virgin off my mind but still entirely overrated
Sex is such a blown out of proportion kind of thing
Its fun
Its still overrated
Its exciting to fuck or get a blowjob in dangerous places .. work , elevator, movies, blah blah
Its still overrated
I paid for a couple of hookers because reasons one time being my birthday
Its still overrated, wholly overated meh tier birthday treat
Its awesome stealing another guys girl for your kicks
Its still overrated
All this no rubber
Its all overrated
Having to get checked out at a clinic and no sex for numerous days sucks
Again its still overrated

..... good advice here .... get some money get laid see about finding a girlfriend and let virgins worry about nonsense or bully the virgin faggots to actully enjoy having gotten laid like some cowardly asshole would

>ho here has had sex with a prostitute? What was it like?

Half a step above jerking off and a lot more expensive. Much better just to fuck a fat chick.


Dissapointing as fuck and overpriced. Don’t do it. You’ll regret it.

This guy sounds like a virgin. Anyone else think so?

was it overrated by any chance?

I did six times. Waste of money

why pay for a boring prostitute when you can masturbate to exciting scat porn for free?

Me she was hot 9/10
But it made me realize sex is overrated. Had better orgasms by myself and all kind of good hentai and porn.

I don't want chlamydia, gonorrhea or aids. I think I'll pass.

Some people can have a sexual experience and still behave like total virgins. It's like a state of mind.

I would assume some sex is easier to get like anal?

>This guy sounds like a virgin. Anyone else think so?

Sure, but you sound like a virgin too.

These are pussy times we live in.

Virgin detected
Fat guy detected
Redditard detected
Basement dweller detected

This guy is setting off some serious alarm bells

>Like 2 bags of sand

Methinks thou doth protest too much.

What are my chances of finding a prostitute that looks like this?

When you re craving for women go for it. Most of time is nice, you just must have control, you are the client after all.
Otherwise jack off to traps, faggot.
And dont get the expensive ones.
Remember, you are not paying to fuck her, you are paying for her to leave after you re done.

0% because that is a heavily shopped image. look at the outlines.


Any anal experiences with prostitutes?

Odds are good, but be ready for the price.

Virgin faggot. That shit is real.


>just need to tell them shut up instead of fake moaning
Literally this.

I only fuck prostitutes, because sex is better, I can just focus on what I want and cum as fast I as I want, no need to take the other person in consideration, with a prostitute sex dosen't feel like a chore.

Methinks thou hath never actually read any Shakespeare.

there's a whole set, 30+ imgs, they're not shooped

Its just something so easy to fantasize about and once shit actually goes down its not half as good as imagined
Ive had cocajne parties in hotels with friends and a lady friend
Drinking and boozing along with smoking coke and before you know it girls you have never seen before are walking jn the room to party /get high and fuck
The lady friend brought in about 7 other women and with knowing a single girls name these bitches sucked and fucked while getting high
The girls would just walk in shake hands/hug/kiss on cheek and be ready to fuck around ezpz
The sad shit is when you need to see a doctor cause you are pissing blood or some shit,you start remembering shit you did with your dick worring about what might have you sick
Ill say having no connection with whores and fucking is fun no bullshit
Ill say at the same time not knowing where you could have caught some shitty disease is a scary place to be, ive been lucky to be without any known diseases till this day
Its so scary as fuck to take an hiv/aids test knowing how much stupid shit you have already lived

can't argue with those trips

I've never experienced anything like that because i just don't have the interest. I've always formed emotional connections with people first and then had some really amazing sex with them because it isn't just animalistic rutting, it's an emotional connection turned spiritual, sounds kinda gay, i know, but i'd rather deal with some anonymous Sup Forumstard calling me a faggot than deal with herpes and aids

turned physical i mean, not spiritual

I'm the same tbh. And I always find first time sex with someone new a bit awkward anyway. The good stuff really only starts to happen after a few times. Would rather have sex combined with the rush of serotonin because I actually like the girl. Inb4 faggot.

I live a high risk type sexual situation
Its unfortunate
Most women i deal with have major issues not where anyone would preffer to be
Sup Forums is not a place for the best sexual advice
Just a guess


After you complete 30+ it becomes a natural thing, without awkwardness.

I've never used condoms with any of my girlfriends, I've never had an std and i wouldn't sleep with someone if i wasn't sure if they were clean

What is this a video game type thought

me too bro, i fucked a Filipino girl about 3 months ago, spent 8 days together fucking non stop. first time we had sex i didn't really get that hard but she was so good she sucked the cum outta my dick while it was soft. we fucked at least twice a day for the week after and every time i was hard as diamonds

Some people have dignity, I ratherlet a trap blow me than fuck a fat chick... they are literally the bottom of the barrel, have some self respect user

Why even have sex just because you're horny with no S.O.? Isn't it 100x better when you have an emotional connection with the person and not just feeling out the mechanical action?
Not to say it wouldn't be physically enjoyable, just not as good.

>200eu for 2 hours
Oh shit, is that the average price rate?

Sex is excercise unless you have a working connection
Many folks have issues
Personal issues that they use sex to ignore or even emotional issues that they hide to be able to cope with the decisions the are making.
You cant make someone connect with you its a mutual thing
Guys usually also enjly sex much more freely since the risk of raising a xhild is not a burden they really have
Gay fuckers get laid all the time
Its horny plus horny and no strings attached type shit idk really

Here in Sweden that would only get you half an hour with an attractive girl.

I got my dick wet back in 1982

Try again

I fucked my way across SEA and Australia a few years ago, in SEA i was fucking 3-4 girls a day without a condom. Strayan hookers are 1000% more expensive so i just fucked fatties and sluts at backpacker hostels, still a couple a week.

I've been tested multiple times since i got home. Clean AF. No disease no infection no nothing... but you pathetic cuck virgins keep throwing that "muh std risk" excuse around. Stay salty.

This is why there is tourism in thailand

>Virgin detected
>Fat guy detected
>Redditard detected
>Basement dweller detected
>This guy is setting off some serious alarm bells
Im a legit seen some shit motherfucker
Like it or not
I offer good truthful responses
Sup Forumsitches like you just might gain something from it
If you do great
If you dont even better one less son of a bitch around

good lord yes
mexican border chicks are the best
if you know where to look they are 18 and inexperienced and cheap

>but you pathetic cuck virgins keep throwing that "muh std risk" excuse around. Stay salty.
Utter nonsense
Eat a dick faggot
Its best to care well enough for yourself when that is your intention
I want to fuck my lover with a rubber but when were together one thing leads to another and im right back at fucking her without one ... ill reget that someday because i know better

>you know where to look they are 18 and inexperienced and cheap
Go on

I like the heroin junkies
theyll do damn near anything for 10dollars

It is good mate, visit my local brothel once a month, sometimes two.
Nice girls, ok prices and safe.

go to any border town on the USA side
find the industrial/shipping warehouse district
drive around = theyre fucking everywhere

Do you ever feel bad for essentially abusing their addiction?

like normal sex

>last prostitute fucked: sunday
>next prostitute to fuck: friday
>got a handjob at a rub and tug place on tues to tide me over
expensive addiction

just for you virginal bedwetters
street walking hookers are much cheaper than internet(backpage) hookers

zero fucks are given

>go to any border town on the USA side
>find the industrial/shipping warehouse district
>drive around = theyre fucking everywhere
Pics or it never happened

And legal brothels are a perfect step in between.
All the girls are checked and healthy, there is security and everything is clean, safe and honest.

I used to BE a prostitute.

if you pay taxes, you still are

Prove it

nope give me the street walking junkies
the challenge is finding one that isnt skinny as a rail


LOL, you got me there!

>Prove it
Literally HOW?!
Also, pic related.

>This guy sounds like a virgin. Anyone else think so?
You need to grow up
Some day you might get some action and even understand what im talking about

It was great.. then i developed cock rot. I had to bathe my penis in antiseptic for a year and lived on penicillin for 6 months. I lost the first 8 inches of my dick to it.

>Literally HOW?!
>Also, pic related.
Lets see that criminal record or anything like that

> When I was vacationing with a colleague in belgium he wanted to visit the red light district in Antwerp.
> I have never been to a whore, and it was not something I was planning on doing, but he wanted to and I wasn't going to be the spoil sport, so we went.
> It was a strange experience. We got there after dark, so all the windows were lit up and a lot of shady people were strolling from window to window. I didn't really feel comfortable and a bit unsafe, but I manned up and just walked along with my colleague.
> He spotted something he liked and walked into one of the places and told me to meet him there in about half an hour, leaving me alone in the streets.
> I quickly decided that just standing there would draw more attention to me than I wanted and so I just strolled up and down the streets a bit.
> When I passed a window with a petite hispanic looking girl with the body of a cheerleader, nice tight little butt, tight abs, firm little tits and beautiful green eyes she caught me giving her a longer look than "just looking" and she stepped out of her booth.
> In pretty decent english she invited me to feel her buttocks, saying that I could have a free sample if I wanted.
> She took my hand and guided me inside, dropped to her knees, took out my cock and put her mouth around my dickhead. It got hard immediatly.
> As soon as it got hard she got up from her knees and talked about her pricing. My colleague had said half an hour, so I went for that rate.
> I confessed I had never done this before, and she wasn't surprised. She undressed me, gave me a little rub down and smiled the whole time.
> She asked me what my favorite position was and we settled on doggy. I grabbed her firm ass and inserted my dick inside her, but not before she sucked it a little more and slid a condom on there.
> She said she was 19, but I guess she was more like 24, although it is hard to tell in the lighting. Whatever she was, her pussy felt like it was twelve!

>americans thinking that prostitution is illegal in the rest of the world
I have literally have no criminal records beyond a few speeding tickets.

yeah, I do this for free.

(cont vacation)
> After I fucked her pussy for about five minutes she started moaning, which I took to be fake and turned me off a bit.
>She felt my boner letting up and turned around and sucked it. She looked at me with that beautiful face with green eyes and I got harder again.
> Then she said I had about 10 minutes left and if I wanted to cum, or pay extra.
> I was ready to cum. She sucked it a bit more but even though I was hard as a rock, I wasn't close to coming yet.
> Then she asked if I wanted to do her ass for 10eu extra.
> I paid the 10 eu and fucked her ass. Now that was tight! She seemed to genuinely enjoy my presence in there and didn't say anything when the five minutes I had left passed and I was still doing her.
> Her breathing got shallow and fast and this time it did turn me on more and I came inside her ass.
> I wanted to lie there for a bit, but she wasn't having any of that. I had to quickly get dressed, take my stuff and get out.
> When I walked out the door she was turning her ass to another customer and didn't even give me another look.
> I walked around for a few minutes before I found my colleague. he gave me a sly smile "You went inside didn't you?" I nodded. "Was it any good?" I nodded again "I got thrown out of mine.. The condom slid off because she couldn't keep me hard. Then she panicked and kicked me out"

Once. I had a gf at that time, tho. I was with a friend and we were shitfaced drunk. We went to a whore house and paid 35 euros each. Mine was romanian, brunette and with a littel body. She made me wash my dick (it was clean, tho) and then I laid on the bed. I asked her a few stupid questions and I thought that I had to be better than most of her customers: I'm young, good looking and polite. I thought of the other ones as abusive fat old cunts. Anyway, she wanted to go straight to the point, but my dick didn't, so she started jerking me off and it fucking worked. I mean, with gfs or one night sluts, a lot of times my dick has said: no. And that no had been irreversible despite the blowjobs or whatever. But that whore just with a mechanic hand job raised the pole. She made me wear a condom (niche thing) and started fucking. I didn't cum, It was impossible due to my alcohol levels and the weird situation. So we tried different positions and when it was clear that I didn't going to cum, I left.

My friend didn't get an erection so he didn't do anything.

I remember it like a bad decision, tbh.

This was my first, and only, time fucked a whore.
It's off my bucketlist now, and it wasn't a bad experience for the money.
I probably will never do it again though..

no, that was for a top tier bitch in a very poor country.
In a not so poor contry, i pay about 150EU for 1 hour!

I was just in berlin/germany and that was cheaper than what i see in other countries. 90eu first hour and 80 for the next for ok looking bitches, but not top tier as the stripper was.


Yes. A girlfriend bought me a whore for a birthday once, principally so she could film me fucking the whore up the arse. It was expensive. The cunt was late. She didn't clean out her shit hole even though she knew it was an anal booking. She had 3/4 empty sagging tits. Skin tags all over her body. Smelled like cigarettes even after she showered. Refused to suck my nipples or balls. She was OK with filming though. Left a shit smear all over the bed. She seemed to be genuinely into the bum sex, but I've had far better for free. Overall fucking nasty seedy experience - exactly what i wanted for my birthday. Film turned out pretty dark so that was fucked. I've had way better free 2 girl experiences, but like i said for a one off i felt it was worth it. Girlfriend was less impressed both with the hooker and the experience.

I tried to fuck one off the street in Sydney when I was about 21. Wasn’t much of an experience. Couldn’t keep it up long enough to cum. Never bothered again. Fucked a couple of thais though. Having to make conversation was the worst part.

My wife is a filipina call girl, based in Singapore. She makes $1000 a day most days.

Of course I have sex everyday, and she's awesome. She will suck the cum clean out of your body, swallow it and keep on sucking

My wife was working at a Brothel in Prague when I met her.

Not with a real prostitute. But there's this whore I fuck once every couple weeks. Girl from my school, actually. Our lives just went totally different ways.

>Go over to her place
>Rough sex, verbal abuse
>Leave her some $$$, to help with bills
>Go back home

It's a good deal for getting to act like super gonzo porn, something I'd never do to a woman I respect.

Here's my wife - Yana

i used to play a game where id chat them up pretending to not know they were hookers. after some charm offensive - they woudl say how much i had to pay - id say i dont pay and with a bit more work i'd end up getting laid for free. The game was only a point score if i got laid and paid 0. Used to bang them raw and caught loads of shit. happy days