How do I explain to some of my extended family members I maybe sort of think women are gold diggers without coming off...

How do I explain to some of my extended family members I maybe sort of think women are gold diggers without coming off as an edgy fadora kind of guy and pissing them off?
Like my mom badgers me about grand kids but I think I sort of red pilled her about how most women only like me for the money I make or work I do so she doesn't bother me as much about it and kind of admitted a lot of women are gold diggers. I went a few years being a NEET with no friends and no romantic relationships, it just seems like bull shit they like me now because of my job. It's so shallow and insincere. You can see graphic photos of girls fucking complete losers on here, guys that just don't have their shit together at all, shitty personalities, drug addicts, just all around fucking scum bags. It was a bit of an eye opener to notice I'm much more despised then genuine criminals and just all around creeps and fucked up people.
Is it just kind of a timing thing about when you bring it up so like if you were at a get together for dinner or something you don't ruin the whole atmosphere and kind of be like "that guy" where it was all pretty nice until that got brought up.


The fact you want to "redpill" anyone on anything only proves you are already "that guy"

If people ask about girlfriends or badger about grandkids just say you aren't looking for a relationship right now, it's your life man if you think the girls are trash money whores ignore them

Uhh I don't think it's autism I know not all women are like that. I just think a little tact could be used. It's kind of a little more difficult because the majority of them are female.

Why do you have to?
You don't, by the way. Some opinions are best kept to yourself, no matter how scathingly true or important they are.

>he majority of them are female
>I don't think it's autism

Not true
My gf pays my bills

shut the fuck up and dont say shit about your mental illness to your family

youre just as bad as one of those tumblrinas who needs to announce what flavour of gender they are

This guy gets it.

Don't try to explain yourself. Just say you "haven't found the right one yet" or some other bullshit, and shrug it off. There's nothing to gain by telling the truth in a subject like this.


>The fact you want to "redpill" anyone on anything only proves you are already "that guy"
It's not like I wanted to do it I just had to explain something to her and found it rather remarkable I only had to do it once. Normally it's just frustrating as fuck telling her anything it's like
>the answer is 4
she doesn't get it
she doesn't get it
she doesn't get it
she doesn't get it
she doesn't get it, or she kinda gets it and I have to explain it all over again.
I'm not happy why should other people be? If I got all that social shaming lobbed at me the entire fucking time I was a neet I think I should probably stick up for myself when I didn't do anything wrong.

Back to /pol
Fat ass.

>Just say you "haven't found the right one yet" or some other bullshit
That's kind of the point, it's all bull shit. There is no right one.

>You can see graphic photos of girls fucking complete losers on here, guys that just don't have their shit together at all, shitty personalities, drug addicts, just all around fucking scum bags.
I thought your objective was to not come off as an edgy "fadora" neckbeard?

Tell them yo're waiting for that person who cares about who
you are instead of the money you make. If people are gonna
pressure you about it, might as well be blunt and make it clear
youre not gonna marry the first thing with a pulse and a vagina that
walks past you.

It's okay to have standards man.


I see what your problem is

Why everyone is so obsessed about someone's else love life anyway, forcing and pushing you won't change a thing and THEY should ashamed of themselves for thinking bad of you

Obviously. But you don't have to mention that part.

It's bullshit but it's not quite a lie, and it has a good chance of satisfying your relatives' inquiries without instigating an uncomfortable confrontation about the fact that women are garbage.



Holy shit op

You can only say women are gold diggers if you're a rich mother fucker.. otherwise you're just a useless cunt who can't get a good one

Kys nigger boy

I haven't.
>It's okay to have standards man.
No it's not, the entire time I've been told not to have them at all. As if the only people whom should be interested in me would have to not have any themselves. Which is trash.
People are social creatures. It'd be kind of nice to once in a while come off as something other than an edgelord since I pretty much practically mostly only talk about stuff that's kinda edgy I guess.
I don't think women are garbage. I just think a lot of them want to treat me as such.
It doesn't matter if it's a nugget or a bar, gold digging is gold digging.

People in committed romantic relationships tend to take on a mindset that their way is the only way to be happy.

>I haven't.
Stupid people often betray their emotions and thought processes. Stupid people ask for help from Sup Forums.

You don't seem to realize that your implying the very things you say, not necessarily other anons, is completely stupid.

you're blahblah*


In the exact scenario of dinner, you could always be honest and say "haha no, I don't need to lose half my shit in a divorce." The point is, BE that guy, because you are that guy, and you're that guy for a reason and the world is part of that reason. If we keep biting our tongue while feminists and their orbiters scream and cry and wiggle their asses as they file rape charges then it's never going to get better.

Now if you'd tell me what to say to idiots that say "they aren't all like that, ya know." fucking tell me, because they're such idiots that I can't even stand thinking of them being in my presence. I'm supposed to live my entire life on a fucking gamble that might fuck it up permanently? What idiocrasy.


I'm not worried about losing stuff. I think the whole argument of women saying "it's reasonable you have this" about money, place, car, ect. it's bull shit. "I'm not a whore, you just need to have the money to fuck me" like who are you trying to kid, don't piss on my feet and tell me it's raining. It's gold digging. I didn't work hard to end up with a greedy whore. I did that for me.

I don't have a problem with feminists I think women deserve the same opportunity. I don't have a problem with orbiters either, most girls consider any guy they talk to and haven't fucked yet an orbiter, the girls they orbit find them more pathetic than anyone else does and they likely already are aware of it themself.

>You can see graphic photos of girls fucking complete losers on here

This ain't reality.

Also, tell them you just have very high standards about virginity and won't date a non-virgin girl (aka a slutty whore reeking of some other dude's cock)

Why not?
I don't know what this cultural thing is where there is this type of person you people always jump toward virginity in conversations. As if I'm going to believe any female that's high school age or over is a virgin. I've had girls tell me that before I stuck it in and I still didn't even believe it back then.


Fix your low self esteem. Loser

So true

Clearly you're an ameritard.

Most ameriturds, guys and girls alike, lose their virginity with their first "serious" love interest, i.e. in a puppy love relationship. Guys don't care - they just go searching for next available vagoo. Females, except strong slutty ones, typically get regretful, depressed and sick.

100 years ago women preserved virginity until marriage - and the only eligible husband was a sober non-gambler good guy with a decent job.

That meant that every guy in town had first to get a good job and a good attitude, then quickly settle for an available-to-marry woman out there before the most cute ones were booked.

In other words, it was a "no frivolous sex activity" world: in those epic times, virginity-as-a-value just destroyed life of Chads and Stacies and those who believed they could wait till 30-40 before settling, and the NEETs.

Also, men and women married before 20, fucked like rabbits for entire decades, became grandpas & grandmas before 40 while still enjoying fucking like rabbits.

That's why the degeneration (prostitution, gay sex, sex outside marriage, porn, cuckoldry etc) only related to quite a small percentage of people.

And that's why our society got the most valuable achievements in technology, space exploration, and so on from that exact "virginity generation".

same problem here.
told them that because of my religious beliefs I strictly required a good virgin girl.
>problem solved.

pretty much or just say, I dont feel I can find the right girl since I never got attention when I was neet. Only thanx to this job and only getting attention cuz im their last resort

>be me, girl riding the cock carousel almost till menopause
>find out the only bachelor in town owning a house and having a steady income is that fat stinky dude
>try to catch him but find out other desperate girls are trying as well

So what do they call you country bumpkins in your town? Girls just mention virginity because it's their version of talking dirty.

You don't have to explain anything to anyone. It's your life and you can do whatever the hell you want with it Nobody can take that away from you. I also chose not to care about women in general because it's not worth it. I'm much more happy when I take care of my hobbies instead of being some sort of provider/emotional punching bag. From my anecdotal experience it doesn't take long until you see shady stuff happening around you and it doesn't matter how "loyal" your girlfriend seems to you. It's just an act. The one I currently have now is checking up on her ex a few times a day and I'm fairly certain she fucked him at least a few times while I was away with work. She has no idea that I have this info and I'm just waiting for the right moment to end it with her.

Nigger what? Go ask for more advice.

Is that you in the pic OP, if so you ain’t got shit to worry about on the pussy front. Cash or not even gold diggers ain’t gonna want to wake up to that face fam.


Keep telling yourself that dude. You are not convincing anyone and all you are doing is lying to yourself.
You act like you are on some kind of pedestal that doesn't exist. It's really cringe-worthy as you just spouting nonsense that anyone with an above average intelligence can see.
You are not honestly introspecting in regard to your own views. You are not acknowledging your own bias.
Your stovetop analogy does not fit and is intellectually dishonest and you know it.

If I'm acting like a spoiled child you are acting like a retarded chimp.

This, I simply just say I'm not interested in dating atm, I never actually say most women are dipshits and not worth my time past pussy. Gotta hide that power level man.

>most women are dipshits
Congratulations, most women are perfect for you!

My hygiene is fine. It only smells.
Not all my family is the same religion, if any.
I don't think anyone wants to bust out the bible and talk about son of who was the son of the son of the son of the son of this one guy who was the son of the son of.
>Only thanx to this job and only getting attention cuz im their last resort
I guess that's sort of the crux of it.
Well I don't think "they're not worth my time unless it's just for pussy". I don't bother trying to spend time with girls I'd think that about. I suppose it kind of sends a mixed message since I'm pretty much only interested in pussy but I'd kind of like a better possibility of something a little bit different than that.

Repeat after me: "When someone who is possibly compatible with me comes along, I'll try to date her. But I'm not just going to hook up with the wrong girl simply because she has a vagina. You have to enjoy a womans company above all else... or are you telling me women are nothing but meaningless zombies with empty heads and I shouldn't give a shit what they think? Because if I do that, I won't respect her."

you forgot to add that she must provide you something more than a few holes.
Does she have a good reputation?
a decent job and a steady income?
is she always sober?
is she mentally healthy?
are there no legal issues behind? (divorces, SJW shit, debts, etc)

I'm not happy why should other people be? If I got all that social shaming lobbed at me the entire fucking time I was a neet I think I should probably stick up for myself when I didn't do anything wrong.

So stop pretending you don't want to be an asshole about it and go be an asshole about it.

All completely true. Another thing to remember is, when you marry a chick, you're basically marrying her family, too. If her name is shit around town, it doesn't matter how nice she is.

Think like - if you hook up with a super sweet black girl (don't hate) but her whole family is scum, you have to see those fuckers pretty often. That makes life quite shitty around holidays, or when they need a favor.

>"When someone who is possibly compatible with me comes along, I'll try to date her. But I'm not just going to hook up with the wrong girl simply because she has a vagina. You have to enjoy a womans company above all else...
Okay realistically I did that for over a decade. It doesn't work. It sounds nice but it's bull shit.
>But I'm not just going to hook up with the wrong girl simply because she has a vagina.
HAHAHAHA yeah nah. If I were at work or something, no brainer way easy to pass up. If it's on my time and it's not someone work related I probably wouldn't go out of my way but if they pretty much throw themself at me I don't I'd say no. I use to have a lot of female friends, I don't lose respect for them by sleeping with them, I lose respect for them finding out about all the other guys they sleep with. Not like lose respect in a disrespect them kind of way but really closes off whatever kind of interest I have in them. I'd still maybe fuck if they gave it up quickly but wouldn't be open to more than that.
I use to have standards like that. That's great advice if you want to be single for the rest of your natural life.

I'm not an asshole. If other people are going out of their way to make themselves happy by making me unhappy, I don't think that's an equal exchange. If you're cool with that and think I'm the asshole you should probably go fuck yourself.

Can I post this to r/niceguys?

I would never marry a girl I haven't been dating for at least 5 or 10 years.
Yeah run off to your subreddit where you faggots feel comfortable bullying in packs you chicken shit.

oops meant herds, gotta have that sheeple consensus to speak ones mind

Easy op say this
>"Woman are cunts, all they want is money money money. They don't care for you at all get sick bitch is gone. Lose your job she's in the next dick moments later. All they do I cheat. When she has a kid you got to run a DNA test to make sure it's your child. Because of this I will only date men."
There you go op.

Easiest (You) of my life.

This post is fake and OP is gay

Well yeah I think a lot of those cringe type subs are full of cry bullies. I'm not even mad I just think there are a lot of fuck heads around there. The real fun of those subs though is when you get to see the redditor meet up pictures.

Are you implying there is something wrong with paternity tests? I don't see why you wouldn't get one.

Fucking a girl you don't like is excruciatingly shitty. First, theres no spark. Secondly, now you have to figure out how to untangle yourself. Women almost always have the belief now that you got something off them, you're an item. If you can get a girl to go home with you - knowing from the jump- that there is no tomorrow, you've met a unicorn. I've had two. The rest become clingy, then when rejected, get especially ugly. I don't like giving the impression that tomorrow will be the beginning of something I have no intentions of following through.

If you're looking for the "right girl" you have to enjoy their company, and have some respect for their opinions and accomplishments. Unless your perfect girl is just a half-wit with no potential.

>I use to have standards like that. That's great advice if you want to be single for the rest of your natural life.

cuck detector is off the charts!

It's sadly just how they behave. A very few to none will be able to provide economic stability for their relationships, so they're looking for "sugar daddies" essentially who can provide for their lazy asses.

I've had the same thought, you know. They're all so fucking transparent, and I discussed it with my sister - who said it isn't true at all. Then I talked to my mother, who 100% agreed, and the "promise" for economic wealth was also a big factor in her choosing my dad.

So basically the people who haven't realized they're just looking for a sugardaddy yet, are the ones who will protest it - and the people who've already settled with it will agree.

Just ask, make it seem like a genuine question like "since I've gotten paid, women seem to take a larger interest? they all golddiggers or what? haHAA"

Make it seem like a joke, but hear their opinions out before you start pile driving your honest opinion into their brains.

GL, in an SJW world it sucks to be a wealthy white dude.

>Fucking a girl you don't like is excruciatingly shitty.
No it's not. It's funner than relationship stuff. Generally as a rule I don't do it though because it's just dumb as fuck to get involved with someone you don't know, and you kind of got to strike while the irons hot so a lot of time those girls move quickly because they're fucked up and trying to hide or compensate for it.
>The rest become clingy, then when rejected, get especially ugly.
I've experienced that before use to date before I was a NEET. Clingy doesn't even begin to describe it. Get people hitting up my phone at all hours begging, crying, making suicide threats, black mail threats, all sorts of weird hysterical bull shit. Realistically though, that's just generally people that were trying to use me.
>If you're looking for the "right girl" you have to enjoy their company, and have some respect for their opinions and accomplishments. Unless your perfect girl is just a half-wit with no potential.
Well fuck I don't have any idea of a perfect girl, nobodies perfect. I guess you're more correct about that part than incorrect.
What? Yeah that stuff makes sense and I use to consider stuff like that. Realistically when I stopped being a NEET I had to evaluate my life and found I need to be more shallow. I don't care about that stuff since I'm not going to marry or have kids with anyone. If they want a relationship though if they give me stuff I want I would probably settle for having sex with them and maybe hanging around sometimes before or after.

The world doesn't suck for wealthy people. It sucks for everyone else.

Hear their opinions. So I have to turn off the autism and learn how to troll irl?

I've struggled with that as well. But yeah, fish their opinion out before you start alienating yourself by saying shit out of the blue you know may trigger them.

Never forget to take virginity into account.

Women just want your money, but will fuck Chad for free. That's why you have to strictly require a reputation (virginity and a clearly recognizable sane attitude), plus prenups to get rid of gold diggers (and make them think twice before trying to get rid of you).

The odds of meeting a nubile pure loyal girl are quite low - I'd say 1% of them - but don't forget you're neither a Chad nor a gay nor a betacuck (who sum up to 99% of men around there).

no shit you triggered autist. Can you explain to me what color the sky is?

>Well fuck I don't have any idea of a perfect girl, nobodies perfect.
The perfect girl *for you* is all I'm saying. You want to move to the country, she has dreams of living in NYC. Not really all that compatible. Your friends are all beer drinkers, shoot pool at the corner bar, and tell dirty jokes. She likes upscale bars and snobby bitches and hates guys who wear sneakers. You can try, but its not a good fit. It will ultimately fail. You gonna leave all your friends and habits? Or is she?

Thats what I mean by perfect *for you* - there is no real standard of perfection, its all about compatibility.

I didn't think it'd really trigger them. I don't exactly have a problem with gold diggers if they're honest about it. If they kind of dance around the subject and act like it's not what they're doing they likely do it about other stuff too. It just seems like most every interaction is going to be some gas lighting game where their objective is just to stress you out or something. Fuck that.
Purity. I don't believe in it. That sort of chad paradigm is rather annoying though innit. I just couldn't be with someone that will give it up for some guy they just met but tries to make me jump through hoops for it. Fuck that racket.
The sky doesn't have a color it's a reflection.

I think you're really over estimating the level of commitment I'm capable of.

yeah, these faggots dont quite comprehend just how far you fallen down the mgtow autist hole. Just buy a 5000 dollar sex doll and be dont with.
Film yourself fucking it,making sure the camara zooms in on its cold lifeless eyes with sweaty thrust and show it to everyone on 4k 70 inch telly at thanksgiving. Gurantee theyll never bother you again

Maybe. I've been there. But the early 20's is training wheels for the big show. Ultimately, you want someone you can trust with your life. They can't steal your money, fuck your brother - important shit like that. This is the interview process. We all strive for a long-term partner. Picking up a slut is fun, but you can't do that for long. Pretty soon, theres nobody left, then you start to "settle", which is depressing.

I don't believe in MGTOW stuff. Couple years ago I use to troll about it and start a few threads but that was just to get other guys to do it and then troll them about it.
I don't see why you think sex dolls are so weird. I'm pretty sure you'd fuck one if it was laying around.
We're already in the settle phase.

MGTOW's and stuff are worried about marriage. I just don't see why anyone would do it in the first place. Already in the settle phase basically. Settling for sex or maybe some limited other funsies once in a while. Long term I crawled my way out of being a NEET on my own, adding a long term person doesn't make things easier. Commitment doesn't really benefit me. Not everyone is suppose to end up with someone else.


>Purity. I don't believe in it.

Then you're doomed to live in an impure world and - at most - an impure woman.

I believe in pure females because I know at least 3 of them who not only skipped the entire cockriding carousel, not only always turned down Chads as well, not only avoided beaches, bars, parties, but were never seen dressing like sluts. And they're not the ugly monsters you may think of. All of them are moderately religious (note that "moderately").

One of them - I'd bet both of my arms and legs - maybe never willingly pleasured herself. I must admit her purity is somewhat related to her disability (multiple sclerosis) and chubbiness (cortisone aftereffect), and the fact that her Chad oneitis that almost managed to kiss her 10 years ago was found the same day to be the usual womanizer (she eventually forgot him, but never forgave). Factor in her wealth (a decent job, a few extra revenues, living alone in a very nice apartment she ownes since ages), and you may understand why she did never fall for any of the Chads out there.

Sadly the three of them only have "friends" (aka: full 360 degrees friendzone around them). They've seen their male best friends turning rapey-rapey as soon as given half of a chance. They've seen their best femfriends singing "this is the right one" a few weeks (possibly hours) before getting pumped'n'dumped. They've seen their cousins divorcing, suing, going full apeshit. They've got solid reasons to believe in purity and virginity and they don't think single equals failed.

They expect some Charming Prince to be not your usual fit rich cute dude owning a dozen of cats. They expect a somewhat pure dude valuing them for their virginity (well, this is bad, because if they knew half of my impure thoughts they'd hate me forever).

>tldr, pure girls exist, but don't expect anyone of them willing to date you porn addict

TFW not having a wheelchaired gf.

Check out her smile: natural, lively, happy... also undeniably cute.

The kind of woman who never went whoring around - not even hinting like your usual skanks -, because wheelchair, because mobility, and because she cannot compete with female bodies who can arrange the usual sex performances.

The kind of woman who knows that she can only be attractive to a man if he thinks she features a solid working brain and a pure heart - and even then, some ugly non-wheelchaired woman could still win him because not requiring special care.

The kind of woman who will never have to beg for sex (because fetish perverts don't have too many choices, while even the high-rated skanks may be turned down at the very last minute because some Pro Stacy just entered the scene), and yet she knows that wasting her own virginity outside a marriage will only make her worse than wrecked wasted used goods.

The kind of woman who knows that her orbiters are the typical insecure dudes who pity her, who dream about her, who maybe could even date her, but will never want to have her as wife for life.

The kind of woman who can only wait for a pure-hearted man whose brain is not wasted in porn and mainstream faggotries, and that will accurately adjust his entire life - even in its darkest corners - to be compatible to the actual, real, undeniable "handicap".

>tldr, I regret not having enough of a job and health/wealth/guts to support her. Thus I can't even join her orbiters club. Her smile, her voice, her heart... I'll miss her.

tfw no gf

I don't believe in purity, there is a thing called original sin.
Your actual motivation for dating a girl like that seems a bit fucky. I don't know about dating a girl in a wheel chair I think she'd get pissed off if I call her hotwheels as a pet name or something.

we just labeled pure woman one checking all of these:
- virgin
- never willingly pleasured oneself
- never showing off
- never talking like a slut, not even a single hint
- never chasing Chads, not even in impure thoughts
- not mentally ill

also, virginity is:
- never had a cock in any hole

the physical status of the hymen is not a proof - either it could be rekt by normal physical activity (gym, dildos) or it could be rebuilt by surgery. (pic unrel8)

this means a woman could be formally virgin and practically a slut - for example one who managed (willfully or not) to not to be touched by any dick, yet enjoyed (even if only once in her life) a real or surrogate sex toy (that is: fiddling with anything but her fingers).

I know some of these specimens - and recognized them because they avoid any talk about sex and when cornered they hint at not being virgin but you just understand they're lying. Also, most of them are fuckin gold diggers - even if they're preserving their special asset, they're also quite depressed they didn't ride any dick yet. I'm 100% sure they're not as loyal as a pure girl.

Okay well is this bait this list is funny.
>I know some of these specimens - and recognized them because they avoid any talk about sex and when cornered
I don't think you're quite understanding what social dynamics are actually unfolding there.

Alright poes law this has got to be a joke although there is no way for me to know that for certain but god damn I had a good laugh.

top kek.
I once dated a handicapped girl and after a while was given permit of joking about her handicap. Only joked once. Her bored face and that awkward silence told me she was just sick about that kind of jokes.

Your mother is also a woman, so she also is a heartless selfish gold digger. She understands it.

Gold diggers exist because cuckfags are willing to marry a non-virgin woman who has no income/wealth/anything and that won't accept prenups.

why don't you have a gf yet user? LMAO

because I ain't a cuck willing to be some wasted slut's provider! KEK

>being this new