Dick rate thread, be gentle Sup Forumsros

dick rate thread, be gentle Sup Forumsros

Stop posting your tiny fucking cocks you fucking cancers of Sup Forums

Gay fuck!

I miss the old Sup Forums before it devolved into this pathetic cuck "acknowledge my weird cock", every second thread bullshit. Fuck off.

rate me or fuck off u closet homos

It's good, it doesn't look gross. Good.


I dont fucking understand how most of the pics are hung guys when the average is 5 inchs, especially when you're a Sup Forums autisit and claim to post ur big dick is hella sus


I think bc the demographic of guys that wanna show their cock is bc they know they're big (like myself) like what tiny dick motherfucker wanna get roasted

Nice melonoma


Having a tiny dick is something you can't control so whatever

Every picture I take has too large a file size and I don't know how to fix it. Am I retarded?

Yeah but ur gonna be self conscious of it regardless, why intentionally get roasted even more?

kys fucking gay faggot

8/10 I think you’re a little thicker than me

im just gonna assume ur one of em gettin mad triggered it's alright bruv it's genetics fault

Mate, I've a dick that makes yours look minuscule. I am not the one with the insecurity posting it on a message board. Your a cancer of Sup Forums kys gay faggot

Exactly, faggots have their own board ffs

If your dick is truly that big I feel sorry for you. Gunna have a hard time finding a girl to sleep with


tiny weiner reporting in
its about 4.8 inches

Fucking awesome. Would suck both of you.


is that a reverse hook shape? interesting

R8 m8s

Post more of your cock bro

as requested

the old ruler comes in about 19cm

Impressive, aesthetically pleasin gcock 10/10 for uncut as well. I'm a dicklet at 5.5, so I admire all of your cocks. Hold it with your hand

there is literally this guys posting a 4.8 and you are whining
look at it
its beautiful (needs a shave tho)

Please don't be gentle using that on me :3

Nice! I'd let you fuck my girlfriend

no promises


10/10 requesting more OP

I loooooove THE COCK.

Unfortunately they are all I posses right now, and unable to take more

Rate me Sup Forumsastards

well I hope to see more of you some time in the future then, you got a very nice cock



Please rate

thanks user, that was the first time I've fapped in years


are you gay?

nice try guy, it's February 1st


Clean that shit you fucking retard, 0/10

>not writing the date on your penis every time to appease anons
>you can't be seriously

Very suckable/10

Would love to suck that head.

nigga how we know that's YOUR dick? may be it was your dick but then you had a firearm mishap and you accidentally shot your dick off and now your revelling in your dicks former glory through old pics
>or maybe next time don't bother with a timestamp

I have a bic too

Is this a micro penis thread?

R8 me

too boku


Easily 9/10


Hard to tell, 7/10 maybe.


About to burst