Where were you when you realized you craved his creamy log of shit?

Where were you when you realized you craved his creamy log of shit?

In his tour bus. He pulled down his black pleather pants and pushed my face into his ass crack, I struggled and yelled at first but my screams were muffled by his pale tushy. Then the flavor hit me and I knew I was in love.

When I was borned

>When I was




when I started dreaming about his pictures


>1 hour in
>nothing but op

operation logblock successful,

pastebin DsyFBq8g


you do realize every time you reply with a new image, it gets added to the md5 filter?

If you want this dying forced meme to last, you need to start spacing out your material.



Whilst I hate log threads, you're wrong. There are now 10 posters. There's only 4 posts after yours, so even if each is a new poster, that still leaves 6 posters

I had heard rumors about these "logs" i didn't know the truth until i was front row of a BvB concert. Andy's leather covered taint was thrusting rhythmic inches from my face. Judging by the overpowering musk, he was exceptionally sweaty and clearly hadn't wiped, much less changed pants in days. The scent overwhelmed me. I went into a fugue state, completely overpowered with lust. I nearly creamed my jeggings on the spot. I knew from that moment forward that his logs would be mine.

grow up

Original response - well done. So often these threads are repetitive and predicable


>logblock is effective
>logthreads longer and more popular than they've ever been
pic one



When I pledged allegiance to the Log god.

So hot