Help me with a legal question b

Help me with a legal question b.

Say a guy hits someone with his car. He ran a light and is arrested and charged with assault. (I don’t fucking know why assault is the charge)

The kids in a coma.

If he goes to trial and wraps it all up. Probably being found guilty, then a few months later that kid dies... can he be tried again?

Isn’t that double jeopardy?

There’s a case in fort smith Arkansas right now about this shit. Please shed some light.

Also traps are gay as shit yo

Charged with battery if that matters

I don't think it would be double jeopardy as it is the same person being tried for a different crime. Before it was assault. Now it is murder.

Are you fucking retarded? Like honestly. I need to know. I need to fucking know if you woke up today and your first thought was anything other than I need to change my underwear because I shit myself in the middle of the night.

Isn’t that fucked up though? It seems fucked up.

I mean everyone dies at some point. Now this asshole has this kids death lingering over him forever then.

>r u retawded
>doesn’t post an answer
suck a dick faggot

The alternative would be not hitting the kid with a car. Millions of people a day, even some niggers in stolen cars, manage this simple task. I don't see why we should spare any who are so fucking useless.

So your answer is to be smarter than a nigger or get a time machine then


God damn you're a stupid fuck.

K thx

Now non-conservative have any real answers?

Btw know how I know you’re a trump faggot? The first thing that popped into your dumbass head was “well gawlee *spits* he shouldn’t have gone and done it to begin with *sucks an uncles dick*”

If they die because you hit them with a car, then you murdered them and assaulted them. You did both. Double jeopardy doesn't apply because you're guilty of both things, and get found guilty of each thing once. Murder isn't an upgraded version of assault. One is for where you hit them with a car, the other is where you made them die. If you made them die without hitting them with a car, you'd only be on the hook for the murder. If they don't die, you're only on the hook for the assault.
If they die for some other reason, say some third person goes into their hospital and stabs them in their coma, you don't get charged with murder.

This makes the most sense

I'm sorry that actions having consequences is a new concept for you.

Can you wrap your tiny little mind around a simple fact, suck up your feewie weewies and understand: SHIT ALREADY HAPPENED!

You fat tongue nigger dick sucking faggot.

Your answer to everything can’t be “well they shouldn’t have done it in the first place, also I wish I would one day get raped by a pack of niggers infested with aids and then I wear my helmet to bed.”

God damn you’re dumb. I feel sorry for anyone who knows you. Kill yourself with bleach and tide pods now. K thx. Die die now.



Until sentence is passed and punishment done it's still happening.

Giving people a free pass because muh feelz is the cancer of society.

And I'm not the one going to be playing pick up the soap for killing a kid.

Nigger, The act of hitting someone with his car already happened.

God damn you’re fucking stupid. Unplug your computer.

You’re literally too stupid for words.

And now there are consequences.

You seeing how this works yet?

Read your posts again. Your brane is broke.

So, it depends on the state you're in for heightened protections, but the Supreme Court in Blockburger laid out the test for double jeopardy. Essentially if each charged crime requires proof of an element the other doesn't then double jeopardy doesn't apply.

It looks like you're discussing "Double Jeopardy". Let me help you with that.

The Double Jeopardy clause in the Fifth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution provides that "No person shall ... be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb." Most states have the same guarantee for defendants appearing in state court. Even in states that do not expressly guarantee this right in their state constitutions, the doctrine of incorporation ensures that the Bill of Rights applies to state and local governments, therefore the protection against double jeopardy must still be afforded to criminal defendants.

There are several reasons for double jeopardy protection:

>To prevent the government from using its superior resources to wear down and erroneously convict innocent persons;
>To protect individuals from the financial, emotional, and social consequences of successive prosecutions;
>To preserve the finality and integrity of criminal proceedings, which would be compromised if the government were allowed to ignore verdicts it did not like;

For jury trials, jeopardy begins when the jury is sworn. In criminal cases tried by a judge without a jury, jeopardy attaches when the first witness is sworn in. If a defendant enters a plea agreement with the prosecution, jeopardy does not attach until the court accepts the plea.

Thanks clippy

Can you post some boobs now?

It looks like you'd like to see some boobs. Let me help you with that.


awww yea

8/10 bobs


9/10 bobs
