Is this cartoon worth watching?

Is this cartoon worth watching?




I liked it, but I didn't get that far into the series.



It's pretty solid, but the fan base is fucking horrid. If you watch it, deny that you do. That's what I do. Seen every episode to date, though. :^)



if you can handle the fact that there's only 2 straight couples and the rest of them are lesbian ones,then sure go ahead

remove yourself from that and youre good
>24yr user
>makes me feel like a kid again

sjw propaganda

Most of the people seeing no or that it's sjw propaganda have probably just seen the shitty fanbase/fan art. It's a cute show, nice music, and overall just comfy to watch

No, and not because 'muh SJW' later in the show when the plot starts rolling it focuses on characters nobody in the audience gives a shit about. It also favors Slice of Life with boring humans over the actual interesting stuff it has. Not to mention it's on hiatus for months on end between episodes. Just save yourself the shit and at least wait till the show is done. If it ever finishes.


If you like kid shit yeah, it's one of the better cartoons out there right now. Watch~
Wander over Yonder
Star VS. The forces of evil
Over the Garden Wall
Gravity Falls
Gumballs bretty gud

I shipped steven and connie a lot

Kill yourself

Agree with these two. Fanbase is absolutely horrid... But what fan base isn't nowadays. Look at Rick and Morty

This, show is really good, just triggers snowflakes that can’t deal with anything they don’t consider normal.

Avoid the fanbase

You need ~help


I think it's pretty good.

i guess

No stick to anime

Yeah worth watching.
Just don't get involved with the fan base.
Also it seems to be under appreciated by the network, so be ready for leaks of episodes and long time between episodes.