Steamy, creamy log of shit... My throat?

Steamy, creamy log of shit... My throat?

What about you just kill yourself?

seriously consider suicide

Dubs logged!

Do you even ate diarrhea bro

Dubs have spoken, you have to KYS, dumbfucks.

Do u even diarrhoea

wondered where y'all went, was like a solid hour without any logpost

shamefur dispray

do u even diarea bro

Bro how about you just shut the HECK up. You don't even know DILL about andys creamy treat

I think using information technology in this way, is bullshit, and I mean it.

Look bro I am so angery how can you even say that CRAP about the sixx boi. If I everet you in person I would make you chowder in your pants like a HECKING soiboi

We were in a meeting, the clog director from glendale was in today

If you ever meet me in person, and mentioned you post this threads, you would have bad time. Also, if you you so dumb you need some pseudo star and shit for some stenography, you deeply retarded.

Whew lad
*Teleports done you ass)
Im so horny for shit andys shit what do you know wbababout diiahrea brooo

You type like Donkey Kong


Just kill yourself already.

Dubs logged I actually know donkey kung in person, hueh. We used to suck off prickly biker cocks at the chilis in reno. What do you know about diaryah, nigger?

theres over 7.4 billion people on earth
thats over 7 billion LOGs a day.
7 billion logs vs andy's log
which one?

No. My throat. Stop hogging all the logs

>information technoLOGy

Listen here, empty-throat. I me me likey doo doo andy sixx plop

I am so fucking high right now i can hardly log post

>Implying I'm alive
I discarded my physical body when I ascended to the log dimension.
