I'll start with medium mode:

I'll start with medium mode:

>guy who really isn't a cowboy goes to the big city
>wants to fuck old ladies for money
>gets conned by rainman
>befriends rainman
>let's go to florida!
>dead on arrival


Tony hawks pro skater

Shrek 2

Police Academy 3

Midnight Cowboy
John Voight
Dustin Hoffman

The Matrix


Ocean's Eleven!

Baywatch The Movie


I got one
>guy can't sleep
>starts a fight club with another man
>finds out the man is actually him
>they blow up a few skyscrapers
>the end


Taxi Driver


>a movie about memes and shit

City Slickers

Coming To America


>famous talkshow host
>eminem is gay

Tony hawks pro skater

Fight Club
Ed Norton
Brad Pitt

Is that Tony hawks pro skater?

>guy needs a new job
>films awful shit
>he turns out to be a bit off

Coming To America

hey man what are you even doing?


>two faggots have sex in a tent

>dad is a drunk
>mom is useless
>brother is a normie
>kid sucks at school
>kid works shitty job and steals to pay bills
>gets caught

>Man with really long straw drinks another mans milkshake.

The interview

>two former batmen are in jail for murder
>they keep punching people though


The Founder!!11

>there are bees
>it's not bee movie

The Wickerman

>An alternate world where womyns best coders
>australian inception

>wrongly accused man
>poor guy can't see his children
>has to listen to some japanese guy to help him
>trippy shit goes on
>finally gets to see his children irl
>or does he

is it still bee movie?

Brokeback Mountain

>martian comes from planet
>martian goes to earth
>convinces some guys on earth to go back to his planet
>they all go back to his planet
>martians son gets out of control
>earth guys all get ass kicked
>last earth guy kills martians son
>movie over

John Carter of Mars

>retard is extremely good at everything

shutter island 2



the social network

>2 dudes try to scam this town full of elderly people
>fuck up
>every old person in the town are actually martial arts masters and beat the hell out of them

>Hot Russian girl invades guys house in the early 2000s
>Wants to bang house jew
>Jew sets up a livestream for his friends so that they can watch the Jew bang the Russian for maximum awkwardness
>Jew accidentally sends livestream link to entire school
>Autism ensues

The man who fell to Earth




>guy kidnaps girl and leaves confined to an isolated area
>it's not "Room"

Hot Fuzz

>beavis and butthead going to aspen

>virgin gets gf
>kills others and gets away with it
>virgin is also a bassist who would have guessed

Dumb & Dumber

Three men go looking for silver.
Traipse through the US civil war.
Two men blow up bridge.
Have altercation in cemetry.
Two men share the silver.
One rides off into the wilderness.

Kung Fu hustle

Scott Pilgrim?

Scott Pilgrim

>i don't want lunch
>i want breakfast
>basically kills everyone because society is fucked up

>2 cowboys and a businessman all want something from a hooker

ding ding ding
well... ok


Silence of the lambs?

>Family in house
>Ghosts are in house
>They realised they are ghosts

lol I just realized this is a veryyyy close answer but no. it's:

>Sciences the bitch out of a planet.

Two Mules for Sister Sarah?

American pie

>do this Turing test that's not really a Turing test
>lol it was a Turing test all along
>oh shit

Dallas buyers club

>ex cokehead becomes limo driver
>a bunch of fucked up shit happens
>not arrested yet
>gets to the fuck the girl

The others

The swarm

a Mel Gibson movie

>we swear drugs will ruin your life and everything you love


Beetle juice

>man loses it in traffic on way to work, goes on a killing spree

>Dude returns home
>some chinaman pees on his rug
>Dude just want his rug back.

Deus Ex Machina

>Antagonist hatches evil plan
>protagonist finds out and comes up with his own plan
>protagonist has major setback and almost gives up
>protagonist finds encouragement from unlikely source
>defeats antagonist and saves the day


Nobody guessed mine, I guess I win.

The trump movie

>guy has a dramatic change of life, taking his wife and daughter along for the ride

>kids swear with canada
>also hell

Ex machina?

No, this is more recent.

>Elmo kills a bankers wife and her lover
>banker dindu nuffin
>befriends nigger who diddu sumpin

Ex Machina lol

mankind divided

Yep. More people should've seen it.

There will be blood

Requiem for a Dream

South Park movie

Shawshank Redemption


lol try again

Shawshank redemption
