*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

heh...going somewhere, kiddo?

Yeah, to your mothers house xD

Isn't that technically his house too? Basement, rather?

fight me

id point him in the direction of the nearest Dungeons and Dragons game

isn't that the retard youtuber that thinks he knows about stuff but actually just talks absolute shite?

Take my dubs and fuck off

id do a 180 and beat the shit out of him

my bust-ass melts that ferret off his face

What do you need soldier? I don't usually give out autographs except that one time for one of the kitties. I take requests, but I don't always fill'em. Make sure you don't ask me something dumbassed that you should have gone to your CO about.

What is the race of that thing.... looks like a white whore got gangbanged and creampied by like 10 ugly ethnicities

I'll give you all of my nuka cola caps for two mutfruit.


She's an antideluvian gorgonite, a lust elemental, and a precursor to lesser demons and red dragons.
>powerful demon

I can spare two mutfruit for a soldier.

big man styx

Yes sir, as a matter of fact I was just leaving

You satanic scum

oh shit watch out.

What an ugly mother fucker.

watch it friendo.

And I thought this fag couldn't look worse