Pick my next tattoo

Pick my next tattoo.

ew figure it out

any modern art
rendered in intracerebral lead paint

may as well get a face tattoo your bodys already ruined may as well ruin your face too


Picture of me enjoying some sushi. On the left butt cheek.

I dont mind tattoos and all but that's fucking disgusting.
Have fun being a worthless pile of shit your entire life.

your dads face on your lower back so every guy who is about to drop a hot load of gag sauce in you knows who to thank for giving you your obvious issues.

i also name my nudes dick-normal-nude-dude

Wire around the asshole

Giant bat on your face

Bonnie Rotton.

OP is probably not a porn star.

But they should get "Porn Star" tramp stamp none the less.

I've been trying to become a tattoo artist myself. I made this a while back, this good?
>Also timestamp thot

I don't care about the tattoos, it's way too much, but some look pretty cool...
These tits though... I will never understand why women would get these plastic boobs which look hard like stone... Disgusting...

Steve fucking Buscemi portrait, dude. DO IT


Nothing more disgusting than a tattoo on a woman, utterly degenerate.

I am thankful they do it though, makes it easy to avoid the scum.


Tits or gtfo

Also, timestamp

what a dumb cunt

I think you look gross enough as it is


A roller coaster

No, to much going on, hard to read, to many filler items placed just to make it look fuller, making it look busy and messy, why a feather, a pocket watch, all seeing eye, geometric the overall design is a mess, it's like you've gone i like all of these things, how can i throw it all together. unfortunately it doesn't work like that, and the end design is the mess you have drawn. you're not clueless with the design but you need alot more work and research before attempting another piece like that.

You should get a tattoo of your name written on a GED. Not on your skin. On paper.

Definitely not you

Tattoo dumb cunt on your forehead.


not gonna lie bonnie is attractive but with the tats and extreme she is, wow fun wank but man nobody could handle that amount of crazy


get this on ur forhead if i get trips

"I suck dick" above her upper lip

rollin for this

helping out


trips i get

quads then


"Niggers tongue my anus" stenciled in Gothic text, smack dab on your forehead, if I roll 88.

rolling for trips

uh, dye your bush green, shave a patch off and get a tattoo above your vag of a stick figure pushing a lawnmower.

nigger it's not her. look at the filename.

ROlling for this

she litterally runined her body
Fine as fuck, and just wasted it
Who the fuck wants to be sucking on some titties and
checking for a spider out of the Conner of their eye

A template on your temple for where to place the tip of the gun. You've ruined your body, might as well be 300+ lbs.

What this guy said. Talent is there but right now your still in the sucking stage.


A steak

What the fuck is up with the teeth in the roof of the snakes mouth? that's not how mouths work nigger

skank af

this. rolling

One on your forehead that says "Damaged Goods"

tattoo a sharpie coming out of your ass

stick with the classics

