be me

> be me
> Jew

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Does this Zyklon B smell funny to you?

Do u realize how stupid your religion is?


Nah not really, kinda smells like almonds almost

Yep, Hitler did nothing wrong

Are you just ethnically Jewish or do you adhere to Judaism? What are your opinions on the Arab-Israeli conflict?

sHitler fucked Germany, got 24 million dirty, filthy krauts gooded, destroyed once and for all the German culture (what exists now is not German culture), and enabled a world where Jews would survive and prosper.

So, yeah, sHitler did nothing wrong.


not OP, but I'm both "ethnically" Jewish and religiously Jewish. The Arab-Israeli conflict is just Muslims trying to ethnically cleanse the middle of east of all non-Muslims, and a small band of indigenous people (Jews) saying "fuck you" back.

If you try to frame the conflict in any other terms, you aren't seeing reality. The whole thing is driven by religion, and Muslims are just doing what they've done for 1500 years, viz. cut infidel throats.

I adhere to Judaism, not all to serious about it. As for the conflict, I don't like it. I can tolerate other religions quite well the conflict is pointless.

Pointless meaning it's not going to solve anything

I respect your opinion on the matter but I think it’s a lot more complicated than that. A lot of Arabs who seek to destroy Israel just hate Jews for the sake of it, but I do believe there is a legitimate argument for a two-state solution.

Ingvar's ded Sup Forums

Luckily IKEA have let us post messages to his family.

Come leave a NICE message for the poor old nazi

Everything you said is opposite. Jews want to get rid of Arabs and they hate Christians and other black Jews. The Jews have this religious chip on their shoulder since the Roman and post Roman times

I'm not always 100% up to speed when it comes to these sort of conflicts, but simply hating someone because of religion and creating a war is pointless like I said they are eventually going to lose but I wouldn't mind a compromise.

There is no argument for a two-state solution, if for no other reason than that there already exists two states. The other one is Jordan which sits on 2/3 of original Palestine.

Another relevant fact: Palestine was never the name of a country, but of a Roman, then Ottoman, then British territory. The Arabs that moved in, only moved in AFTER the fall of the Ottoman empire, basically 1922.

Sorry, but a few Arabs squatting on land starting in 1922 is not a basis for legitimization of nationhood.

Muslims have 99.8% of the the Middle East. Why is everyone wringing their hands about denying them a piece of land smaller than Rhode Island?

If it weren't for Arab oil, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Here's the falsification of your claim: Under Arab rule, only Muslims were allowed to worship in the Holy Land. Under Jewish rule, Arab Muslims, Christians, Jews, and anyone else is free to worship as they please and have free access to all their own holy sites.

You are either a Muslim or a useful shill for them.

But I do mildly dislike Catholics, ones that are all up in your face in it "oh evolution is a perdiction of the future, not the past" oh that pisses me off for whatever reason

Jewish religion, the basis of Christianity and Islam is just recycled ancient Babylonian religion (read the epic of gilgamesh, from over 3000 years ago) you will see the origins of creation stories.

wtf? seriously? wow. I never heard that. that's pretty awful. which country are you in that catholics there say such bullshit?

proviso: I generally like Catholics that I know here in America (California). I have lots of Catholic friends, and they seem alot more reasonable than some of the evangelicals I know.

Or, the Babylonian religion is a copy of Judaism, which also dates back more than 3000 years ago.

Correlation does not entail causation. Didn't they teach you that in school?

When it boils down to it it's all quite the same, thinking of joining team athiest, science is contradicting religion in my eyes but something tells me religions is not pointless

What the Jews are is very smart, every where they been they make themselves an integral part of society, until they fuck it up and get kicked out. Now they want to kick everyone from their real estate. Which is not bab as long as all Zionist and religious and anyone else that identifies as a Jew gets deported to the state of israel.

What I mean is the ones who are upfront about it in the middle of let's say biology start yelling about it. shut up I'm trying to get a good grade (even though I can agree)

Nothing personal, but I have this strange but deep dislike and distrust of jews. My best friend is jewish and I like him, but jews and jewishness in general I dislike. Can't help it.

I can just see you whacking off to Mein Kampf, then shriveling and going impotent when you see your ugly, neckbeard, fat self in the mirror, realize how bankrupt is your life, being nothing but a long parade of failures and fuckups, before sitting down and wasting what's left of your shit-tier life on Sup Forums posting in quickly 404'd threads.

Here's the fact that falsifies your erroneous claim: It is only among Christian nations that Jews got "kicked out." Jews that when to other places were welcomed, and in some cases, integrated permanently (suck as in China).

The reason Jews got "kicked out" in European countries is that Christians would treat Jews like cattle, allowing them to build up industry and make progress, borrowing massive amounts of money from them, but would then turn around, like the treacherous, lying, thieving bastards that they are, and genocide and drive them out, keeping all the booty the Jews had rightfully earned.

But, here's the best part of all that: I banged your mom.

>I can't help it.

So, you are telling me you have an irrational hatred and you acknowledge that it is irrational?

yeah, ok. well, stop it.

problem solved. don't be like faggot pictured.

Jews did not have an identity until generations pass Abraham. They did not have any Jewish identity. After "slavery" in Egypt after the exodus there was a Jewish identity in place. The belief and creation stories of major civilizations (Mesopotamia, Babylon) predates any established Jewish people, except for jewish creation stories

is that Bubbles father in the pic?

Nice intellectual masturbation. Where's the proof?


Do I deny that Judaism has developed and evolved through the millennia? No. Of course, that would hold true of anything as old as Judaism.

But, you can't disprove that Judaism started as a YHWH-ist belief among a small tribe of nomads, independent of, and even predating, Babylonian religion.

Nice try, faggot.


Use the scientific method to prove or disprove God is like a fly disproving rain comes from evaporation and condensation. We have a limited understanding of ourselves, our world the subatomic, human nature, how about the infinite. Can you disprove what you don't understand. The bible and all religions are not the way to seek god. Religion and creation stories hide God and his nature which is the spirit

Do you defend this?

Also: The Jews were captives of and interacted with the Babylonians. Jewish records portend to date back to 3600 BCE, well before the formation of the Gilgamesh canon.

No. Do you defend the many, many, many more Christians that say exactly the same thing?

Fuck you and your double standard, retard.

Die, hasbara scum.

You die first, dipshit retard.


>It is only among Christian nations that Jews got "kicked out."

I'm in New York city, capital of the world for influential Jews, there are good one and bad ones. But 99% of religious Jews will think of any non Jews as unclean and below any Jew.
The real Jews are dark skin (not sub Sahara black), the people that look
Jewish are eastern European

So defensive. It was only a question. Seems like you've got a chip on your shoulder.

Would you?

What would you do for a Klondike bar?

>abandon Gaestarbeiter jobs in Egypt
>receive hospitality from nice Arabs in Canaan just in time
>come back four millennia later shouting MUH HOLY LAND
>rape and murder the descendants of the hospitable people
>steal the natives' land and pen them in with walls
Zion is a cancer. It must be removed.

If European have been so bad for jews then why not part ways, why play such an integral part in a non jewish state ,like the financial system. Lets part in piece, I'm Hispanic, and if you did fuck my mom then what can I say, I hope she enjoyed it?

Jewish and Muslim nations. There, better?

Two religions that both hate Judaism because Judaism gives the lie to their beliefs.

I was surprised to see "Canton, China" there, then reading it, saw that it was not a targeted attack on Jews, but on ALL foreigners living there (Christian, Muslim, etc.).

That list only proves that Christians and Muslims are treacherous, lying, thieving murderers, taking advantage of and betraying good Jewish people.

Except for some bullshit conspiracy theory, can you specifically, and with hard proof, what it was that Jews would have done, except compete more successfully?

Protip: you can't.

Neck yourself, human garbage.

Why are there so many stealth Zionist threads on Sup Forums?
Because the US sends its taxpayers' money to ISISrael to hire shills to promote what the UN condemns as illegal and immoral.
Jews lie. Jews organize to lie.

non-Jews are, by definition, unclean, where "unclean" means not following the Law of God.

Jews cannot regard themselves as superior or better than others, because Jews are specifically forbidden to do so by that same Law.

Also, being in the Jewish community, I can say NO ONE I have ever met thinks the way you accuse.

So, go fuck yourself, bitch.

More like klonkike bar lol

If everyone were to kill just one jew apiece, all wars around the world would end immediately.


Gee, you think alleging a Jewish conspiracy to undermine Western culture is an innocent question?

>Gosh, this nigger got all defensive when I innocently asked him what it was like being an ape-man who only eats fried chicken and plays basketball!

kinda like that.

but, hey, I'll accept your claim that you genuinely meant it innocently and without malice.

the dog is realy cute

Jews lie.

>but, hey, I'll accept your claim that you genuinely meant it innocently and without malice
It doesn't sound like you are.


I try to love everyone but its not easy with the jews

ISISrael told Zuckerpig to delete hundreds of Palestinians' FB accounts. Zuckerpig complied.

>a small band of indigenous people (Jews)


After WW2, the Brits and sundry allies dumped kike refugees in the Mideast, because nobody wanted a shitton of sheenies destroying their country.

Does the average jew woman look like this ?

>That list only proves that Christians and Muslims are treacherous, lying, thieving murderers, taking advantage of and betraying good Jewish people
You don't think that, oh I don't know a couple times the Jews had it coming? Or are they completely and entirely perfect and can do no wrong?

Canaan is not the Jewish homeland. The Jews came from the eastern bank of the Tigris, just south of Babylon. They have no legitimate claim to Palestine. They are thieves and murderers.

Jews are the only ones who have ever had a nation in that land. Even under Roman, Ottoman, and British occupation, Jews have maintained a continuous, unbroken presence since the Bronze Age.

"Palestine" has always ever been a territory, never a nation. Neither under Romans nor under Ottoman rule have Arabs (except Bedouins) been allowed to live there, let alone established a nation.

Your bullshit map shows the Ottoman territory, NOT ARAB, transitioning to British. The "Partition" was only ever proposed by the UN, THE ARABS REJECTED IT.


Losers can't be choosers. You gamble, you lose, you pay the price.

But, hey, don't be sad, Muslim pawn/shill, you still have Jordan which sits on 2/3 of original Palestine. That's your two state solution, bitch.


She enjoyed it.

Jews did finally depart. That's why Europe has been shit ever since.

I live in California. I consider myself part Chicano.

found the retarded faggot


text is hard to convey irony or lack of irony.

I'm sincere. I'm unironically taking you at your word. I'm just explaining why I'm "defensive."

I agree with many things he says, these are the things he says that I really don't like


Zuckerberg has decided to rid his site of lies and hate. Good for him.

You don't like it, start your own goddamned facebook, bitch.

No, but she does look good

- Israel Y or N?

- Be honest, do you and your Jewish friends sometimes joke about how stupid gentiles are on average, compared to you?

- Trump Y or N?

- Are Sephardim inferior?

- One thing you'd like all anti-Semites to know

Kek nice

and wtf is a perdiction

They were planning to steal Palestine since the nineteenth century.

Nice, try, dumbshit faggot. Jews went there and founded Israel AGAINST THE WISHES of the British. Jews left the Eurotrash shithole for good because... gosh... I dunno... maybe they were sick and tired of treacherous assholes trying to murder them and steal from all the time.

Neck yourself, useless faggot garbage.

Cowardly bullies pick on little girls.

when it boils down to it?...what who the fuck talks like that what it boils down to is u a mong

How does one steal something that doesn't exist, though?
Quite the conundrum...

You post images of ugly gentiles. Shall I post pictures of ugly jews? That way we can all be ugly towards eachother in every possible way, or can we try to find resolve?

Waiting for the proof. Can't find it? Oh yeah, well that shows your claims for the shit they are.

Like I said, Jews that moved to non-Christian/non-Muslim places, like KaiFeng China, were welcomed and beloved (so much so, in fact, that the Jews just melted into the population).

Jews that moved to America were welcomed and contributed directly to America's great success.

But, hey, if you hate Jews so much, avoid all Jew contaminated products, meaning avoid medicine, science, the arts, and technology.

You are so fucking jealous of Jews, aren't you? What? Did a Jewish boss fire you for incompetence?

According to old books they were promised the land of milk and honey and welcome to the root of the problem user hows 6th grade?

Churchill and Hitler both planned on resettling their Jews in Palestine. Jewish bankers funded both of them.

"rightfully earned" yeah ok like any new has ever done that

>avoid medicine, science, the arts, and technology.
>implying these aren't all primarily brought to us by Germanics
Nice try, Shlomo.

Arabs didn't show up until 1922. Also, Jews are not white because Eurotrash. Jews derive from the same group as Pashtun people, now found in Pakastan and Afghanistan. The Bible speaks of the ancient Israelis having fair skin, green eyes, red/fair hair, etc.

I can't help it that you are as ignorant as you are retarded.

The good news is that you can neck yourself and do the world a favor. Be a hero, faggot!

I post pictures of retarded stormfags. does that upset you?

If so, I know some niggers who will gladly face-rape you for hours.

Jews lie.


they didn't go by the name of Jew then your not the only one who knows a thing or two u hook nosed scavenger of men


Kek thus post is wrong on numerous accounts. Ashkenazi jews have heavy European admixture. So much do that it may be more precise to say they are European with Semitic admixture.

>Arabs didn't show up until 1922


>per million persons

Why aren't you Catholic?

What do you think about:


