Sex stories about your partner time...

Sex stories about your partner time. Tell slutty things your wife/gf did before you were with her or things she did that surprised you and never thought she would do

Ill go, Before I was with her. gf had a threesome with two guys. Sucked and fucked both of them. She said one was an asshole and the other was really shy. For whatever reason, she wanted to fuck the asshole more. I find it hot


my wife used to be a COMPLETEEE slut before i met her (fucked 15 guys before me). We started our relationship by me fucking her for a whole weekend while she had a BF. She dumped him for me and a few years later we got married. Since then shes become completely tame and boring AF in bed honestly..... quite disappointed.

what were some of the slutty things she did before you?

shes cheating you.
sluts dont become boring in bed after marriage, they either cheat or get creative with their chosen life partner

she cheatin' son lmao

the girl I'm fuckin tomorrow use to fuck a dude with a 9in penis i saw videos and pictures
i have a 5in penis

she had 2 different threesomes, had tons of fuck buddies, would get drunk and go streaking, go to parties and fuck random dudes etc.

I could only wish she was because at least id know she was still a little crazy but when i offered her an MFM with another dude she was hesitant to even accept the idea and said that would "be too much dick" no slut says that

that was so transparent a five year old kid could tell you were fishing for info.

how did u see them?

Got my gf into black men and have been setting her up recently.

who were threesomes with?

she show em to me when we meet to fuck wouldnt let me get em files
sorry dudes

One of my exes was into a lot of fun stuff. one thing she especially liked was fucking in her brother's room while she told me different fantasies she had about him

Me and my girl used to cut each other and suck the blood out while we were fucking. Usually high as shit on meth or coke


After being with my girl for about 3 years, she told me one time she got gangbanged by about 10 dudes, she wasn't sure of the exact number.
She was at a party, got really wasted and ended up fucking almost all the guys there for hours. She had a dick in every hole at the same time.
Part of me was disgusted but at the same time my dick was rock hard as she described it to me.

Nice. Met an older lady at a bar near my college a few years ago and she wanted to fuck in her sons room while he was away at college.

fuck thats hot man, any big cocks? would she do that again with you? did she cum?

My wife masturbated four times a day, even in highschool when she needed to. She had crippling social anxiety, so no boyfriends or fuckbuddies bedore me. I got to train that unbridled libido and keep it all to myself. :)

He got fucked in some bushes by a complete stranger walking home alone drunk in college one night. About 2 months before we started dating

Gf* got fucked

how did it happen? did she cum? how many cocks has she had in her?

today, after like 8 years of dating, she made me lunch for work. that was new and exciting.

I didn't really pry but she said she was walking home alone and a guy offered to walk with her. Was about a 20 minute walk back to dorms. Basically he put his arm around her waist while walking and initiated the situation. They ended up making out and then going to a nearby park where they fucked. Idk of she cummed. She's fucked 9 guys before me

thats sexy man, how did she tell u this? we're u asking? has she had any big cocks?

We were talking in my dorm room about each of our histories. I did ask for details but instilled when she said she didn't want to talk about it anymore. And I'm not sure haha never asked

Stopped* not instilled. Sorry I'm drunk and I'm actually about to go ou lt with her

cucky and creepy

>have girl for many years
>she goes to college, buys into that liberal feminist crap
>stops shaving important places
>I tell her I don't like it, it's a turn off
>She says it's something about her "inner goddess" or some crap
>sexy time.gif
>tell her I have new fetish
>she's not 100% insane yet, but getting close. She asks what is it?
>I like girls who chew gum like a high school teenager during sex
>She's into it.
>Having sex
>She wants me to go down on her
>Bitch, I'm not the predator hunting Arnold in the jungle
>Tell her to do something first
>that Juicy Fruit gum is turning me on. Please chew an entire pack at one time
>She says fine.
>We go on for a while. I wait until she's chewed all the pieces together a bit.
>I tongue kiss her passionately.
>I take the gum out of her mouth
>She's all into it
>I go down on her
>I put the gum in her bush and spread it out
>Suddenly I say I have to go to the bathroom
>I leave and get dressed and leave her with a massive wad of gum in her bush
>54 emails and 22 text messages later
>Apparently I'm Gum Hitler, the enemy of all bushes
>I bought myself an entire box of cinnamon rolls, got a 2-liter of diet coke and celebrated
>new gf knows I don't like unkempt women
>la-la-la-la life goes on

She surprised me by fucking the neighbor's college son. Had been a long time in the making, she told me he had been flirting with her one night after a neighborhood get-together when they were drunk and we both decided to let him seduce her. She has given that kid some amazing experiences and he's given her some great huge dick. Wish I has a couple like us when I was early 20s tbqh.

How is my shit cuck? It's a story that actually happened. I don't enjoy it

nice, she have any other stories?

My wife does anal. She's such a slut!

Plus I wasn't even dating her at the time

Yah she does. Most bad though

Blowjob in a movie theater while two girls were sitting directly in front of us. She only seems to do that kind of stuff when we're around her native people in China, and back in the US she's way more vanilla, almost asexual. I think she just wants to show off that she's taking white dick.

My wife found her dad's porno mags when she was about 5yo. She started masturbating daily, using her parents vibrating massager. She continued to masturbate daily until she started having sex in high school. She says she was never molested or anything like that.

All kinds of cocks apparently, from tiny nubs to big, fat monsters. She told me she came loads of times. She was also creampied in both holes, in some cases having load after load pumped in her.
She has said at the time it was amazing but she'd never do it again because when she sobered up the next day, she was utterly destroyed. Her whole body hurt, she was covered in marks, her pussy and asshole were torn and bleeding, she couldn't walk or sit properly for weeks afterwards and she got clamydia.
She's a pretty quiet girl so to imagine getting absolutely smashed in that way just blew my mind.


Sounds like she had a blast

Not op but I laughed at it

Best post of the thread. You're a champ.

had a similar scenario, ex gf i was her first time and she was really horny because she was majorly depressed, so we would fuck like 3 times a day after school when we were teenagers

Tell me there wad a happy ending for you, user. She didn't getmentally worse and then leave you, did she?