Anyone else feel sorry for her?

Anyone else feel sorry for her?

Lol no!

another bait knowitall user.

Go fuck yourself or go out : It's friday night and losers like you have school on Monday.

she lives the life of a billionaire but I guess she has to marry trump and have a kid with em

If this isn't a gold digging scenario it might be pleasant

Has dried out cunt disease


Are you mentally deranged? Beautiful, intelligent, married to a billionaire president. She literally won the lottery 100 times over.

user, I...

i think she was angry that he ran for President and even angrier when he won. She just wanted to keep a low profile and spend his money. He probably paying her big money to stay with him.

Yes. Her husband is a cheating scumbag, and she knows it.

lol u mad

She's a victim

That gold digger? Shes getting what she deserves.

A little, but the shoes were probably on the other foot at first,,,so not really?

She's playing the victim card and laughing all the way to bank.

nah she is the mostest golddiggering gold digger

I've cheated on all my gf's and wives but never would've cheated on one while pregnant with my child.

That is extreme, and I can see why it bummed her out.

There you's highest paid prostitute


She came to the US on an H1B visa - to be a model. That's supposed to be for STEM workers.

She should be deported.

Why not? Because she sounds funny when she talks? She speaks several languages, that's pretty damn smart.

Hell no she can get dick whenever she wants lol trump can cheat and she doesn’t care because she’s still getting money. It’s the tru gold digger life to live

I felt a sense of pride when Michelle Obama became first lady, an ivy league strong woman

Now I can literally find pictures of the current first lady's fake tits online

Not really. She married Donald Trump, whatever her motivations (it was money). When you associate yourself with outrageous and cartoonish people, outrageous and cartoonish things are liable happen, and money just exacerbates that. Welcome to the world stage Melanie.

How is Trump a billionaire? Just because he says so doofus?

Well now she's a citizen so that isn't gonna happen

Because TV has shown me what billionaires live like, and TV has also shown me that Donald Trump lives just like that

Don't you mean Michael?

Because she's a gold digger who only married into wealth and prestige.

>She speaks several languages, that's pretty damn smart.
That's a bare basic for Europeans.

most people from europe are multilingual.

Because TV? Da faq logic is that shit?

Americans used to call tv,the idiot box.

What wrong with tits? You cis gendered white prick.