Which hand do you use to jerk off?

Which hand do you use to jerk off?

I let mom so it

My wife's mouth

either, actually

right hand, 3 months ago had a really bad motorcycle accident and cut off two of my fingers (they re attached them), now i do it like a fucking pro with my left



left for vrooming right for normal masturbation

Left. Spent tons of time finding porn on Internet so needed to use right hand on mouse. It was more convenient to fap with left while surfing than to surf, fap, surf fap, etc.

Right handed for everything else.

fucking trips baby yes

This guy fucking gets it.

I do the same user.

Oh shit

Same bro

left hence the sinister side.

Fapping with right hand feels like writing with my left hand. Awkward, stupid, and takes forever for a poor result.

Probably became lefty because puberty happened right when we got internet access in 6th grade. Did my share of fapping to magazines, fuzzy skinamax, yearbook pics, etc. Left still was the choice thanks to internet.

I use my left to build muscle then right before I cum i switch to my right because my left is all tired

Haha, know that feeling.



I'm a lefty so i just use my left :/

Sit on your hand let it get numb then do it
it feels like someone else is doing it.

Same one I milk my chickens with. Left.

Right handed but switched to left in my adolescence cos it felt different and now I can't go back

My ledt she is a wild thing, she has some wild move and looses control

Thats called a stranger

Both. I try and do left more now to prevent that fucking gross ass bent penis thing.

i used my right hand when i was young.
Then i tried my left hand just for the fuck of it.
It felt different and somewhat better.
Now i only use my left hand and cant get hard if i use my right hand.

both, indian burn style