Most fucked up horror movie recommendations?

Most fucked up horror movie recommendations?
inb4 Salo, Serbian, or Green Inferno.

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Looks like Felini

What movie is that?

Star Wars holiday special


Salo or 120 Days of Sodom

The last fifteen minutes of Megan is Missing, Irreversible, Begotten, cannibal Holocaust

Try reading the name of the file

Martyrs! And not the shitty remake.

Replied to wrong person oops

Too scary I have work in the morning..
Seen all of them besides Megan is Missing. Thanks for the input

Man behind the sun, August Underground, Vomit Gore Trilogie

Salo's not a horror movie.

Which is the most fucked up in your opinion? Or do they spread across the sub-genres?


Proper classification then?

the grifter



Albeit not a horror film, Gaspar Noe's I stand alone is a great depiction of mental illness. It is quite horrifying.

Green Inferno is one of the STUPIDEST movies I've ever seen. Doesn't even deliver on the gore part and the story/dialogue/characters are beyond awful. Roth has made garbage ever since he met that foreign and married that chick he sticks in his movies. AWFUL.

Cannibal Holocaust. Dude gets hit by a spear, shot, his dick sliced off, ripped apart, skinned, and then eaten.

A girl is rapped and then beheaded

and another women is raped but they rip the fetus out of her and throw dirt on it.

Cannibal Holocaust was better

August Underground isn't really horror, but worth the mention. It's been years but I remember it being like a snuff film. Definitely weird and worth a look if you're looking for sick fuck stuff to watch.

def the grifter

anything from here

Also actual real animal cruelty. Which I don't enjoy but this was filmed in a different time. They cast also ate the the huge turtle they kill in the movie. The thing that always sticks with me about this one though is the soundtrack. The music and those weird ummm, sounds beyooo beyooo beyooooo, what? creepy.


The best horror/comedy/zombie movie ever.

You're not supposed to talk about that movie... Took me years of therapy to resemble normal behavior again...

ive been a retarded faggot my entire life but ever since my wife started puutimg me ina chastity while she goes to have sex with her black boyfriend no you cant cum has taken on a whole new meaning

the last fifteen minutes aren't fucked. megan is missing is pure shit

what kind of autist can't hold a camera straight for 0.5 seconds

he's literally autistic

Salo was fucking shit, so was serbian. Woulda been better if he fucked a girl instead.

This gay agenda is shit.
Must be stopped.

What is a GOOD filthy sex based horror movie with taboo topics?

Stop being filthy faggots.


ddlc was the scariest non-jumpscare thing I watched

You might like "House of Flesh Mannikins".

Seconding Martyrs. Something about it is deeply sad and realistic. Haven't had a problem with Cannibal H or cartel videos.