Does this commercial piss anyone else the fuck off...

does this commercial piss anyone else the fuck off? there was literally no point to this commercial except to get the lgbt community off their back that "all the colonel sanders are men", although it would only be basic logic that a character based on a real male entrepreneur would be played by a man. i bet the colonel is rolling over in his grave right now that SJWs defiled his company image now

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It's ok to want to fuck the colonel.

But she's a country singer, she wouldn't be a libshit

you cant really make that argument for taylor swift who at least USED to be a country singer. besides that i think reba is a sellout for agreeing to this faggot shit

Cuckservatives: "SJWs ruined my life! Wahhh!!"

It's creepy to me that The Colonel was a real, living person; and they're treating him like a Halloween costume. First Norm MacDonald, and now this?!

>You’re pissed the fuck off about a KFC Commercial

Tell me who the snowflakes are again?

I'm trying to watch South Park and every time it goes on commercial, it's that damn commercial. Pisses me off, yes.

Why the fuck do you care so much about a fucking commercial? Jesus, you fucking pussy..

>It's creepy to me that The Colonel was a real, living person; and they're treating him like a Halloween costume. First Norm MacDonald, and now this?!

it would only creep me out if they dug him up and made them all wear his skin

I feel ya OP. I get tired of seeing the same commercials over and over no matter what it is. For me, though, it's usually more of the insurance commercials trying to be funny but they're not.

let me tell you something though. i prefer the insufferable chris parnell-voiced stack of papers over seeing the hideous shit faces of flo, jamie and the rest of the progressive "staff". its like they purposely hire ugly people

Triggered nazi

Feminism hard at work. Women are taking over.

Oh god yes. The latest Jamie progessive commercial is cringe-inducing. "Ciao bella!" ooph

Are you a fucking retard OP? What does the colonel being a woman have to do with LBGT? It doesn't have anything to do with gay anything.
Maybe feminists wanted a female colonel, but how would I know? And does it matter? It's meant to be a funny commercial. I didn't laugh personally though.
I think you whining about a woman being the colonel says a lot more about the right than anything about the left

does some lady playing some chicken shilling yokel in a commercial piss me off? no, i'm not retarded, who in the fuck cares? literally the only people who care about this are neckbeards

Is there literally nothing you faggot manlet meninists won’t complain about?

No wonder no woman will touch you


FFS, you don't know pain until you've sat through this 5,000 times so far this summer:

Dude, this kid gets me every time. From the Shriner's Hospital commercials. When asked what his favorite activity was, this nigga said "hugging my mom". ;(

Dude, it's just a commercial. For fast food. Using a GIMMICK. Fucking chill.

AND Juliet in Romeo and Juliette is now played by a woman - traditionally a MANS role!!!

Fuck these SJW faggits, they ruined everything !!


Op, why such anger, it's just some bitch dressed up as some old guy that created nigger food

KFC did everything they could to fuck over the colonel in his lifetime. Why would they stop now?

I don't know. Maybe it's just that I'm desensitized due to all the other horrible casting choices libshits have forced on us, but I think she was an okay Colonel Sanders. Correct me if I'm wrong, but from the commercials I saw it's not like they said the colonel was magically a vagina-having, XX-chromosomed person now. The CHARACTER is still a man, r-right?

Why would I give a fuck?

it has everything to do with lgbT you fucking faggot. 3rd wave feminazis and other tumblr trash want to (and ultimately fail at) tell our society that theyre not just equal to men, that theyre better than men, which goes against everything that the feminists (who had a logical argument) before them worked so hard for. so called feminism today is cancer. hypocritical autistic cancer

>traditionally a MANS role!!!
Hahaha, is that true? Yeah, for hating gays so much, past people were pretty fucking gay.

>being this triggered
if you don't like it, dont buy their chicken. Other than that, literally no one cares.


guess I am not buying kfc ever again
that sucks, it was pretty good

Why are you so angry about this?

Do commercials for chicken restaurants usually trigger retards this much? What am i no getting?

Why do LGBT people bother you? Are you afraid you are one?


Honestly? Even if this bothered me I'd still buy from the colonel. Man or woman, he fries a bitchin' chicken.

ITT: People who don't have a Church's in their town

KFC is garbage

Women were not allowed on stage.
ALL female characters in Shakespeare’s pays were played by men

Shots fired. wp

I would still eat at KFC if the commercial was a tranny fucking itself up the ass with a chicken drumstick while smearing grease on an old man's balls.

Yeah and they always talk about libs being snowflakes.

Never seen a bigger special snowflakes than the crying conservative morons.

Bojangles has better chicken, Churches has the best biscuits, Popeyes has the best "everything else fried that isn't chicken".


KFC had a woman portray someone that's practically a fictional character? Wow I'm shook

I keep hearing this and I've been looking for a Church's FOREVER but they just don't seem to exist in the eastern US.

I'm in Alabama and they're literally putting KFC out of business town by town

Lol I know, my favorite is "my government forgot about me!! Wahh!!!"

What the fucking shit, when did Sup Forums turn into Tumblr?

ITT pussy fagbois who get their jimmies rustled over nothing

I thought they wanted smaller federal government? Now they want to not be forgotten by them? Confused.

Black People are the REAL racists!!!

That could be my favorite

Oh my god, the worst.

They always complaining that “government is incompetent and doesn’t work!” But that’s only true when they’re in charge

I feel like you think these words on a loop every time you go outside or interact with people. Chill out maybe?

Yes the tumblr aspect of 3rd wave feminism is trash, while some parts are positive, like the focus on intersectionality.

How about "Obama is always bringing up that racism still exists in America...therefore he's racist!!" LOL

they are all over South Carolina. Churches is OK. Like i said above, Bojangles has better fried chicken, but churches has more variety, and their biscuits are the motherfucking bomb.

It's fast chicken by black people for black people, so it's good and cheap.

Who actually gives a shit? The commercials are all dumb as fuck anyway.

No, those commercials in general are creepy as all hell. KFC needs to spend its money on making sure their places are clean and they get their orders out quickly. I have one where I live, no niggers and the place is still slow as all fuck

This. If you care at all about commercials, you're low-class scum

I really don't think feminism is at the root of the sanders thing. It's just a corporate stunt, a marketing ploy, just like switching out sanders every few weeks.

Next it'll be a baby or a muslim person or a horse, whatever people will talk about. Or two sanders in a room arguing with each other, or having a brawl.

(Im spicy sanders and im original sanders, theres only room for one of us in this town, commence old west shoot out)

That's some next level shit right there. That should be the price for being on tv.

Yeah, care about the fact that KFC chicken sucks

My local grocery store makes better chicken, and it's like $2.99 for an 8 piece dark box

The last 24 hours there's been a huge increase in mass samefagging shit tier trolling going on.
It's either some raid attempt, or Hiroshimas new attempt at manipulating site activity

I'd argue the commercial campaign is very successful, regardless of the creepy factor.

As far as KFC spending money to clean up their places, I agree. They need a massive overhaul of their restaurants. They need to streamline the process of making the food, maybe shrink their menu a little, modernize, etc. Same with Burger King. Both need a massive overhaul to move into cleaner and more streamlined modern times.

you're a huge nerd and nobody likes you.

protip: real adults dont waste their time with this bullshit. grow up

Every KFC I've passed by in my area is always empty

>watching commercials

good goy

Jesus fuck man. Popeyes is better anyways.

Annnnnd Sup Forums has fallen to tumblr shills

>still using "goy" unironically
good boy

>being this new

Yeah, I've been to Popeye's and I wasn't impressed with the chicken. I like shrimp, though, and I know a fast food joint probably doesn't have the best quality seafood but I'm going back some day just to confirm. I'll have to keep an eye out for a Bojangles, too.
I actually went on vacation to Florida the other week and I did drive through the Carolinas but I didn't see a Church's on the way. I'm probably going again next year so I'll check again then. Man, so many places to visit, so little time to travel.
>two sanders in a room arguing with each other, or having a brawl.
>spicy sanders and original sanders
KFC, hire this fucking user, holy shit.

The motif of these commercials is that the colonel keeps changing right? It could be that making a woman play the colonel only furthers the irony of the character. Or I guess KFC is falling short with the liberal crowd and wants to boost those sales...either way. It's a commercial for fried chicken.

Me, too, brother. Me, too.

Which is pretty fucking gay.
Being so anti woman you'd rather watch a dude kiss a passable crossdresser...

A severe case of 'samefagging' has been detected. You have three days to [s]live[/s] GET OFF OUR BOARD.

This kid's dumb post about a KFC commercial is going straight to the top with most replies. Like winning the lotto sometimes.


Nobody fucking cares.

Yeah it's fucking creepy. If you're here for long enough then you start to sense when there's shady shit going on. My spidey senses are tingling like a motherfucker right now.

>there was literally no point
>"all the colonel sanders are men"
There's got to be a word for saying "there's no reason" and then listing a very good reason to do just that thing. Something "completely missing the point" or "failed to use his head for more then a hat rack"


right, the whole point is different actors play the Colonel.

There isn't anything "SJW!!!!!" about this at all. Women have been ironically playing men (and vice-versa) since the dawn of theater.

Right-wing retards who get triggered over this are too simple to even argue with. I'm glad they are mostly too ugly and stupid to spread their seed

>having such a child-like view of reality
must be nice

you clearly dont "get" Sup Forums. lurk more

Faggot retard confirmed

Sure, kid.

Extra Crispy Colonel is best Colonel

Norm was the best. I think it's funny that they have Reba though

Closing your eyes and ignoring a problem makes it go away, right?

he wasnt a colonel..
grow up snowflake
its a commercial

It's great, love seeing companies starting to recognize equality and human rights. Good for them to promote it in commercials.

There's going to be lots of transgendered and gay people in commercials, get used to it. Not a damn thing you can do but cry.

"The Colonel" is not some made-up character, you stupid child. He was the actual, literal founder of the company. This makes as much sense as having George Washington played by a woman. That is, none at all, unless you're a SJW twat.

And you think other people are stupid? Lol

Not once Pence is done with them.

>All this degeneracy is great

Oh please. You think he purposely ignored the plight of African Americans, especially being one (or half of one) himself? Fuck outta here.


>at Colonel Sanders on tv

My sides I can't fucking take it. They should get a tranny Colonel next time, you guys will literally poop yourselves

Huh? Not what I was saying. I'm saying that people who were calling Obama a racist because he brought up that racism exists like to pretend it doesn't exist because they choose not to see it.

I'd piss myself laughing. Part of me would be busy laughing at all the Alt-Right retards having meltdowns, and part of me would be hoping KFC went under from it, after working it for 12 years and hating everything about it.