Girlfriend broke up with my yesterday.Said she didnt love me anymore.Said I wasnt a christian...

Girlfriend broke up with my yesterday.Said she didnt love me anymore.Said I wasnt a christian.TWO years of a great relationship...and she said she realized she didnt love me a few days ago.

Its coming and going in waves.Broke down a few times,cried a bit...but its not as bad as my first...just feel kinda lonely.

Anyone else dealing with this shit? Or anybody wanna talk about anything in general...I feel talking here helps me a bit.

Going through the same thing kik?


no kik,but feel free to talk to be as much here as you want bud

Post nudes or fag

yeah, my old gf broke up with me cause i wasnt christian.
now im dating another girl and shes tryna get back into my life cuz shes jealous. fuck her.
dont worry man, you just gotta wait on the good times. they'll come. you just gotta wait

thanks pal.I know its just a bad phase.I know she will regret it,she suffered from seizures,fibromalgia (however its spelled) and insomnia amid other things.I shaped my life around it all.Just sucks

Sorry to hear youre feeling down...
I fell in love with my best friend, a long time ago. I think she liked me too. We had a fight and didnt talk for years. Now were friends again but she still seems so distant. We made plans to go out but she never showed. Ive know this girl sinse we were 4 and I miss her. It seems like she just stopped wanting to see me. We shall suffer together OP!!!!!!

Sucks OP, I hope you get through it. I've never had a relationship so I can't give you much advice on this other than its okay to be sad.

Today has been pretty shitty for me too. I thought I had gotten over this crush I had last semester in my English class, but she posted a few pics today on Facebook and all the feelings came rushing back, down to the anxiety I used to have around her.I hate that my brain gets so easily attached to any girl who shows me a bit of attention. I wish I wasn't so pathetic.

Sup Forums has helped me in a few of my breakups.Always someone to talk too.Im here to suffer with you brother

Omg. Not OP but this is so relatable. You are not pathetic. I think everyone is in the same boat.

user I was like for for a long time.Best advice I can give is work on yourself.Seriously.When I broke up with my first love,I legit thought about joining the military or moving out of state.I never had those feelings and losing them was a terrible 3 months.I loved this girl I was with.We agreed on everything and had plans for a house and kids...only for her to get religious and unlove me.

Im gonna start going to the gym..MAYBE get a dog and prob go take some classes at college.Working out and college brought me out of my funk.Like literally the day before I was lonely and depressed but once I started college I felt i was worth something and by working out I was starting to lose weight and get looks at work from girls..and just liek was all better.

Im pulling for you CAN do it,its hard,but you CAN.

”You’re not a christian!” - ”no, i don’t have std’s either. Your point?”

lol yea should have said something like that.She recited a bible verse to my telling my why we couldn't be together.She was just used to being with her parents and was scared to live with me with all her afflictions.I told her she will have to leave at some point and live on your own

Kek ikr. There are some pretty supportive people here. Although, Im not hard to cheer up. All I need is to see is these weird af images and ill be rotfl.

lol yea some of the ylyl threads on gif and here are a real cheer up. Didn't think I would be laughing so soon.

Anyone else wanna talk and get some stuff off your chest.

What are your plans now? If I were you Id be at the pub with the guys. No sense isolating yourself...

most of my dudes are sleeping.They are doing a big night out tomorrow but i got weekend work..gonna be killer cuz id talk to her on my breaks.But i hung with friends yesterday,felt good.Ill hang out more.Im also going to the gym with them everyday after work.might think of college depending on whats out there.Might start dating again.It doesent hurt like hell like first breakup...just an empty feeling.Tear up for a second or two seeing the stuff she made and bought me..but its going away slowly.

Damn. Its nice to know that your pals are there for you. Keeping busy is great too.

Cards and things make me sentimental. Couldn't look at them so I just threw them away. Now I sort of regret it.

yea they cool.I got blankets and books and a cast iron dutch oven from her.We were big into camping.My usual MO is to throw them all away..but their nice lol

I could never be a camper lol. Where Im from, there is a mosquitoe population density of one per square inch.

where you live user?

Northern Ontario, Canada. Live in the bush. How bout you?

Michigan upper part.We got lots of I feel you to a degree.Like it up there in general tho?

She won't regret dumping you. She will have a great life. And so will you.
In one week everything will be fine when you realise there is so much fine pussy out there.
People come and go.

true user true.I know itll be ok.but its just the empty feelings for now.I enjoy talking to Sup Forumsrothers during things like these

Its pretty cozy in Canada. Winter are rough though. Tap water froze last week. Too lazy to fix so Ive been buying bottled water. Wow, Michigan is really close by. You guys must get bad winters too?

oh we got some bad snow and temps this winter...nothing like you Canadians tho.but i guess if you live in the bush you are already camping in a way

Ill be heading off to bed now. Best of luck user. I hope you find someone special. :)

night bro.Good rests to you.Thanks for the chat

Tbh, I went through the exact same thing, and even three months later you still kinda get those feelings but you know you've moved on and ready to date again and shit, but eventually you won't even think about it and life becomes normal once again and you will find someone better... Good luck fam

The most annoying and fucked up thing about breakups is that history in smartphone and social media, all those photos, calls, texts etc, it take some time to get rid of all that shit. Actually it's better to delete all your accounts, change a phone number and do a hard factory reset of all devices including pc. That's why I'm single.

Why are Christians the most judgmental shitty people ever? You didn't lose anything, fuck Christians.

Fuck muslims you muslim shithead

>everyone I disagree with is muslim

It’s been 3 years and i still Miss her, i’ve get laid other times after her, but it don’t change

Only 2 years, no kids or assets together.
Dont be a bitch kid.
Yes it hurts, man up and slay some new pussy faggot.

>not christian
>so i must be a muslim

Muslims, atheist-kiddos, whatever. If you're against Christianity then you are a faggot and son of a devils whore.

Christianity is no better than Islam.

Both are products of Judaism.

oh yea.took me three months the first time.This will be quicker

yea i just blocked her on fb and deleted her off my phone.Thats all I really connected to her with.I just gotta figure out what do to with the stuff she gave me.Might just throw it away

Gotta move on user.That feeling of happy times is like a drug.Get it out of your mind.Im pulling for you.

hey you are preaching to the choir man.We been through so much and to be broken up in month of her doing religious shit......well you know

If she dumped you because she became a Christian then congrats you lost a retard.


Thats how im seeing it.I was pretty dumbfounded.

I just think she was messed up because of her life situation..her church group made her feel good and since im not in her church group she must have seen ill be bad for her.

Sorry you're going through this user. I've been with my gf for 3 Years now. And I've lived with her for 2.5 years. We've spent almost every day together, literally. But lately she's been so distant and cold. I've become so attached that I have no idea what I would do if I was in your position. It scares me to the core knowing she could leave me at any time. She came to me at a time when I was so fucked up. I was a useless drug addict. But one morning I decided I would clean up so we could both have a better life (she wasn't addicted, but she would do pills with me sometimes) once I got off the drugs it turns out that I had some serious mental issues that the drugs either caused or covered up until I got clean. She helped me through all of it. And I'm fucking helplessly attached to her. I hope you weren't as attached to your girl as much as I am to mine, and if you you were I'm so sorry for the pain youre feeling, well, regardless I'm sorry for the pain you're feeling.

Have you some pic like that about islam shithead? Or just how every liberal atheist you think that islam, buddhism etc is good and only Christianity is a pure evil?

Islam is of course the greatest threat. The Quran likes to preach violence and other factors add to that.
Judaism would be a threat if they actually followed their holy text - but they don't.
Christians like to pretend the old testament shouldn't be followed and so are pretty laid back.
Buddism? What flavor?

In most cases violence and shit are from external influences like "culture" and shitheads using idiots not knowing shit about the religion they say they belong to.

talk to her.Ask her to tell you everything .Thanks for the nice words friend .Just make sure you two talk over ANYTHING that might be bugging you.Dont let it get bad like my girl did.She only needed to really talk to me and tell me what was bugging her.

Dude, I feel you. I remember the first time I was fired. I was doing a great job, but a new Manager just wanted to hire his buddy, and I was fucked out of a job.

I cried, called him and taped him explaining his fake reasons, so I could play it for the big boss, but I knew it was took weeks before the knot in my stomache went away.

I lost my innocence about love of my work and rewards in those weeks, and though I still believe in it, never count on it in any working relationship.

better now then later.

Would you rather her stop loving you and stay with you for years, probably bang some other guys and then break up with you?

thats kinda why I think im really ok with it.Just got that empty lonely feeling I know will go away

oh i lost all work ethic after I worked at a store when I was 19.Injured my arm and instead of taking medical leave i offered to work...with one arm.I was bitched at for going to slow.Told the store manager and she also bitched at me for wanting special treatment......fucking DONE

Broke up with my gf in October, regret it. But now I'm surrounded by my cock blocking faggot acquaintance group. Kinda sucks but seeing how lovey dovey they act and the next minute they're drunk complaining or laughing when a guy puts down her man, I'm better off alone. It's not worth it. I know mine made fun of me to her friends. That's not how a person you love should act. 99% of them are drunk children. You probably dodged a bullet. I'd rather be the other guy than the guy being made fun of. Kissing ass to make your personal pussy happy. Not worth it. Unfortunately almost all women want pampered, even if they say they don't. Just find hotter and more in common with you. Don't change yourself to make it work. Because in the end it usually doesn't anyways so don't lose yourself.

thanks bro.Itll be aight for you too.just a rough patch.

Doesn't *work

I'm 1300 in debt on my credit card working for 7.25. And my minimum went up to 160 a payment. I have 20 in my bank account and it's due on the 7th. I'm debating on killing myself honestly. I can't get out of the hole no matter how hard I try

ever consider military?

a rough patch will get your ride going and get you home to chill and tunes and your own could be a gooooooood thing.

dude, two things:

1. you have a strong sense of responsibilty, it will carry you far.

2. that sense of responsibility is pointed between your eyeballs, when it should be pointed at your in get moving and learn new tricks.

as an old guy I know this.. you can fuck up a financial relationship by not having enough $$ to pay, but the worst thing to do is to fuck off and STOP COMMUNICATING.

Creditors will reduce payments or not, but they will know you are still manning up to your best.

Also, you can get credit counseling and get the debt stretched out over time, or reduced, but you have to find the system and work it...that respoinsibility thing, pointing at your but, yeah, that's it.

None of this is worth taking you from the best time in human history to be privileged with life.

After confronting my girl friend about my feelings for her our relationship has gone to shit. Imagine this:
>be at ski camp with qt3.14 friend
>she cries you a river
>about how her bff abandoned her at a party
>and now they're not friends anymore
>few day later, day before trip back home
>'user I want to sit alone on the bus ride home'
>mfw I act like I don't care
>but something is not right
>I can sense it
>next day see her with makeup
>a lot more than usual
>on the bus
>a guy who she met at this camp
>asks her to sit with her
>mfw that bitch was lying to me
>mfw she does almost exactly the same thing to me
>her friend has done to her
>mfw I how to endure 1.5 day ride of her flirting with some dude
>ffw 5 days
>Thursday, meet with her in a cafe
>confront her about my feelings
>then go to a party together
>tfw things have gotten so much worse since them
>additionaly whenever I'm in her company I can see her texting this dude from the camp
>mfw a month earlier she said she doesn't want no boyfriend

And to be fair. I can truly understand that she doesn't love me. I can understand that she might see me as unattractive or that I've put myself in the friendzone due to not having the courage to act as a dude who's interested in dating her. But what hate and can't understand is her lying to me and thinking I'll take what she says about 'oh he just asked me on the bus randomly, was I supposed to decline?' I'm not afraid afraid of rejection. I'm afraid of lies and not being honest.

sorry to hear man.Women are...weird.Me and my girl were literally perfect together..its just I wasnt christian.Even when I got my life to revolve around making sure we can cope with her sickness..she still leaves

thanks fam, appreciate that I can talk to somebody about it really

it really helps.Ive been talking on here since yesterday.I never thought it would help as much as it has.

Yeah and the worst thing is that she's from my class. Almost every day in school is in the same classroom with her

its shitty.the world is shitty.but its get better trust me.

yeah I know, you just shouldn't let yourself lose yourself in one person